© Carlos Padilla


Do you want to know Yahshua – Jesus Christ? A personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the more profound spiritual experience that will transform your life and will change your heart for ever. If you have reached this web page, I can assure you beloved friend that it is not by chance. If you can do so now, close your eyes and talk to God with your own words, no made prayers or repetitions, but I propose a sample of prayer:



Lord Jesus Christ – Yahshua, I am seeking the Truth, the purpose of my life, and answers to many profound and existential questions. The Bible says it is Your Word, and that You are the Son of God, and have died for me, and that, with Your blood, You have paid for my sins on the Cross of Calvary, some 2000 years ago, so that I may have eternal life in Your Eternal Kingdom, when you return at the end of times. The Bible, also says that this world will pass away and that You will bring a new world, full of joy, peace, and justice. That, even if I die, I will resurrect, and that if I have faith in You and in Your saving work, You will help me live a life as You want, I will be able to live eternally in Your Kingdom, death is not the end, instead there is resurrection of the dead, and a day of judgment, because You have raised. That you will help me in my life with my problems, with my loved ones, with my dreams and projects, and will give me purpose driven life. You say that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14), and the Door to God, to the Father, and God made man. I want to live with your blessing and know you, and that my life becomes that life that You preach to those who love God. Teach me to know the Father, to love You and understand You, because the Bible says that God loves me before I love You, even though I am a sinner. I want to receive you in my heart and receive the Holy Spirit (John 16) so He may live in me, as You teach, to be guided and guarded until You come.

Therefore, as You say in the Bible, and the Holy Spirit teaches me, I declare: Father, I confess myself a sinner, because I have not believed in You, nor in Your Son Yahshua – Jesus Christ and I have not obeyed You and have lived my life without You and I repent (change of mind or way or thinking). I want to be saved for eternity, and my loved ones too. I receive Your mercy and Your salvation by faith. The Bible says that salvation is by Your grace, through faith, not by my works or merits, therefore I accept the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of all my sins, by the precious Blood which that You shed on the cross for me, as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world (John 1) by the faith that Your grace has granted me.

I give you my life so that with Your Holy Spirit, You may bless me and be my Lord forever. You know my heart. Lord, I want to know The Bible, Your Word, and that You teach me to all the truth, so that nobody can ever mislead me, know Your will, and live with You from now to eternity, and with those who are Your children, amongst who I want to be counted with my loved ones. Thank you for Your love and salvation. Amen!



After doing this, you may want to tell God about your personal situation, even if you do not hear the answer immediately, you will receive it in your heart, and in your mind, and God will find the way to talk to you and give you sign you may understand and guide you without you realizing. Also, by reading the Bible you will find examples of similar lives as yours, similar situations, and answers of God to man and women of all times. God knows your life, He made you, but instead of imposing in it – although as God and sobering Lord he can- He expects that you open your heart to Him. He has already given His life for you through Jesus Christ in Calvary, to prove you how much He loves you.

From now on, there is no reason for you to be alone in the faith. Talk to God in the name of Jesus Christ so He may guide you and take you to know true Christians. Look for a good Bible based and evangelical church. The Bible says that the new believers -as also Jesus Christ did- were baptized. If you have already understood well the Gospel, you must baptize in water, to show God, and the world -in a symbolic way- what you have received in a spiritual and real way, that you have received Jesus Christ – Yahshua and are now “saved” from your sins, from your old life, through the faith that comes from His grace. There are many people of God that you may know, share with them experiences, prayers, worship, Holy Supper, and life, etc. You will also help others know Yahshua and save their lives, you will also do good works the rest of your life for love of your neighbours, but not to earn salvation by your merits.

It is very important that you never live a day without looking for that special moment when you can talk to God, and read the Bible, because Jesus Christ will soon come to take you, and take us all who love Him, to His Kingdom. When you pray, also pray for us so we may serve the Lord and our neighbour with truth and love of God, and also pray for all the true Church: the body of Christ.


God bless you in your life from this moment with His Holy Spirit, Who will teach you and guide you always through Yahshua – Jesus Christ. You will have been born again (John 3) and are temple of the Holy Spirit.



“… And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.” (Matthew 6:5).

“…and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him…” (Matthew 11:27). 

These words of Jesus Christ make man stop and realize that he has no chance at all to know God, except through the Son, Jesus Christ, Yahshua. Therefore the mission that he instructs us is Evangelization, so that when they know the Son, He brings men to the Father, just as the following Text says: 

“…And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3).

“…And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.” (John 17:26). 

“…If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” (John 7:17).

“…Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3). 

“…For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

To know more about Yahshua – Jesus Christ you can read a Bible Study: Yahshua. Keep growing spiritually reading Bible Studies at at Solid Food. Jesus Christ is returning, know Yahshua daily in your relationship with Him through prayer, and reding the Bible. Amen.