© Carlos Padilla – June 2024



Greece, the empire that would change it all in the cultural level in history, not only for their famous philosophers, but through its influence in art, from culture to architecture, literature, the Iliad or the Odyssey, its greater social refinement, as well as for its laws, for the first almost democratic parliament, because their women and foreigners could not vote, their mathematicians, Thales of Miletus, geometry, Pythagoras, or the theatre, are some of its influences that contribute to cement the bases of modern civilization. But its idolatry frontally clashes with its philosophy and knowledge, from the Acropolis of Athens to its large temples. It would be the Areopagus, the neuralgic centre of the history of Greece with the Gospel, through the preaching of the apostle Paul, which we will see in detail. Even the provision of the concept “Logos” with which John Evangelist initiates the Gospel that carries his name, concept with which he describes Jesus Christ, the Son of God, comes from the Greek, the language that God chose to reveal the New Testament. And we will see what Greece symbolizes in the spiritual dimension. Keep reading…


Alexander the Great invaded Holy Land in 339 B.C. taking with him Macedonians and Parts. Greece is the following empire in the prophecy of Daniel, after Babylon and Persia. Greece would be followed by Rome to conclude the Prophecy. Persia was invaded by Rome, but in the IV century A.D. they would be expelled. Finally, Muslims would conquer it in the VII century A.D. To finish this series, after Greece, Rome will follow; the Roman Empire will be the next Bible Study, in two parts: from it’s conquer of the world, to the Holy Land, and the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in the 70 A.D. by roman general Titus, whose arch of triumph is in Rome, next to the arch of triumph of Constantine, both opposite the Coliseum. And the second part of Rome, at the end of times, week 70 of the prophecy of Daniel.

We know that in Greek mythology, Europe was a gorgeous princess, daughter of the kings of the Phoenician city of Tyre, from who the god Zeus fell madly in love with and kidnapped her. Most scholars think that Hebrew alphabet comes from the Phoenician, others that it is the other way round, but here we are not talking about scripture, but about an organized letter alphabet, because scripture was already in the Sumerians, in the valley of Mesopotamia. But the most interesting is that the Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician, but with 24 characters which were written from left to right, while the Phoenician, as well as the Hebrew, is written from right to left, and has 22 characters. Actually, the word alphabet comes from the Greek, and Jesus said He is the Alpha and the Omega in Revelation 22:13. Therefore it its relevant that both Testaments in the Bible are written of common alphabet, Hebrew and Greek, both come from the Phoenician, and which characters are of consonant origin and with numeric value, which leaded to the discovery of the Secret Code of the Bible, that journalist and New York Time best seller Michael Drosnin, became famous, in which, and from a computer program, found in the original Text of the Hebrew Bible relevant historical events that changed the world, and correspond with Bible Prophecies. Others also say that the Greek Text also has a prophetic code.

To read deeper into the Code of the Bible:


The Acropolis of Athens and its large temples were the centre of worship of the world of their time, to such level that if Greece had the Parthenon, Rome copied it with the Pantheon, and we could easily make a comparative list of names and attributions of the list of pagan divinities, something that the roman syncretism would permeate even to Catholicism which would adopt a calendar of saints, dates and attributions to saints and virgins, which has got to mix or substitute in the indigenous cultures of the world.

The cities of Alexandria and of Antioch of Syria, would be the two neural starting points of the Biblical Greek to the Jews, first, and to the Gentiles, after. In these two cities there were large Jewish communities in Roman times, and in them, Greek was spoken. Needless to talk about the famous library of Alexandria, in which installations were stored, once translated to Greek, all the documents found in ships that would navigate in that part of the Mediterranean, and that were taken to the port of Alexandria, next to the Nile’s centre.

But, what happened with Israel in the 480 year between the Temple of Ezra called Zerubbabel, and the enlargement and reform of the Temple of Herod, who would be the one to receive the Messiah, in His first coming, which fulfilled the prophecy from Haggai that a greater glory would come to the Temple than in the one of Solomon, because the Son of God would come in it, instead of the Arch of the Covenant? In this period of time the Greeks invaded the land, Seleucids and finally Romans. Therefore, an advance occurred of the prophecy known as the “abomination of desolation of which Daniel 11:31 the prophet spoke” when Antioch Epyphan IV erased a statue to Jupiter Olympic in the Temple and abolished the Jewish traditions, setting up pagan sacrifices in the altar, which erased the five sons of the priest Mattathias in the rebellion of the Maccabees, purifying the Temple and re-establishing the sacrifice and the priesthood. Antioch dies in 164 B.C. Purification of the Temple 25th of Kislev, which is December (this victory gave place to the Jewish feast of the lights or Hanukah). Also the monastery of Qumran of the Essenes “The Rule of the Community”. In 63 B.C. Pompey took Jerusalem initiating the Roman era for Israel.

The Bible is written in two languages from these two origins, the one of a people that God chose to carry it in man’s History with God’s Law, as well as prophets and wisdom, and the one of the highest culture of the people of the world, which has given philosophy and culture, art and scientific thinking. But both languages are temporary in this world, because the Logos reveals to every mind of any origin who has a heart for God in Christ, our Saviour. Greece shows us, that even we have all things of this world, nothing can be compared to the love of God, we need the salvation of Christ, and live by the hand of the Holy Spirit to love God’s paradise which will come. Logos, the Word of God from the mind of Christ – Yahshua, a mind that God gives us, 1 Corinthians 2:16.

Koine Greek language was the one chosen by God to reveal the New Testament and prevailed during the Roman Empire as the language of international commerce and culture, as English is today. The outstanding is that God chose so that the Gospels, the letters of the apostles, and the prophecies, like Revelation were in that language, and not in Hebrew or Latin, languages of the invaded people and of the invading people in times of the New Testament. It was clear with that, on the one side, that the target was the Gentiles, to reach the nations, in accordance with the Great Commission (Matthew 28), but on the other hand the Jews in the diasporas who no longer spoke Hebrew nor Aramaic, would receive the Version of the 70 in Greek, the Tanakh or Old Testament. Therefore, Greek as the language of the New Testament is after Ptolomeus II commanded the translation of the Law by the 72 elders erudite of Israel, bringing up the Version of the Septuagint of the Old Testament, or Version of the Seventy, which was started in Alexandria.

The cross of Christ carried a board in three languages, Hebrew, Greek and Latin, that said: “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews”, John 19:20.

Finally, to point out about the Greek language, that in the same way as the Hebrew and Aramaic, there are no vocals and the letters are also numbers. Therefore, the Bible is written in numbers, and as we know it contains the history of humanity with God, and can be studied as history, and as prophetical code with a computer program, as I mentioned in the introduction.

The concept “Logos” which in Christology refers to the Word of God, to the Son of God, to the second Person of the Trinity, comes from Greek philosophy, and was used by John masterfully by revelation of the Holy Spirit, to define an amalgam of meanings that include part of the gifts of Jesus Christ. If this was the concept the Greeks had, the one the Jews has was not less. For them, the Word of God meant that every word that came out of the mouth of God fulfilled instantly, as we see in Genesis 1: “And God said: let there be light; and light was.” Therefore, if the Son is the Word, again we find that He is the cause of the creation of God, and Who holds everything, as the apostle Paul said:

“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; 20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.” Colossians 1.

Greek architecture, with its columns, its patios, its fountains, which’s influenced we see in the Renaissance and in the neoclassical. It comes from and has Persian and Babylonian influence, and of the cultures of the ancient Mesopotamia. Cities like Persepolis, the city of Cyrus king of Persia are proof of it. Greek architecture puts more emphasis in simplicity, in proportions, in symmetry, in beauty, and counts with three orders: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. Its majority use was in Olympic temples, as in the Acropolis of Athens, and public buildings, like the agora, and is part of the classical architecture, together with the roman. Rome inherited Greek architecture, but adding the sturdiness of the roman construction. All these influences are visible in the large cities of the western world of our time, in emblematic buildings and constructions of palaces, cathedrals, etc. like Rome, Paris, London, Washington D.C. and Madrid.

The Temple of Jerusalem was build according to the plan that God Himself gave and that is found in the Bible, 1 Kings 6 and 1 Chronicles 28. And we know that King Solomon, following instruction from his father, King David, has help and noble materials from the Lebanon, from Tyre and Sidon for its construction. The Temple of Herod, the one stepped by the Lord Jesus – Yahshua already had the influence of the Greek/Roman world.

As I mentioned at the beginning, the Areopagus is the neural centre of the history of Greece with Israel because there would be the place where the Gentiles, in this case the Greeks, this is those who influenced the world of their time, including Rome, the Gospel would come to them through the preaching of the apostle Paul in that mount, Mars Hill, for the Romans, or Ares Hills, for the Greeks, in front of the acropolis, who said the following bringing to the Greeks the culmination of the true doctrine and God’s  theology towards man, the salvation for eternal life. The story of what Paul preached in engraved in commemorative plaque at the foot of this hill, and was like this:

“16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. 17 Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him. 18 Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered him. And some said, What will this babbler say? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection. 19 And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest, is? 20 For thou bringest certain strange things to our ears: we would know therefore what these things mean. 21 (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.) 22 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. 23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. 24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; 25 Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; 26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: 28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device. 30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: 31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead. 32 And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter. 33 So Paul departed from among them. 34 Howbeit certain men clave unto him, and believed: among the which was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.” Acts 17.

It is relevant to point out that precisely the man of most influence of that place, Dionysius, the Areopagite, one of those who converted to Christ in that preaching. The function of the Areopagus was that of a Council where they gathered to judge laws, penal or religious matters. It remained as a place or gathering where to debate philosophy, politics or religion. No doubt a strategic place and the one of most influence to the Greek world.

All the existential questions find final answers in Christ: Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life and of my life in particular? Answers in this Biblical and Philosophical Study:

Greek culture was basically divided in two main branches: stoics and epicureans. The first fight to death with their bodies, their flesh, they live maltreating the biological needs as the only way to reach the high and the purity of the soul. The others do not believe that temporary life in this world affects the soul and deliver themselves to all possible pleasures. None of them understand that the flesh is dead due to sin, that Christ has defeated sin, that no stoic work can be done to be saved, and that living sensually in the epicurean way is to live in sin and despise the lordship of Christ and the holiness of God, for we are His children if we believe His Word, and not mere rational animals. The Holy Spirit dwells in the believer, who is made temple of the living God. Therefore we leave out the temples of the divinities of the Olympus, the pagan cults, and the sacrifices, and the stoic only in part can help us in the holiness, but not per se, to live in holiness far from sin which God hates.

A new message, in this case the one from Christianity, being something new what the Greeks longed for all the time, it radically changed the lives of those who embraced the Gospel. However, to Paul and his helpers, Timothy, Titus and others, took them several trips and letters to keep them in the way of Christ without returning to their cultural tendencies. In the same way, today we have a new message that changes the live of the post and trans modernism, which has succeeded relativism. On the other hand, because it offers to know God in person in the living Christ through the Holy Spirit in us, through His Word, the Bible, and through the experiences that He shows us in our lives when we walk by His side, lives with significance and purpose, and that will receive eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

Finally, we cannot leave aside the Olympic games, which, from the eighth century B.C. until the 4th A.D. were celebrated every four years in honour to the Greek divinities in Mont Olympus, initiated in the area called Olympia. They were recovered in the XIX century. It is clear that the Greeks took religion seriously, but it was pagan, polytheist, therefore idolater and deliverer to lust as a way of cult, far from the holiness of the true God. Today, as we all know, the Olympics are a mere sports event of patriotic pride of the nations who participate, and nothing to do with religion.



The prophecies about Greece, and from Greece, reveal a part of the God’s plans, not only for Israel, but also for humanity. The Revelation of John was the Revelation of Jesus Christ – Yahshua to its author, being in the island of Patmos, in the Dodecanese of the Aegean Sea, from where he reached out to the seven churches, Revelation 2 and 3, in the Greek language which God has used to give His message to the world, in the same way that He has used the Roman roads to take it.

Read a Bible Study about Patmos at:

The Bible uses the name Jawan, son of Japheth, and grandson of Noah, who we find in the book of Genesis 10:2, to refer to Greece.

Now, the more relevant prophecies and that have shown the accuracy of the revelation and its fulfilment, are the prophecies of Daniel:

16 And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. 17 So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision… …21 And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. 22 Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power. 23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. 25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” Daniel 8.

Also read Daniel 10:20 and Daniel 11:2.

In 168 B.C. a partial fulfilment occurred of what in the Bible is known as the “abomination of desolation of which the prophet Daniel 11:31 spoke” when Antiochus Epiphanes IV erased a statue of Olympic Jupiter, in the Temple, and abolished the Jewish traditions, establishing pagan sacrifices in the altar, what erased against him the five sons of the priest Mattathias, the Maccabean revolt. But the Lord Jesus dates the fulfilment of this prophecy in the future, from the time when He was preaching to the apostles, which takes us to a fulfilment of this prophecy in its fullness in the end time and it is related to the Great Tribulation, Daniel 9:24-27, who dates it in the middle of the last week of the prophecy of the 70 weeks. Another fulfilment, which corresponds to this prophecy, but now we leave it for our next chronological study about the Roman Empire, was in the 70 A.D. when Titus besieged Jerusalem and the zealots profaned the Temple.

But, the last prophecy about Greece is linked to Europe as its origin, and from there Rome, in the last part of a resurged Roman Empire that will be governed and with authority over Israel, over Jerusalem as fulfilment of week 70 of the prophecy of Daniel in a future time, but already close, at hand. For that last week to be fulfilled, Israel must have a Temple, and Rome be political capital or a political system that matches the characteristics of the Roman Empire, and that will make a covenant of peace of 7 years with them with benefits for them, which will be broken at half, at 3.5 years. The majority or erudite in Biblical Prophecy thinks that we are about to see this situation fulfilled. Also this fulfilment, it is also related with the rapture of the Church, and with the Great Tribulation.

The prophecies of the New Testament are written in Greek, as it is obvious, but it is good to remember it is, this language, the one chosen by God to spread, not only the Gospel, but the last prophecies, to the entire world.



The spirit of Greece, or to be in Greece, spiritually talking, shows us that when we base our selves in our mind, in our intelligence and wisdom, in our way of feeling sufficient with ourselves if we are stoics in our behaviour and makes us feel holy, or when the flesh pushes to a sensuality far away from the holiness of God, which means that the wishes of the fleshy lust that war against the soul, domain, is when we are under the spirit of Greece, or in Greece, and this is how the gentiles and Jews live, when they do not follow God. Therefore, when the Bible calls Jew who truly is, in the spiritual way, it means the good believer, and when it talks of a gentile behaviour, it can mean two things, or to be gentile of good treat, or to live according to the flesh and the mind without counting on God. Apply according to the context of the Biblical Text, and each of us in our spiritual life before God in Christ, through the Holy Spirit who sees it all inside us.

Greece, therefore, represents the gentiles, as Israel the Jews. Both cover the entire humanity in terms of thinking, philosophy, and way of life. And both are called to follow Christ, and to leave their traditions, whether religious or pagan, when they oppose to God. Some will follow the Law, and justify themselves as children of Abraham, but they will not be able to fulfil it; others will follow the Olympus and its divinities, and that way life in a pagan way and sin, and thought they were doing good, because they were educated like that.

But God seeks our heart in Spirit and the situation is that: “The Jews request signs, and the Greek seek after wisdom” 1 Corinthians 1:22. Being that the target of the Gospel is that: “There is neither Greek nor Jew…” Colossians 3:11. But that all who believe are living temples, where Christ dwells in Spirit. Therefore, God gives us the signs in our heart and unmatched wisdom when we believe Him and Love Him.

To be in Greece, therefore, spiritually and symbolically means, as I mentioned before, is to live in spiritual adultery because it means to leave aside the superiority of the Christiana philosophy, the Gospel, which is in a higher level, celestial, than the wisdom of Greek philosophy, and to fund our life in Greek thinking as if it were the most cultivated mentality that human mind may have developed, but he has done it without God, and this takes to the starting point of Adam and Eve, when they eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Not that they would have reached the Greek knowledge, but that they preferred to live without God, like humanity has done since then, to base their live in their own reasoning and wisdom, which left them dead to the Spirit of God.

Greece was the third empire of the prophecy of Daniel, and a very fast conquer of the known world, like a lightning, but it also fell fast, because Alexander the Great died young, being that his four generals divided the empire between them until the final conquest of Rome. This symbolizes that when we receive the Greek culture and thinking, we are attracted rapidly, for its elegance, mythology, culture, art, etc. but it also falls quickly as our foundation of thought, because it needs a more solid law and an infrastructure of communication, which Rome brought, like Roman law, the roads and aqueducts. But also Rome lacked the faith and trust in the only God, and instead becoming an imitator of Rome in almost all its cultural base.

This is why our mind has to put all this baggage aside to leave space to the Word of God, the Gospel and the Commandments, and finally to the Kingdom of God which is the perfect state. Neither Greek culture, nor the Roman, nor that of the West, nor any other, are holy nor perfect, even more we have reached the summit and the opposite of a good and just society. Now, the believer who truly is spiritual, the one who has a personal relationship with Christ, and is temple of the Holy Spirit, hold in his heart the Kingdom of God that will come, and lives loving God and his neighbour as himself, even though in the midst of the reigning chaos, can always seek for a redoubt in time and a place to talk with the Lord and open the heart, and continue to help the neighbour and bringing the hope of Salvation through the Gospel of Christ.

The spiritual battles of the apostle Paul, as apostle to the gentiles, this is, the non Jews, to those of Greek thinking, gave him big headaches, as we have read in his experience in the Areopagus of Athens, and in other events. But as always, we must encourage ourselves with the fruits of so many that converted to Christ, from all the levels of the society of the time of Paul. Our spiritual battle is, therefore, with Greece, the human mind.

Paul wrote several letters to churches in Greek cities that he visited and where the faith in Christ flourished: to the Corinthians, to the Philippians, to the Thessalonians. And visited, as well as Athens, other Greek cities like Berea, Cenchrea, Apollonia, or Neapolis. And in each one had to battle against the pagan traditions.

Today, we, like Paul, face opposition to the Gospel from the gentile world, but also from the Jewish. The gentile of today, includes from atheist to sects, from Islamic to Indigenous, but in the West the majority who considers themselves spiritual, from those who do not know God, do it from a pagan point of view, oriental, from the egocentric practices of relaxation, meditation, etc. all which are opposed to “being born again” John 3:3 because this new birth is from the Holy Spirit through the faith in Christ and His saving work, expiatory death, victorious resurrection, and ascension to the throne of glory, from where He will return to establish, at the end of time of humanity, His eternal Kingdom, but also it is the door to a personal spiritual relationship with God, to know God in a personal way.



Greece has left such a print in culture that in the first place influenced Rome, which would adopt the influence of Hellenism in all the territory that conquered, and imitated it and served as their base in architecture, in art, in religion through the pagan cult to mythological gods or starts, or in the theatre, literature, but in philosophy Greece would continue to be the source. Israel and Europe are directly linked with the Greek world, by the language of the New Testament and that the Jews of Alexandria and of Antioch used, and for business, as well as Europe in its own Greek name, in the rebirth of the Olympic games, in culture, in thought, in architecture, in art, in mathematics, in geometry, and over all in philosophy, which still remains today.

Prophecies have taught us that we are close to the coming of Jesus Christ, therefore we must know Him personally, in Spirit, before He returns, and Greece is the anteroom that was fulfilled before the last empire, from a prophecy that covers the entire history of humanity which finishes with the fourth empire, the Roman, after the Greek, in the prophecy of the 70 Weeks of the prophet Daniel. Greece invaded Jerusalem and the Holy Land, leaving a tong for business and culture. And also from Greece, in the Isle of Patmos, John received the Revelation, from the Greek Apocalypse, for all the world, in a consecution of 7 messages to the 7 churches which are in Asia, today Turkey, which as well as historical, they symbolize each of the times and character of Christianity through history, which for us is a prophetical wake up call, for being the end time, the one of the lukewarm church of Laodicea, that which thinks is rich, but is poor, the one that must buy purified gold and white garments from Jesus to cover the shame of the religious nakedness, and eye salve for some eyes that cannot see God.

Finally, we see that the spirit of Greece affects man in two ways: the first one if he only looks to the material or sensorial, from the mind that seeks knowledge without taking God into account, that mind takes to idolatry, to the opposite sensual extreme of the epicureans or the extreme of the pride of the stoics. The second is in its benefit if it looks to the history and provision of Hellenism from the eyes of Christ, from the language that God chose for the original New Testament would be written, the prophecies of Revelation to be spiritually warned in all dimension, and the cultural baggage that helps us understand the thinking of the modern man to bring him close to God, so that he can realise that it is the mind of Christ the one that will make him completely free, and that he needs the salvation from this system, as from all than man does. “But we have the mind of Christ” 1 Corinthians 2:16. And the message of Jesus Christ – Yahshua to the Church of the end time, to Laodicea in Revelation 3:20-22 concludes by saying: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Amen.