Carlos Padilla, September 2014
The Bible affirms it is the Work of God, a book that contains
the Revelation of the Message of God to man and that it comprises, or its
similar to an encyclopaedia of sixty six books, written during a period of one
thousand five hundred years by more than forty writers who affirm they had
received the Inspiration and the Revelation of the Word of God. Will that
Inspiration be the one that proves the Canon, or did the Church invent it?
On the other hand, many books proclaim to be the Word of God,
like the Coram of Islam, the Book of Mormon, the Bhagavad-Gita of the Hindus, as
source of eternal truth, and even the Jew Karl Marx in his atheist worldview
thought that his work The Communist Manifest was the truth.
But there is something terrible happening since universities
exist, especially Europeans, which is the antichrist attack that our children
suffer when they attend to study. Statistics show that 80% of young Christian
who go to university loose their faith before the attack of antichrist teachers,
who deny the Bible as the Word of God and discredit it as a book out of fashion,
etc. However the Bible is becoming relevant again before the scientific evidence
of Creationism and Intelligent Design which boosts out of Creation, and the
current discrediting of Darwinism due to evident scientific impossibilities in
its theory, now obsolete before modern science.
A good argument in defence of the authority of the Bible, and
its authors, as a unified message is the one of Josh McDowell, who says: Take ten
contemporary authors and ask them to write about their points of view on a
polemic matter. Would they agree? No, we would have disagreement between one
author and the other. Now consider the authority of the Bible. All authors, in a
period a thousand five hundred years wrote about many different polemic matters
and did not contradict each other. This means that there is one only author that
guided them all, like 2Peter 1:21 says: "...for prophecy never came by the will
of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
About the sixty six books in the Bible, several questions
arise whether these books are all that should be part of the great book of The
Bible, or if there are other books written, or that could be written still, and if
they could be part of The Bible. Or who has the authority to designate these
books as those who comprise The Bible, and what features do they show to deserve
to be part of it, that the other books do not have. To answer those questions
we find the matter of the canonicity of Scripture. The Bible that we have today,
made by those sixty six books is considered by the erudite and theologians as
the composition accepted by all, for the reason that all the books show a
feature that the rest of books, those called "apocryphal" do not show. That
feature that all those books have, that we will see what it consists of, its called
If the Bible that we read today -in the better versions- is
the translation of the original autographs is of vital importance, but if that
translation was not of the books that contain the truth of the Message of God to
Israel, to the Church and to the world, then all the work would be a waste of
time. The Canon is the guarantee that gives us peace of mind that what we read
is truly The Word of God, and as we can see, the Canon not only is
recognizable by those erudite and masters who determined it, but the believer
that has received the faith and has been born again, will be able to check, with
the help of the Holy Spirit that in deed, those, and not other books are
inspired by God.
The word canon comes from the Greek "kanon" which can
be translated as rule for measure, reed or rod, although its root is "stalk of
bamboo or willow". The Jews have always used a rod of three metres as measure,
which is similar to the standard we are talking about. Canon has become a word
that we all use to talk about authorized measures, or authorized features, a
measuring tool. In the Church it has come to have two meanings. The first is to
refer to the group of sacred books that comprise the Bible, and the second to
refer to those books as the rule of life of the believer.
The Church started to use the term to refer to the rule of
faith that the Creeds showed, and latter it did with the books of The Bible. The
Church, in times of Irenaeus or Lion was fighting against syncretism at that
time, a tendency to take from all religions different doctrines, so many would
interpret the Christian faith their way; it was the time that faced the
dangerous gnosticism which sais it's a higher revelation, through knowledge,
providing those books or ideas that the movement considered appropriate to their
beliefs, as a cult. The reply of the Church would be the Canon. Until then the
Greek version of the Old Testament, version called Septuagint, even though it
included some of the non inspired Hebrew books, it would be the closest
compilation to the sacred books used, and also the Gospels and letters of the
Apostles would be read, but the New Testament was not configured as such until
the II century. But it would not be the will of Christians, but bit by bit, and
not in a council or meeting that would be called to determine the NT The
best example of inspiration is the fact that it includes four Gospels, and not
one, proving that there were four apostles -or authors under an apostle- that
had received the Revelation and knew Jesus. To determine the Christian Doctrines
the Creed was configured, which followed the Canon of faith common to the
The Church so found -in these sixty six books that comprise it-
a feature in all of them that could be observed and became the guarantee for the
believer that its reading the Word of God. The Biblical Canon is the tool and
measuring rod to measures other books written, or that may be written today, or that
may claim that are revelation or inspiration of God, if they can be considered
Scripture. The study will show us that the Canon is closed, and we know it
through the following information:
In the Old Testament, from Moses to Malachi, in 425 BC that
closed the fist part of the Canon, both the authors -that affirmed with no fear
to be receivers of the Word of God- as the people of God -who revised the
Writings not finding any error- and the accepted reading in the Synagogues,
especially in the great synagogue of the last period, where the last compilers
of the Canon where, the school of scribes of Ezra, all showed the correct
information whether theological, or historical, or prophetical, or geographical,
following a spiritual correlation as well as inspirational from God. There was
about fourteen books written after the time of the great synagogue that were
tried to be included in the Canon, but they did not show the features for it,
like Maccabees I and II, Tobias, Judith, Susan and others. The Jewish people
finally did not accept them. But surprisingly enough the Catholic Church did
accept those books, then known as apocryphal, in the Council of Trento in 1546
AD which explains why some of their heretic doctrines, like the prayer for the dead is
part of that church, a falsehood that is not accepted by the Jews, nor by
The Old Testament as we know it was accepted as: The Law, The
Books of The Prophets and The Books of The Writings, were kept zealously next
to the Ark of the Covenant and were red and known to all the people. The Canon
has testimony in the Prologue to Ecclesiastic, in Philo, in Jesus Christ,
Josephus, and in the Council of Jamnia, or in the Babylonian Talmud, these since
132 BC until the 4th century AD. The Old Testament, primarily, was written
during a long period of time of more than a thousand years, which provides it a
progressive acceptance of the inspired books, which followed certain rules.
First, the revelation of God was given to a prophet who would also transmit it to
the people. For years, like Moses, the Revelation was written, either when it
was received, Exodus 24:3-7, Joseph 24:26, and other times after reciting
them they were written, like 1Samuel 10:25 and Jeremiah 30:1-2. Second, the
people would accept the Word as of God and was recognized, sometimes
immediately, but others with time, when the message was of exhortation and not of
blessing. The Law (Torah) received by Moses was received by the first
generation, then Joshua 23:6, David, Solomon and Josiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezra
until Malachi 4:4, book that closes the OT Also were accepted the books of the
Prophets (Nebiim), earlier than Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and the latter,
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, The Twelve), 2Kings 20:14-19, Daniel 9:2 or Ezra 5:1
are true proof of them. Also, along this period were accepted the so called
Writings (Ketubim), Psalm 18 in 2Samuel 22 and Psalm 105 in the New Testament,
1Corinthians 16:7-22. The first compilation of the Word of God was kept with
zeal near the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holiest an official copy of
those books considered as inspired and with authority from God, as we can read
in Deuteronomy 31:9-12. But in the kingdom of Josiah, en 621 BC was discovered
the book of the Law of Moses, which is a reference to the history of the Canon.
This order and the list also appear in the Bible of Ferrara of the Sephardim.
Finally in times of the OT the collection of the books of the Canon was
spread. The prophets followed a practice called "colophon" that united
the books as a continuity: Deuteronomy 24 or Ezra 1:1-2 are example. Judaic
tradition includes the Great Synagogue of the Scribes, where it explains how
scribe Ezra, with them, had the responsibility to preserve, recognize and
transmit the Old Testament as a Canon, and the date is estimated in 400 BC to
200 BC. It can be read in Luck 24:27-44 from Jesus Christ, in Josephus, or in
the prologue of Ecclesiastic. The Council of Jamnia 90 AD and the Babylonian
Talmud 4 AD complete the evidence.
The Canon of the New Testament follows mainly the same lines
of authentication of the Old, in its short period of time of about fifty
years. The Apostles declare having been inspired by God and the authority of
their Writings; Revelation 1:3. The autograph where received and copied for
their transmission to the churches. The evidence of the New Testament includes
the mention of Peter about the letters of Paul. The fist fathers of the Church
give testimony as the inspired books. Latter in the Councils and the
translations would provide more evidence, as well as the Canon, like the Muratorian, or the Baroccocio Codex. But as in the
OT in the New, there were
books that were questioned and then approved, like Hebrews for its "anonym",
James for its polemic -that is not so- about the justification through works as
well as through faith, and 2 Peter for a change in style. 2 and 3 of John, Judas
and Revelation, all were finally accepted for their inspiration. Other books
and apocryphal gospels were never accepted. Its preservation would be in the
Church everywhere, instead of in the Holy of Holiest of the OT and in
particular the fact of having to fight against many heresies that appeared and
would mix with the canonical teachings, as Gnosticism or Aryanism, or the
proposals of Marcion, but the Church would custody the true Word of God under
the guide of the Holy Spirit. Then it would be the Word
of God itself that would
come to the world and would give testimony of its authenticity, He who is the
same Word of God and builder of the Canon became flesh and lived amongst us.
The New Testmanent includes the affirmation of the apostles
themselves of being inspired by God in their writings and commanded that they
would be shared with all the churches due to the authority of the inspiration,
Galatians 1:11-12 or Revelation 1:3, 17-19. The apostles accepted those books
from their brothers of apostolate that were inspired approving them as such,
2Peter 3:15-16, citing them as Sacred Scripture. The believers also
accepted them and until today, we do, as Word of God, Galatians 4:14: "...but
received me as an angle of God, even as Christ Jesus." Regarding its
preservation, the first churches and most relevant like Jerusalem, Antioquia of
Syria, Ephesus, Corinth or Rome
received and kept the Scripture.
The fist fathers were who would finish the recognition of
what would make the collection of the Canon in base to the Letters of Paul that
Peter refers to in his second Letter 3:15-16, from before the 70 AD and they
did before the II Century was finished. Polycarp who was disciple of John,
mentions Matthew in his writings, John, 10 letters of Paul, 1Peter and the two
first letters of John. Justin Martyr adds Revelation. Irenaeus talks about 23 of
the 27 books of the NT Clement of Alexandria, then in 200 AD. Eusebius
includes them all as does Athanasius. Then followed the Councils, which were not
called for the Canon, but for heresies, are evidence with they mention the 27
books of the Inspired Scripture, from Nicaea 325 AD at Hypo and Cartago 393 and
397 AD. We also add the translations like the Old Syrian from 200 AD that
includes them all except for five and of the Old Latin, a bit earlier, all but
four. Also are evidence the Canons like the Moratoria of 170 AD or even the
heretic of Marcion who mentions the 27 books. The Barococcio of 260 AD all but
Esther and the NT but Revelation.
Therefore, the Canon of the Bible has been compiled in a
process that includes the testimony of the apostolic period, the testimony of
latter from 70-170 AD. Latter the period from 170-350 AD where the Councils
start. In 393 AD and 397 AD those of Hypo and or Cartago would become the two
Councils where all accepted the inspiration and authority o the 27 books for the
fist time, closing the Canon. But yet in 350 AD Athanasius would refer for the
first time to those books as the Canon of the New Testament. This does not mean
that God does not guide nor equip His children for the Great Commission
nowadays, nor that it has stopped acting with power, but He closed the written
inspiration of His Revelation.
The Bible has its authority in the Inspiration, but is in the
Canonicity where its acceptance remains. The features that a book of the Canon
must have include its auto authentication; the Bible authenticates itself
because its books are canonical -according to the rule of God- in the moment
they were written 2Timothy 3:16, they do not need for councils nor of the
approval of men. But it was in the councils where men recognized the evident
inspiration of the Spirit in those Scriptures as such, and others not. It
would not be in just one council, nor with lack of discussion between
Christians, but all this provided a will to pray and to seek the truth to end up
in what truly was the Inspiration of God. As we have said before, in the Council
of Cartago in the year 397 AD the Church considers the Canon to is closed,
because the Revelation of God is complete.
The canonical books have authority of a prophet, leader or
apostle. Each book must be singular to be included. They must be accepted by the
people of God, whether Israel or the Church, depending of the Testament. Some
evidence were that not all books of an apostle were included, but only those
that proved to be inspired by God, which avoids accepting a book by the author.
Also of all the evidences and proofs we count with the last discoveries of the
Dead Sea Scrolls in Qumran. These are very important because they
corroborate the books of the Old Testament, in the very old copies found, about
175 scrolls mention almost all the books of Scripture from 500 found. Definitely
a book is canonical when it is authoritative, is prophetic or apostolic, is
authentic, is dynamic and has been accepted.
The homologoumena or accepted books by all the fathers
of the Church and by the Jews, are those considered to be canonical. The Jewish
people finally did not accept I and II of Maccabees, Tobias, Judith, Susan, and
others. But surprisingly the Catholic Church did add the apocryphal in the
Council of Trento in 1546 AD which explains why they have heretic doctrines
like the prayer for the dead in this church, a falsehood that the Jews never
The Old Testament would find some difficulties to become the
compilation of 39 books as we know it, as some of them took a while to be
recognized. Esther does not mention God. Ecclesiastes has some sceptic and
hedonist flavour. Songs scandalizes many, for its passion in love. Proverbs seams
contradictory some times and Ezekiel was considered as contradictory with the
Torah for some. They are all accepted if they are interpreted correctly.
The New Testament also had some books that were not accepted
at the beginning, but were accepted finally by all for the Canon: Hebrews, for
its apparent anonymity, but accepted for its apostolic authority that
supports it. James due to the doctrine of justification through faith and the
question of the works, badly interpreted by some. But it would be 2Peter the
most problematic Epistle because of the doubtful authority for the difference of
style with the first, that would be written by another amanuensis. The two
letters of John 2 and 3rd for its little expansion at the beginning, but which's
style is the one of the first Epistle. Judas included references to some
rejected books or pseudoepigraphic, like Enoch and the Asuncion of Moses which
took time to understand. Finally Revelation for its symbolism, it
interpretation was difficult but it was never in doubt that John was its
The non canonical books are known as Apocryphal or Pseudoepigraphic. A list of those that appear in the Old Testament would be the
one found in the Greek Translation Septuagint10 or of the 70, ordered to be
translated by Ptolemy Philadelpho II for the Library of Alexandria with the aim
of reuniting all the Hebrew books, following the pattern of the time which use
to translate every document that would come to their hands, to Greek. Non of the
books included that were not accepted by the Jews, nor were they cited by Jesus
nor by the apostles. Another proof is that even the authors themselves do not
say they were inspired by God like we read in the prologue of Ecclesiastic,
1Maccabee 4:46. Others provide a heretical ethic against the canonical books
as well as historical errors, but they passed on to the Latin Vulgate in the IV
century that Hieronymus translated, but he mentioned that they were a separate
group, but Catholicism has inherited them until today, after their acceptance in
the Council of Trento 1547 and Vatican 1870. Never, protestant Christians
accepted those books as inspired by God; the Jews didn't either. The
Westminster Confession of Faith from 1643 provides faithful witness that those
are not authoritative to the true Church of God.
The apocryphal books are 1 and 2 of Maccabees from 100b.C. and
1Ezra as historical books. Tobias and Judith as romantic and patriotic books.
Prayer of Azariah, Prayer of Manasseh, Additions to Esther, Susan, Bell and the
Dragon, as books of lyrics and mysticism. Wisdom of Jesus son of Syrah, Wisdom
of Solomon as books or moral and religion, Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah and 2Ezra
as prophetic books. Curiously they are all after the compilation of the 400 BC
of the Great Synagogue.
The New Testament would not be free of an attack to the
integrity of its inspiration on behalf of apocryphal and Pseudoepigraphic books,
which would be read in public, like the Gospel according to the Hebrews in
65-100 AD or the letters of Pseudo-Barnabas to the Corinthians 96 AD. 2Clement,
Sheppard of Hermas, the Didache or Teachings of The Twelve, or Polycarp and the
7 of Ignatius, all between the end of the first century and the beginning of the
second. And, Acts of Paul and Thecla or Revelation of Peter both between 150 and
170a.C. Regarding the Pseudoepigrahpic we find heretic gospels like the one of
the Egyptians, the one of the twelve Apostles, of the one or Peter, as well as
letters of the Virgin, of Paul to the Laodiceans, many other Acts, and several
Revelations like the one of Thomas and the one of Mary.
Many others were the books written in ancient times, and many
the writings during the almost two thousand years of the Church, and many others
that are written today, but non of them can be considered canonical after God
has already given all His Revelation in the books that comprise The Bible,
especially when they contradict the inspired, when they provide false
historical, archaeological and moral data, amongst others.
As we saw before, Maccabees I and II, Tobias, Judith, Susan
and others were rejected. The Jewish people finally did not accept them. But
surprisingly enough the Catholic church did add the apocryphal in the Council of
Trento in 1546 AD which explains why some of the heretic doctrines like the
prayer for the dead is found in that church, a falsehood that is not accepted by
the Jews, the same as the intercession for the saints and angels, Tobias 12:12,
2Maccabbee 15:14, Baruch 3:4, the redemption of the souls 2Maccabee 12:2.46.
From its part, the New Testament would have to fight against
heresies of authors that mixed the Word of God with doctrines such as Aryanism,
denying the godhood of Christ, or Montanism and its pretension of providing a
new revelation and prophecy. Or Gnosticism that mixes the Word with a "rational
enlightening", not inspired by the Spirit of God. Marcionism is a kind of
Gnosticism, which mixes Christian doctrines with a dualism of God Father and a
different God Creator, as well as two different parallel religions depending if
we talk of Jews or Christians. Today, still we find proponents of supposed new
revelations in sects and cults like the Mormons with the inspiration of their
supposed prophet, or that of the Christian science, of the Jehova Witness; it is
therefore not strange that many antichrists say that they have new revelations
which are contrary to Scripture. The Canon is the rule of God for our security.
Therefore The Bible is complete, the Canon is closed; the
Revelation of God is complete. The Bible is, therefore, our only measuring rod
in life, our source of conduct and of inspiration in doctrine and in living in
the Church, within the correct interpretation according to the New Testament.
This does not stop God from talking today, or to inspire and move men of God
for, in an identical line like the Canon and the written Revelation, pastor the
Church of Christ until His return.
The Canon is the seal of authenticity of all the doctrines of
the Bible as much as is the result of the Bibliology. It grants that what the
Bible includes is the Revelation of God. It is based in the Inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, which is directly related with the fact that it is the inerrant
Word of God. It becomes the method of Preservation of the Bible for its
Transmission, which at the same time grants that its Translation is trustworthy,
as it comes from the true books, so we can come to it to study it, search it and
Interpret it because the Holy Spirit will use it to provide us with Illumination
about the Message of God, remaining as the highest Authority in doctrine, way of
life of the Christian and Way to God, for He who Is the Word of God said He was
the Way, the Truth and the Life. The Canon is, therefore, a list of
authoritative books, not an authoritative list of books, the inspired books of
God's encyclopaedia that contain His Revelation, The Bible, the one we read
every day, and therefore the Canon was not invented by the Church, instead it
was created by God.