The Easter Week or Passover that Jesus Christ Yahshua lived joined extreme
persecution and the great victory over death through His resurrection. Each
experience however has a previous event in the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and
Israel. The lives of the people of God in history would be adding events
that would build up the Easter Week - Passover, until reaching what we live
today as the Passion of the Christ, while we are persecuted as Biblical
Christians in Passover Easter Week, in an antichrist world that reaches
its end, in the fulfilling of the prophecies revealed by God through
centuries, in the Bible.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or Israel lived their lives with God in a way that
the nations around them did not understand, because they did not know God,
as it is happening today in most of the West, as in the rest of cultures,
with the opposition and incomprehension of a humanity enemy of His Creator,
where now the demons fight freely against the Church, and against man,
planting chaos, as they did in the first century.
Abraham had his loved son Isaac, son of the promise of Yahweh, from his wife
Sara when she was ninety, Genesis 17:17. God commanded Abraham that he would
offer his loved son, the one he had in his old age, after an entire live
waiting the fulfilment of that promise of God, and he obeyed God. If the
angel of the Lord hadn't stopped Abraham he would have sacrificed his son
Isaac on Mount Moriah, the one that latter would become Temple Mount,
possibly in the place where our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified.
The Lord blessed Abraham for his obedience, He made him father of nations
and multiplied his descendants like the stars of the heaven; in his seed all
nations of the earth would be blessed, Genesis 22:18. Abraham did not avoid
offering Isaac in sacrifice, which in its historic context we may suppose
that some cultures then, use to offer human sacrifice; what explanation
would Abraham give Sara and his people? but he only looked onto God not
counting on the consequences, the hate, nor the persecution. Then, God, our
Father would give His Son Jesus Christ Yahshua on the Cross for us. What
do we think of this, and that do think those to whom we tell and invite to
come to God through the Gospel?
The Lord blessed Isaac, that child who went with his father to that Mount
Moriah and did not fight with him, because being Abraham old and Isaac
young, he could have escaped from his father and go free from the sacrifice.
But he did not do it, but he let his father tie him, for he was aware that
he feared God who he loved, a faith that he would also have received by then
in his heart. In the same way Jesus Christ Yahshua would convene with the
Father to give His life voluntarily, because He loves us and the Father, to
save us, Isaiah 53. Who has believed in our report? Things which angels
desire to look into. Isaac married Rebecca and from them Jacob was born,
called by God, Israel.
The Lord blessed Israel who through his zeal for God obtained the
primogeniture, the blessing that his brother despised and would sell for a
plate of lentils. Hated for his love to God he would have to flee far, but
God appeared to him, like to Abraham, in the famous dream of the Jacobs
ladder, which standing on earth reached Heaven and through which angels of
the Lord where ascending and descending, Genesis 28:12, but above the ladder
God was standing who spoke to him, and found grace from God, and promised
the land where he was laying, which would become Israel, and he called the
place Betel (House of God). Latter he was enriched and had two wives, Lea
and Rachel, and became the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, amongst
which is Judah, from which the Messiah Jesus Christ Yahshua would descend,
Matthew 1. Jacob fought with the angle of the Lord in Peniel and prevailed,
according to the Biblical revealed story: ...And
He said, ...Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for
you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed. Genesis
32:18. He reconciled with his brother Esau. Prophesised over his sons, went
to Egypt do to famine. Jacob, now Israel thought he would never see his son
Joseph again, the one who loved the Lord.
Joseph, another of the hated for the sake of God is the one called to save
the others, as the story tells about his loved son Joseph, after being sold
by his brothers as slave and serve in the Egyptian prison. Due to the gift
of interpreting dreams on behalf of God, was called to serve as interpreter
to Pharaoh in the famous dream of the seven fat cows and the seven gaunt
cows, interpretation that made him governor of Egypt. Jacob comes to life
again when he knows about his son and glorifies God as he sees His plan to
save his people.
Persecution against Christians has a spiritual origin and it comes from the
love to God, the same love that the patriarchs had for God and His Word. The
war is fought in the celestial dimension but has earthly repercussion. The
battle of powers can be seen more clearly every time and it is reaching to
the end of days, as we find in the deterioration of humanity, in forced
marches in these last years. Society of all cultures increase their chaos in
all ways, something that the Text reveals to us about the fall of Babylon, a
key name of civilization that is found in Revelation 18. Easter or Passover
today announces, in this, our time, close to the end, that the plan of God
is our salvation in His Son Jesus Christ Yahshua, and that who believes in
Him, even though he dies, he shall live, because He is the resurrection,
John 11:25. The resurrection of Jesus Christ- Yahshua grants us access to
the new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells, 2 Peter 3:13,
which are going to be established for eternity. To announce this message
produces that we are persecuted, because we announce the celestial order,
against demonic chaos, because we announce the new and eternal order of
things under the righteousness, the moral and the love of God.
This Easter Week Passover, one year to go to the first generation of 70
years since the state of Israel (state which exists as fulfilment of Genesis
17:8, Isaiah 43:5 and Romans 11) and in the same year of the 500 anniversary
of the Protestant Reform, which initiated what should be the return to the
Christianity of the beginning, the world attacks Christians more every time
and the hate of the world against those who identify themselves with the
Bible and the plan of God, and of his salvation through His Son Jesus Christ
The Easter Week, or Passover is the message that changed the destiny of
everyone who believes in God and in His salvation through Jesus Christ
Yahshua and His work, for His love for us, to the point to give His Only
Begotten and loved eternal Son Jesus Christ Yahshua on the Cross on that
Mount Golgotha, or Calvary, or also Moriah, where once, almost 6.000 years
ago a man of faith called Abraham, went to offer to God in obedience, the
promised son who was born from his beloved Sara in the old age of both. Let
us have that faith of Abraham which awaits an entire life, the faith of
Isaac who let his father tie him in the altar to be given to the Father, the
faith of Israel who fought with the Father and prevailed, and the faith of
Joseph who, hated by all, lived in the hope of God. Let us carry the message
that changes the man of every time, the Gospel, even though we are
persecuted like the patriarchs, like the prophets, like the first church,
like we, all Christians are today, some to death, for there is no bigger
love than the work of Christ who died for us, raised from the dead and will
soon return to establish the Paradise, precious and with righteousness,
which is the Kingdom of God to which we are all called through faith in His
work on the Cross. Easter Week, Passover, the Passion of the Christ, Via
Crucis of remembrance, in our heart until He returns, for His glory and for
His grace.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16.