Carlos Padilla, November 2013
The Promised Land, the land of Canaan, the land to which
Abraham was sent by God, and that latter Israel would receive when they returned
from Egypt when they were made free from slavery, in a prodigal way by Moses,
the God sent. The virtues of this land and God's promise over it included
many and great blessings for the believer, and for the people of God. This way
we find that being in the Promised Land is a state of grace and blessing that
God provides those who love Him.
In the spiritual sense we find that, symbolically, the
Promised Land is precisely that state of grace that God gives us when we believe
in Him, when we love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our
mind and with all our might. This way we find that it would not be Moses, but
Joshua who would conquer the Promised Land. At this point, there is a contrast
with respect that it is God who gives us the land, as we see that it is a
conquest. The answer is that we must fight to conquer it, but God gives us His
strategy, His protection and His provision to win it with His favour.
Joshua precisely shows us all the steps of the conquest in
the book of his name, the first one after the Pentateuch in the Old Testament.
But those steps have a symbolic meaning, together with those that Moses followed
to take Israel out of Egypt, which, if we follow them in our lives we can enter
into our Promised Land, wherever we are, in that state of grace that God
promises and provides that we might conquer it.
But there isn't only one Promised Land, as a state of grace
of God, nor only one historical Promised Land, like the conquest that Joshua
achieved. There are also other
promised lands before us, and of the future, not only physical but spiritual.
Conquests that we will take forth with the help of God, if we do it His way,
following His Commandments. The souls of our neighbour are Promised Land, and
this is the mission of preaching the Gospel. And also the Kingdom of God is the
future and eternal Promised Land, to which we will enter through the salvation
of Jesus Christ on the Cross, living a holy life, a life with the purpose of the
greatest of all commands: God's love, and the second, the love for our
neighbour, Mark 12:30-31. If we walk with Christ according to John 15:7, we have
access to the Father, the final Promised Land, the heart of God.
Before entering the Promised Land, whether in this life,
whether in the spiritual region or in eternity, many believers that came out of
slavery, are still going rounds in the desert instead of heading to the entrance
place at the shore of the Jordan, to the river that they will have to cross. If
they cannot find the way is doe to not being obedient to God, they still murmur
against Him, still complain on everything and have not their eyes on God, but on
themselves. This is the story of the people of Israel when they came out of
Egypt during 40 years through the desert, a journey that could have been done,
comfortably in four weeks and walk 400km north, went 400km south, to Sinai, and
wandered 40 years, until God kept
only the new generation which's hart was not inclined to the gods and traditions
of Egypt. This story is also a parable for all people, for every person that is
still wandering in his mind instead of following God in Christ Yahshua.
Starting the fourth book of the Pentateuch called "Numbers"
–focused on God's direction–
the journey continues from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea. Moses receives the
instruction of numbering the people by their tribes, by their camps, about
600.000 men. Yahweh sends quails for the journey, but Mary and Aaron
murmuring against Moses. The people is defeated in Horma because Israel sins
against God. Moses intercedes again before the
wrath of God for the sin of his
people, but this generation will die in the desert in which they would wander 40
years for their rebellion. They return to Kadesh Barnea where Mary dies, Nm
20:1. How many times do believers murmuring against their pastors, even if they
are obeying God? How many times brothers sin against brothers or pastors in the
Church? God knows it all.
The people complained again of thirst making Moses sin
against God loosing his patience hitting the roc twice to spring water, and this
way assumed the power to himself, instead of obeying God and talking to the
rock. Aaron dies after participating in this sin with his brother, therefore
Aaron would not enter into the Promised Land. Israel sins again and God sent
fiery serpents that killed many of the people, receiving command to make one of
bronze so that the people would be forgiven when they looked to it, Nm 21:9.
Moses receives the instruction for share out the Promised Land. The "Rock" is
Christ, there is no need to hit Christ crucified, which those who scattered Him
did, He gave himself to death to give us life, for God's Law punishes the
sinner, and Christ made himself sin for our sake, reason for which Moses -symbol
of the Law- hits the rock. Moses cannot enter the state of grace in the Promised
Land in this life, like the Law is no longer needed in the Kingdom of God,
because the love that comes from God is superior to the Law.
At this point Moses designates Joshua as his successor in
command of Yahweh, which is announced to the people. Sadly Moses receives the
news that he will not enter into the Promised Land, but exhorts the people to
obedience and recapitulates the promulgation of the Law. The Great Commandment
of Deuteronomy 6 the famous prayer "Shema" that every Jew learns. Moses can
contemplate the Promised Land from Nebo Mont, after his song, leaving Israel
before crossing the Jordan.
Deuteronomy 33 presents Moses blessing to the twelve tribes
of Israel. After this solemn event, of great importance for Israel before his
imminent entrance to the Promised Land, Moses climes mount Nebo, to the top of
the Pisgah across from Jericho -the first city that Joshua would take when
crossing the Jordan- and Yahweh showed Moses the Promised Land, saying: "...This
is the land of which I swore to give Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, saying, 'I will
give it to your descendants." Dt 34. And he died there, when he was one hundred
and twenty year old, and his eyes were not dim nor his natural vigour diminished,
and was buried by the Lord Himself in the valley of Moab, where no one knows his
grave to this day. Israel wept for Moses thirty days.
Joshua was then full of the spirit of wisdom because Moses
had laid hands on him. Since then there has not arisen in Israel a prophet like
Moses that did all the wonders that he did by the hand of Yahweh before Israel.
However, even though all he did, it would have to be someone else, Joshua, who
would lead the conquest of the Holy Land, starting by crossing to the other side
of the Jordan while the waters of the Jordan stopped so that the Arch of the
Covenant would cross, carried by the priests, and all the people after it. The
same way in our lives we must carry with us, in our heart, in the inner temple,
the Arch, a personal relationship with God to enter in the state of grace that
God gives in our Promised Land, living the live with purpose and blessing that
God wants for us, a life that will makes us feel realized and in plenitude.
The strategy before conquering the new situation is to
prepare in prayer, to be very courageous, to have much faith and obey God,
Joshua 1. To study the new situation well and what it needs, like Joshua sent
spies to Jericho, Joshua 2. And to cross the Jordan following the Arch, Joshua
3. The remembrance of the monument of twelve stones from the Jordan to remember
passing from the old life to the new life in the promise of God, Joshua 4.
Chapter 5 of Joshua talks of circumcision, for the new generation had not been
circumcised in the desert. This way we find the symbol of which Jesus Christ
Yahshua tells us about the circumcision of the heart, in spirit so that we may
love one another. Joshua meets the angle prince of the armies of Yahweh, with
the sword drawn, and we find again repeated the situation that Moses lived in
the burning bush: "Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand
is holy". The taking of Jericho occurs after, with the assurance of having the
Lord by his side and his people.
These experienced of Moses and of Joshua, are corroborated by
Jesus Christ in our lives, for all those steps are needed for the success of our
life by God, for it is Him self who fights with us and Who grants us victory of
a life guided by His hand.
As we saw before, slavery can be physical under a tyrant, or
can be to sin, something from what we all must be set free, and of what we
cannot free ourselves. But lets see the Christological symbolism of the life of
Moses in many events of the life of both of them. Both to Moses as to Jesus, the
kings that ruled when they were born tried to kill them. Both rejected a kingdom
on earth. Both were rejected by their brothers. Both were leaders over Israel,
and to both the seas obeyed. Moses was the great deliverer of Israel, and Christ
is the great saviour of humanity. The delivery from slavery symbolizes the
delivery from sin. Moses received the revelation of the name of the Lord, the
great I Am, and Christ declared: "I Am..." Yahweh spoke to Moses, and Christ
speaks to us, the Church, would talk to it in the tabernacle, while Christ talks
of the Temple of His body, Exodus 19:18 and John 2:19. The 40 years in the
desert and the 40 dais of solitude of Moses, and the 40 dais in the desert of
Christ. The serpent of bronze and Christ on the Cross to whom we will look for
the forgiveness of our sins, Nm 21:9 and John 3:14-15. The sermons of Moses and
those of Christ, with the mission of showing that God seeks our heart, because
salvation is not far from it, because He wants to give us Promised Land of the
Kingdom of God.
Moses appears again in the New Testament named by Jesus
Christ and by the apostles, but it is in the transfiguration where we see him
again alive next to Elijah and Yahshua himself. Jesus mentions Moses constantly
in his ministry to make reference to the mandates of the Law, Luke 24:27, John
5:46, but not only for this reason, but to explain the depth of God's teaching,
and how far He wants us to understand, to live in the Spirit. In the case of the
adulterer woman, Mark 10:4. Paul, as a master of the Pharisees in the Law of
Moses, uses it to teach that through it we are all baptized in it, so that in
Christ we may find forgiveness of sin of which the Law condemns us, in
1Corinthians 10:2. Also teaches that when Moses is read there is a veil that
does not allow to see the Spirit of the Word until we receive Yahshua, in 2Co
3:15. Hebrews 11:23 reminds us the providential way of keeping Moses alive,
mentioned again by John in Revelation 15:3 about the song of Moses and of the
The transfiguration is the event where we see Moses next to
Elijah and Jesus on the mount, most assuredly in one of the hills of the Hermon,
talking about His departure, that Jesus was going to fulfil in Jerusalem, Luke
9:31. This deed opens the door to see how Moses represents the Law, the same way
that Elijah represents the prophets, the two figures most recognized as such by
in the Jewish world, and that will also be to the Church, alive next to Yahshua.
However the voice of the Father brakes through so that the apostles, and through
that event, us, will hear the voice of the Son, who is superior to Moses and to
Elijah, Who gives the profound interpretation of the Law, Who fulfils it, Who is
the Word of God alive, and Who fulfils all the prophecies about the Messiah who
was to come to the world, as for the Jews as for the Gentiles their Saviour and
who introduces into the Promised Land of our lives, and of the eternal live,
because He said: "I am the Door; if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved" John
The Promised Land is the long of every believer, but one has
to be courageous to come out of slavery and follow God through the desert
leaving behind all that we know, to what we are used to, and have the
determination to conquer it as Joshua had, and that Abraham had when God told
him: "Get out of your country, and of your family, and from your father's house,
onto the land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless
you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those
who bless you, and will curse those who curse you; and in you all families of
the earth shall be blessed." Genesis 12:1-3.
On his part, Moses, the deliverer of slavery has left a
legacy that prevails till today. The Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. We
could not imagine the Bible without Genesis nor without Exodus, but the five
books are part of the foundations of the history of humanity, of creation, of
the moral law, and of religion. He legated the God' Law, the one that began with
the 10 Commandments and was completed up to the 613 commandments and ordinances,
the constitution of the nation of Israel, the moral guide of life, the guide of
holy days of Yahweh, and the institution of the religion for expiation and
forgiveness of sins.
The Law is an instrument useful so that every man, of every
nation and tong can understand that before the highest moral of God, that our
own, we are condemned to death. But that God is good and merciful to forgive,
sending His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, who would fulfil the Law for us,
carrying our sin to the cross in our place. Resurrection is the final proof that
work of the deliverer that Moses announced, and is the entrance to the Kingdom
of God for eternity, with the exception of those who will be alive with Yahshua
returns and are taken to heaven while He descends, Revelation 1:7 and
1Thesalonians 4:17.
As leader of his people he teaches that even as we live in
the world under the temptations of sin, even if we could have a kingdom, justice
and mercy are greater, they are a responsibility that will touch our heart, when
we are called by God, like Moses. That we all face deserts that the Lord might
prepare us, once God has called us -as Moses was- so that our character is
refined as an instruments of honour in His hands. That with faith, even though
our limitations, God will prepare us so that we can take forward the calling
that He gives us in life. Moses teaches that God does miracles, great events,
and that every believer will get to see the supernatural way that God acts in
our life. It also teaches in the story of Moses, how our own family, our
brothers in the faith and our nation fail, they reject and confront us for being
disciples of Christ, children of the covenant with the "fathers", but also how
will allow us to win those who are God's, and how through our transformed lives
through His power, they will receive faith.
Moses was privileged for he received the revelation of the
name of "Yahweh" because God had not revealed it to the patriarchs. Moses is an
entire school for the leaders of the Church and for the Church itself, about
patience and mercy, about punishment of God and about forgiving those who
repent. His life, together with Joshua's to the Promised Land is also a story of
hope for the great achievements of our lives, it equips us with vision of
strategy of prayer, and of obedience to God who will provide to cross the
deserts of life, and to take us to conquer those promised lands of our lives for
the glory of God. And last, the Law or God will always be a remembrance of the
justice of God, of how God's Law will always be there so that everyone may come
to repentance, and we can use his moral to preach the Gospel. Like he who took
the people to the Promised Land, at the end appears in the transfiguration, we
will be raised or raptured with Christ if we fight to conquer the promised land
of our life, and we will do next to Moses, to Abraham and the patriarchs, the
prophets, the apostles, and all the multitude of the people of God, because God
is not God of the dead, but of the living.
Will you get out of the slavery to this world and to sin?
Will you enter your Promised Land?