If anyone thinks slavery
was eradicated worldwide in times of William Wilberforce, when he convinced
the British parliament to abolish human trafficking, although it was a great
step, is wrong. However it is true that in the western culture the human
trafficking stopped being a business and the rights of those who already lived in
the homes of those rich who lived in the west improved, the world of today in
the XXI century still has a vast slaves market.
Today, the British
government still continues to lead the abolition of slavery, the modern kind,
after the announcement of the prime minister in July 2015 about obliging
companies to fight against extreme conditions of the hand work in places
like Vietnam. CNN sponsors the so called "Freedom Project" to liberate
people who are being travelled in international airports, especially to make
them slaves of prostitution.
The question is if the
society of the rich world takes advantage of the society of the poor world.
Even though people are not kidnapped to be taken to countries far away as
private property of the rich in the proportions as before
–some 35 million people according to the
latest statistics– it is not less true
that consumers of raw materials
and handwork of the poor countries are, even the poor of the rich countries.
Fashion brands known to all, food factories, plantations, petrol, diamonds,
construction, industry, telecommunications, all areas are exploited by big
multinationals with such cheap handwork, and in such conditions that the
syndicates and the citizens of the west cannot conceive. But all that,
provides us all the technology to which we are slaves, information,
Internet, latest tech mobiles, present medicine, fashion, transport, and a
long etcetera in which the world competes and utilizes and there is no
return. To such level has our slavery to the system reached, the symbolic
Babylon of Revelation 18:13 as to do souls trafficking, of men slaves
to the system including NGOs or religions and churches that suit the consumer
from which to profit, as by belonging they think they clean their slave consciences to sin.
To be able to compete
with the "slave" handwork, the west is developing an entire machinery of
robots, that aims to become cheaper and without the bad image that cheap
handwork provokes, which exploits, converted in slavery in the shade with no
rights, with no life. And, who are guilty, the capitalist companies or the
consumers, half of a very social and contrary political ethic, but big
consumers and feeders of the system?
But the last increase in
slavery for sexual and organs commerce is revolving many consciences. Even
though there will always be unmerciful who through their children to the
sewage, or sell them to survive in their mediocrity, again, lets make the
same question, who is more guilty, the one who exploits of the one who
abuses, the one who kills or aborts, or the one who buys and implants the
Exploited slaves, and
quarter slaves to sell organs, or aborted to sell embryos or their
cells as if they were buying in the butcher by weight. Slaves that buy them,
that abuse and kill and that want to live –a
bit more– against others lives. That
world provokes desperations in many, and makes others radical that want to
exterminate that society, to impose another through force and terrorism.
Ones and others are under slavery and the lie of the enemy, the old serpent
that is called devil and Satan, to whom the Lord rebuke in the name of Jesus
Christ. A world in a final stage before its end. A world that has reached
the algid point of its deviation, of its great sin, that, which started in
Eden, when it departed from the Father, from its Creator, and form its
The origin of slavery
comes from sin. Sin comes from Eden when Adam and Eve
–or any one of us– decided to depart
from God and listen to the song of the serpent to make man a slave. That is
why the end of slavery comes from the hand of the Deliverer. Jesus Christ
had to die for us to overcome death, being innocent, the only one free of
sin, but Who, carrying the guilt of sin of the world, in the justice of God,
overcame death and raised opening the door to eternal life to all. The
question is, where will we spend eternal life: with the Father in Paradise,
or far from Him in hell, from which we can see a preface in our own world?
Slavery, although it was accepted in the past and even some would prefer to
be slaves of a good master than free in extreme poverty, today in the west
it is not something we can accept, at least as private property of a person
over another, although we know there are many salves amongst us. In the same
way many soldiers or mercenaries did the same, they would sell their
services to a good payer and provider of status and profit. Today many spend
their lives in the same company because there is no other resource to
survive; something not so different; at the end of the day we all are slave
of the system to survive. If we see things with a happy heart and hope, our
life will be different. Although we cannot change all the circumstances we
can treat our neighbour like Jesus would. That is very similar, and
sometimes more, to freedom, than freedom itself. Jesus, is then the
Deliverer from sin, through what God has indeed considered necessary for us
to be delivered.
Slavery is
defined as the forced submission of an individual who is purchases as a
private property, as if it was merchandise; the privation of liberty of the
individual of his own life through the power of one over another. Though
this would be a definition appropriate of a dictionary, the truth is that
there are many types of slavery without the need to own the property of the
life of others, because really lives belong to God: ...Behold, all souls are
Mine;... Ezekiel 18:4. The exploitation of people in infrahuman conditions,
any kind of abuse, weather sexual, psychological in treating wives,
children, employees, can be worst than slavery.
The abuse
of power has driven man to become salve of his own wrath, as far as to reach
war. Humanity is slave of the spirit of war, and nuclear war, that which in
the sixties almost takes us to human extermination in the cold war. Atomic
bomb was not sufficient so H bomb, or of hydrogen was built. When the powers
saw the devastation they realized the potential. The only way to win was not
to start. You can see it in the film "Games of War". God had mercy of us. It
was not the end of times, prophecies were not fulfilled and they are not
yet. Today we are much closer but wars still make prisoners, slaves.
In the
past it was usual to own slaves, entire families of them. However, in The
Bible we see that the way they were treated would be judged before God.
Nowadays, it is possible in the same way to treat an employee, that we are
treated in society in a human way, understanding, friendly and even kindly,
even if they pay us or we pay a salary. He who cares for his employees will
be benefited by God, and who disdains them will receive punishment. In the
same way the Lord calls for bosses and authorities to be treated in the same
way, whether they are just or not with us, to give testimony of the goodness
of a converted heart to Christ, for the glory of God.
there are types of slavery to which sin submits man to slavery, like
political corruption, subornation, idolatry, adultery or sexual deviation,
ludopathy, extreme indebtedness, and several compulsive pathologies like
assassination, etc. For these types one must come specially to Jesus Christ
so that He may cast out the devil, and let it be the Holy Spirit who
inhabits in our lives.
As in
times of Jesus to become free from roman occupation, Israel awaited the
promise of the deliverer to set them free like in Egypt, that great country
where once Joseph arrived, sold by his brothers a slave, who was made
governor of the country together with Pharaoh, but a country where, once
that Pharaoh and Joseph died, the new Pharaoh submitted Israel as slaves
bettering their lives.
We all
know the story of Moses. Born of his Hebrew mother, Israelite, and brought
up as adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh. He, seeing the cruelty with which
his people were treated confronted and was deported to the desert. Forty
years latter he received the call from God, after finding wife amongst the
daughters of Jethro, priest of Midian. Moses was the answer to the cry of
Israel to God. They could not leave without an anointed guide with the power
of God. Moses defeated Pharaoh, opened the Read Sea, and took them forty
years through the desert in their stubbornness, until the Promised Land.
Joshua won
the battle of Jericho, the first city found in that Land, now he being the
guider of Israel. Jericho shows us that the possession of our freedom we
must also win, fight for, battle to be under the blessing of God, who takes
us to the entrance of that Land, and who will give us the victories, as long
as we consider Him our Father and recover the relationship of Eden previous
to the fall, to eat of the Tree of life, Jesus Christ. This is what is all
Christ is the deliverer, of Whom Moses and Joshua were a prototype, an
example and a preservation of Israel. Jesus Christ is the anointed who
defeats death, the punishment for the sin of man. Raised from the dead
proved his power. He who believes in His expiatory work on the Cross of
Calvary has entrance to the eternal Promised Land, the Kingdom of God when
Jesus Christ returns in glory and liberty of the children of God.
faith Israel received Moses. Through faith man receives Jesus Christ, the
Son of God for eternal life and holy life while waiting for Him in hope,
Revelation 1:7. So: ...If the Son makes you free, you will be free
indeed. John 8:36.
if thy brother that dwelleth by
thee be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee; thou
shalt not compel him to serve as a bondservant: 40But
as an hired servant, and as a sojourner, he shall be with thee,
and shall serve thee unto the year of jubile: 41And then
shall he depart from thee, both he and his children with him, and
shall return unto his own family, and unto the possession of his fathers
shall he return. Leviticus 25:39.
answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever
committeth sin is the servant of sin.
35And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but
the Son abideth ever. 36If the Son therefore shall make you free,
ye shall be free indeed. John 8:34.
as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15For
ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to
fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we
cry, Abba, Father. 16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our
spirit, that we are the children of God: 17And if children, then
heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer
with him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8:15.
he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s
freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free,
is Christ’s servant. 23Ye are
bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men. 1Corinthians 7:22.
me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? 22For
it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other
by a freewoman. 23But he who was of the bondwoman was born
after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. 24Which
things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the
mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage,
which is Agar. 25For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and
answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.
26But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us
all. Galatians 4:21.
The final
conclusion about slavery with respect to our way of understanding this
historic reality, must be our way to treat our neighbour when we are in a
position of authority over others. We do not need to look far to see these
situations, and we do not need to be owners of anyone, nor have a
multinational or be a general on command of a winning army.
Its enough
if a father or a mother treat their children with the love of God even when
they have authority over them. Its enough when a husband treats a wife with
love every day of their lives. Its enough when a brother or sister treats
his smaller brethren with love, or if we treat our elder parents with loving
kindness and respect as they deserve, honouring them. That a teacher treats
his pupils with respect, that a boss treats his employees with respect, that
doctors treat their patients with touch, that politicians really treat
citizens as their same, to whom they have chosen to serve, not accepting
As easy as
that, and we will have eradicated true slavery. But this behaviour comes
from a new heart, a heart free from sin, free from slavery and therefore
free to love with the love of God, the one built by Jesus Christ, the Son of
God in us, with which we will treat our neighbour as if they were not ours,
and to whom we serve, but of God and in freedom. So: ...If the Son makes you
free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36.