The title and the apostle Paul as author of the letters to the Corinthians
is the most supported and the ones that show with more clarity the character
of Paul, his doctrine and characteristic expressions. Internally Paul
confirms to be the author 1:1 and 16:21. Externally already Clement of Rome
in (95 A.D.), and Ignatius, Polycarp, Hermas, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus,
Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, the Didache and the Canon of Muratori
give testimony. The most possible date is the spring of 54 or 55 A.D. It
does not mention the destruction of the Temple, which is prophecy of
Yahshua, Jesus-Christ.
Paul writes to the church of Corinth firstly, but also in a universal way.
The purpose was double: to give reply to the questions about Christian life
as well as to correct the church of God in this city, in which the world was
living, more than they living in the world. To restore a previous letter
lost. Pagan life permeated their conduct lacking knowledge of the O.T. He
exhorts them to a holy life centred in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ – Yahshua, to learn the centrality of the Cross, the order in the
church, to serve with the use of the spiritual gifts in truth and brotherly
Paul, in his third missionary trip before he was arrested, continues to
visit the churches while he writes to the Corinthians. The city of Corinth
was known for the production of bronze, as the “city of two seas”, and
commercial city based in craftsmanship and leather products for athletes. A
life of idolatry and delivered to sin and to Greek-Roman philosophical
ideas. But Rome had converted this city in capital of the province of Achaia
and headquarters of the proconsul, was living its golden and prosperous age
in times of Paul, who has to focus his letter to bring the world out of the
Corinthian Christians. An heterodox church who would include people with not
much culture, judaizers, leaders who did not accept Paul and wanted to
“modernize” his doctrines 15:12, as well as the internal divisions.
Differently than to the letter to the Romans, Paul, when writing the first
letter to the Corinthians concentrates first in the correction of the life
of the church towards holiness due to the moral deviation they had. 1
Corinthians 13:13 is the key Text in this letter in which we find the
theology and the practice by the hand. Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God 1:2
argument for those of Greek origin, the second Adam 15:22; the rock 10:4 and
Jesus as Lord appear 222 times. His expiatory life (15:3) for all of us.
Eschatology of now, but not yet, which takes them to think in the coming of
Christ and flee of the sinning present. The individual Christian is the
temple of God 6:19 as well as the local church is 3:17, so they may see
holiness of which they are part, and of Whom they are.
Before this context we can find many problematic matters, although Paul
precisely what he has done is to provide interpretative order. Toda, like
then there were problems with the food in pagan celebrations. Divorce, holy
sex only in marriage, or celibate (volunteer and/or obligatory), offerings
and/or tenth. On the other hand we have the use of the veil in women to pray
11:2-16, and over all the Holy Supper, in its ways, in the right place, but
more than all when one has sinned and confession, 11:1-34. Today, depending
of the denomination, there are still interpretative differences in these
The title and the apostle Paul as author of the letters to the Corinthians
is the most supported and the ones that show with more clarity the character
of Paul, his doctrine and characteristic expressions. Internally Paul
confirms to be the author 1:1 writing from Philippos, Macedonia. Externally
already Clement of Rome in (95 A.D.), and Ignatius, Polycarp, Hermas, Justin
Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, the Didache and the
Canon of Muratori give testimony. The most possible date is the spring of 54
or 55 A.D. It does not mention the destruction of the Temple, which is
prophecy of Yahshua, Jesus-Christ.
Paul writes to the church of Corinth firstly, but also to the saints that
are in all Achaia and always with a universal intention. The main purpose
was to re establish the apostolate and ministry of Paul, attacked by the
enemies of the Church, from outside as false apostles with supposed
apostolic authority, falsifying about the offering, against his doctrine,
etc. Re conduct the church of God in this city, to love the world, to love
God and the brothers with brotherly love showing in reconciliation and in
the offerings for the poor, in this case those in Jerusalem.
Paul writes his second letter to the Corinthians while annoyed with them, so
this is a personal letter. It is worth remembering that the city of Corinth
was known for the production of bronze, as the “city of two seas”, and
commercial city based in craftsmanship and leather products for athletes. A
life of idolatry and delivered to sin and to Greek-Roman philosophical
ideas. We now see Paul suffering do to the fight in the Corinthian church,
for the lies and discredit against him and his ministries, and he explains
in Chap. 1. In 2 he goes towards the triumph of Christ. From 3 to 5 the
change between the Old and New Covenant. In 5 to 7, the ministry of
reconciliation between Christians, after repentance. In 8 and 9 he must
teach the offering for the poor of the church in Jerusalem. In 10 to 13 Paul
concludes having to explain his own ministry before the false accusers and
obtain the trust of the Corinthians, exhorting them to keep the faith and
order of unity in the church, and he closes with deep love.
2 Corinthians is one of the great epistles. Differently to 1 Corinthians,
objective and practical, this second is subjective and personal but it
provides great theological themes and Christianity in the own hands of the
Holy Spirit. God the Father appears as merciful consoler (1:3; 7:16), as
well as Creator (4:6), raised Jesus from the dead and will do with believers
(1:9; 4:14; 13:4). The nature of the New Covenant (3:6-17), together with
substitutionary atonement of Christ (5:18-29). The Holy Spirit is God
(3:17,18). Jesus is the Lord and the glory of God (4:5). The power of God
shows itself in our weakness.
The 2 letter to the Corinthians is questioned due to it’s structure that
could be a composition of different letters in the sections of the Chaps.
1-9 and 10-13. There are several hypothesis about who where the enemies of
Paul, or the identity of the brother who brought the offerings (8:18).
Paul’s vision of the third heaven; the thorn of the flesh and the emissary
of Satan to “hit him” and keep him humble (12:1-7).