© Carlos Padilla. September 2017
The title “Thessalonians” derives from the church to which it is dedicated,
in this case 1 being the first of the two letters. The authorship is of the
apostle Paul although it includes two of his collaborators, Silvanus (Silas)
and Timothy. Internally it is seen in the introduction 1:1 and 2:18 and in
the character of Paul. Externally Polycarp, Ignatius, and Justin, the Canons
of Marcion and of Muratori give testimony. The date: 50-51 A.D. from Corinth
in the second trip (Acts 17:1-9). It does not mention the destruction of the
Temple, which is prophecy of Yahshua, Jesus-Christ.
Paul writes to the church of the Thessalonians, but like most, it is letter
with a universal purpose. It was formed mainly by Jewish converts but the
majority were Gentiles. Paul gives thanks for the example of the
Thessalonians for the news in favour which he receives from Timothy about
them. However the church has to be corrected in several questions about
death and resurrection as well as to teach the correct eschatological
doctrine about the second coming of Christ.
Thessalonica was capital of Macedonia, north of the Aegean Sea. It was a
free city governed by politics in times of the Roman Empire. When Paul
arrived around 50 A.D. he went to the synagogue, as it was his custom,
initiating his evangelization starting from the O.T. (Acts. 16, 18). The
church was formed from converted Jews, Greek proselytes and high status
women; some are Jason, Aristarchus or Gaius (Acts. 17). Due to the good
message and the conversion of many, they suffered persecution from the Jews
and had to leave the city. The letter is written due to the concern of Paul
about this starting church. Timothy is sent to bring good news with some not
as good and some concerns. He wanted to go, but Satan hindered him 2:17. In
the letter it calls to separate from immorality of that society, he defends
himself of calumny, teaches the truth about the death of Christ, and asks
for respect for the pastors, and teaches about the return of Christ.
Thessalonians exposes the bases of Christology on the song of Isaiah 53, the
announced Messiah and that it was Jesus of Nazareth. One of the subjects of
this letter is “about those who fallen asleep” that were raised because they
died in Christ. But, of all the subjects, it was the second coming of Jesus
Christ and his difference about the rapture the one that Paul would teach
them. First comes Christ 4:13-18 and raptures the raised and the living in
Christ. Then it would be the matter of the second coming about the kingdom
of Christ. Paul closes the theology in reference to a holy life towards God,
for His coming is near, but makes emphasis in the brotherly love, respect,
the holy kiss and love.
Was Paul only three Shabbats in Thessalonica? (Acts.17:2), the depth of the
exposed doctrine is not the one of a starting congregation. The eschatology
of the first letter to the Thessalonians, though it is essential in
theology, it has also been wrongly used by many, as the way of seeing the
return of Christ 4:15; 5:23, or about how to understand the coming wrath
1:10; 5:9, or the so called “rapture of the Church” 4:13-18, if it will be
before or after the great tribulation –the coming wrath– and how is the Day
of the Lord 5:1-11.
The title “Thessalonians” derives from the church to which it is dedicated,
in this case 2 being the second of the two letters. The authorship is of the
apostle Paul although it includes two of his collaborators, Silvanus (Silas)
and Timothy. Internally it is seen in the introduction 1:1 and 3:17 and in
the character of Paul. Externally Irenaeus, clement of Alexandria,
Tertullian and the Canon of Muratori give testimony. The date: 51-52 A.D.
from Corinth in the second trip (Acts 17:1-9). It does not mention the
destruction of the Temple, which is prophecy of Yahshua, Jesus-Christ.
Paul writes to the church of the Thessalonians, but like most, it is letter
with a universal purpose. It was formed mainly by Jewish converts but the
majority were Gentiles. In this second letter, Paul warns them not to be
deceived with false eschatological doctrines about the second coming of
Chris, about the rumour that it has already taken place, which some believed
and that Paul had to battle, teaching that first the man of sin would come
and the apostasy would manifest for Christ to come; that way avoid false
teachers. He also exhorts them to work for their bread.
Thessalonica was capital of Macedonia, north of the Aegean Sea. It was a
free city governed by politics in times of the Roman Empire. When Paul
arrived around 50 A.D. he went to the synagogue, as it was his custom,
initiating his evangelization starting from the O.T. (Acts. 16, 18). The
church was formed from converted Jews, Greek proselytes and high status
women; some are Jason, Aristarchus and Gaius (Acts. 17). The second letter
is written because Paul, although joyful that the Thessalonians are
preserving in the in the faith, they also receive persecution. Paul wants to
cheer them in the midst of this experience and warns them of the false
teachers that are trying to deceive the church. It was worrying that many
were living in disorder, not working, as well as the false teaching that the
Lord had already come, but Paul provides the keys of the truth.
2 Thessalonians exposes a theology centred in eschatology due to the false
rumour that had extended amongst the Thessalonians that Jesus Christ has
already returned and was amongst them, though it is a pastoral letter, it is
necessary to Paul to teach again before the false doctrines. There is a very
clear exhortation of the destiny of those who do not know God in 1:8-9 but
at the same time gives hope to those that are in Christ in 1:7. This is,
amongst all the matters, the second coming of Jesus Christ and the
difference about the rapture the one that Paul teaches them so they may have
clear that Jesus Christ will not come before the man of sin manifest and the
apostasy has come, matters that had not happened and therefore they should
Verses 1:5-12 in reference to the rewards and retributions in general it’s
usually as a matter of doubt with regards to when. It is important, at
today’s date, at this point to remember the matter of persecution as
something natural in the Christian life, as Paul teaches the Thessalonians,
which is not God’s wrath, nor the Great day of the Lord. But the main matter
that usually brings more difficulty of interpretation is the Day of the
Lord, which we can see in 2:2. With reference to one that avoids 2:6-7 or
2:3-4, 8-10 about the lawless one usually also there are different
interpretations, but clear in context.