The title “Ephesians” is omitted in the old manuscripts “Chester Beaty,
Sinaiticus and Vatican Codex”, but the authorship of Paul of the Epistle to
the Ephesians –one of the “prison” letters- is shown by the introduction 1:1
and 3:1 and in many details which are Paul’s. Externally Clement of Rome,
Ignatius, Polycarp, Ireaneus, the Canon of Muratori Clement of Alexandria,
Tertullian, Origins, Eusebius, the Didache, Basilides and Marcion give
testimony. The date must be 61-62 A.D. from the prison of Rome. It does not
mention the destruction of the Temple, which is prophecy of Jesus Christ -
Paul writes to the saints and believers in Christ, although he continues in
reference to the Ephesians, the letter is universal and circulating. Ephesus
was the capital of the roman province of Asia (Turkey), strategic enclave
for a church and to spread the Gospel. Commerce, temple of Diana, sensual
cult of idolatry, Greco-roman philosophical ideas and sinful life. The main
purpose to write it was to remind that Jesus Christ – Yahshua is the head of
the Church, and Who gives us the richness of His glory. Shows Pau’s
satisfaction when finding this church in the faith, in the Way and in a
unity of Christ in the Trinitarian work.
Paul rejoices in writing about the unity of the church in the freedom of
Christ to a community which could be the first multicultural, which at last
includes both Jews and Gentiles, and even though he is the prison of Rome,
this is for him and great victory as apostle to the Gentiles. From there,
and about two years, he also writes to the Colossians, Philippians, and to
Philemon. Also as fruit of his collaborators Priscilla and Aquila, whom he
left there in the previous journey. Tychicus would take him to Ephesus,
6:21,22. In this occasion he does not have to deal with problems and
accusations. Paul loved this church in which Christ proved the work of the
Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Cross, the unity of the Church in Christ and
His power over evil and the shield of the faith. Christ is the head of the
Church which is His body which has been equipped for a new life. Also John
received order from Jesus Christ to write to the church of Ephesus, which we
write in Revelation 2.
Ephesians begins theologically with the doctrine of election, followed by
predestination, adoption, redemption through the blood of Christ, the
forgiveness of sins and the dispensation of the fulfilment of times through
His grace for His glory, all in chapter 1. But the three first chapters are
theological. Follows, the vivification through Christ, in the heights
through Christ, in peace through Him in the “fullness of God” (3:9), and
therefore reach “until we all reach unity in
the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and
become mature, attaining to the
whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (4:13). But the believer will be
tempted, but Paul teaches the armour of God (6:11-13).
Ephesians is an clear epistle and with little uncertainties, but some
doctrines are definitive and provoke interpretation discrepancy, like the
“Divine Election” in chapter 1, which teaches that God chooses some, but
does not condemn all the others, but sends the Gospel. The matter of the
submission, in special of the married women to their husbands, where love
must prevail, like that of Christ for His Church, so many times generalized
in women to men, and the children to their parents, in respect and honour.
The servants to the masters, which today applies to the employee and the
bosses or owners of companies so they treat one another in God’s love, in
chapter 5.