The title “Romans” has internal evidence 1:1 and external in Clement of Rome
30-100 A.D. Ignatius 67-110, and other fathers as, Polycarp, Justin Martyr.
Latter, even Marcion in the II century, and Eusebius en the IV. Author, Paul
(Paulus), (heb. Shaul, Saul). Born in Tarsus, capital of Cilicia, in Asia
Minor. Roman citizen and Pharisee Jew. He writes in Corinth around 56 A.D.
and after writing the two letters to the Corinthians. It does not mention
the destruction of the Temple, which is prophecy of Yahshua, Jesus-Christ.
Paul writes to the church in Rome, but Rome influences the entire Roman
Empire, which gives an idea of the reach of the target of the strategy of
God through the apostle. A purpose is to announce his intention to go to
Rome, when he wrote it, in the way to Jerusalem, with the offerings. As an
apostle to the gentiles Rome is part of his ministry. Romans may be the most
important letter of the New Testament “the cathedral of Christian faith”.
Paul was aware that in Rome it was vital to leave a foundation of the faith
in a structured way, correct and free from heresy, and clear to the entire
pagan world and to the primitive church. Knowing that is was formed by Jews
and Gentiles, includes references to the Jewish and prophetic origin or
Yahshua, the Son of God, whom he introduces as “with power” and the Father
of all, God. Also it proves the uselessness of “judaizing” the Gentiles.
Paul gives the letter apparently to Phoebe, deaconess of Cenchrea who takes
it to Rome, a Rome of the first century A.D. before 70, because nor the
Temple or Jerusalem had been destroyed, before the fire of Rome in 64 in the
persecution of Nero, who governed in times of Paul and of this letter, in a
political time of peace and order. Pagan life was of great sin and far from
the Gospel. Paul has not been to Rome yet, but writes to some Christians he
already knows.
The entire theology could be summarised from the Text of Romans 3:21-24
about the “grace” of God who justifies everyone who believes in Christ and
His redemptory work. The power of God; justification by faith, in His grace;
of the just judgment; the message of the Gospel based in that justice of
God. The Text of 1:16-17 But "The just shall live by faith” is the
foundation that touched the hearts in their conversion of Saint Augustine,
Martin Luther or John Wesley, and others. The Holy Spirit equips the
believer for a holy life. The love and goodness of God 5:8. God’s
sovereignty, election is clear in the case of Israel. Sin: Adam and Christ,
teaches how the law of the Spirit is higher than the Law. Paul teaches in
Romans, the Trinity of God to the Church.
The sin of Adam transmitted to the entire humanity 5:12-21. Doctrine of
election 8:28-30 where God chooses some to save them and not others. God’s
sovereignty 9:6-29, a future nation for Israel in chaps. 9 to 11 against the
theology of substitution: because Israel did not receive Christ, the Church
substitutes it as the people of God.