Jerusalem is the center of attention of this section, the city where Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophecy about himself, and where the last prophecies will be fulfilled, those that will take the world to the encounter with God in the second coming of Jesus. The literal sons of Isaac (Israel) and the literal sons of Ismail (Arabs), both sons of the same physical father, Abraham, fight to death for it in the Palestinian conflict that only has one solution: That they receive Yahshua, Jesus Christ their Messiah as well as of all nations. Only in Yahshua we are truly the spiritual sons of Abraham, father of all nations, because he believed God. Since 1948 with the prophetic return or Israel to the Promised Land according to Ezekiel 39, the Messianic are rapidly growing within the Jewish community, and are fulfilling the prophecy about Israel in the end of time, announcing that Yahshua was and is the Promised Messiah of Revelation 1:7. URGENGT NEWS: RESURRECTION IS COMING – READ IT HERE…

www.christianitytoday.com – www.christianity.com – www.christianpost.com – www.opendoorsusa.org – www.haaretz.com 

www.jpost.com – www.bridgesforpeace.com – www.palestinedaily.com – Science & Faith  

http://news.bbc.co.uk – www.foxnews.com –www.cnn.com – www.euronews.comwww.reuteres.comwww.yahoo.com – www.google.com


October 2024 – SCIENCE – THE UNIVERSE IS NOT HOW WE BELIEVED – JAMES WEBB – NASA. The discoveries of the telescope that has the name of he who was the director of the Apollo Program of NASA, James Webb, have changed the narrative of what up to now was believed to the cosmology and quantum physics approved by science. Now nothing seems to be what was believed and we have to start again. Biblical creationism is more present than ever. Bible Text of Daniel 12:4: “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

October 2024 – 4th FORUM OF CHRIST CENTRED EDUCATION. To be celebrated in Madrid on the 1st and 2nd of November. The schools of Christian Evangelical education receive more demand than they can cover. Families are seeking to educate their children in the values of Jesus and to prepare them for a polarized and postmodern world. Contact: https://acsieurope.org

September 2024 – ISRAEL ON WAR. The three frontiers are being attacked. On the north, from Lebanon. On the east, from Transjordan, and from the south, from Gaza. The plan of the Israeli government because they do not receive their hostages from the terrorist attack in October 2023, is to persecute and eliminate their enemies, the terrorist groups which occupy civil territories in the three areas. The world is ignorant on Biblical prophecy and sees it as the attack of Israel against civil areas. Armageddon is the last prophetical battle of Israel which is attacked from these three fronts, but all nations against Israel: Will it mean the United Nations? The Biblical prophecy shows Israel and Jerusalem surrounded by all nations in Armageddon (Revelation 16:16).

September 2024 – DIACONIA SOCIAL EVANGELICAL ACTION EVENTS IN SEPTEMBER. Charity race and social action events of prevention to help vulnerable people. You can participate in their website Diaconia.es and in collaboration with evangelical churches of Spain. 

August 2024 – OLYMPICS PARIS 2024 EVANGELISM. The Bible Societies and the Churches of France will give hundreds of thousands Gospels and special editions with the Message of Salvation of Christ during the Olympics. Many Christian elite athletes will share their testimony of a life with Christ. The Church is completing the “Great Commission” that Jesus commanded us: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:19-20.

August 2024 – LAUSANNE 50 ANNIVERSARY WORLD EVANGELISTIC MOVEMENT. The Great Commission of Jesus Christ – Yahshua commanded us the Church (Matthew 28:19-29) needs of the unity of all the churches in the world, of the unity of all Christians. In July 1974, according to Lausanne.org gathered in the Swiss city of the same name 2.700 participants from 150 countries, after the initiative of Dr. Billy Graham to unite the churches of the world in evangelism, of which the magazine Time reported. This month of July, is the 50th anniversary and the movement keeps working. The Lausanne Covenant has been serving as a base for the missionary evangelistic movement in the world, and as a theological reference for the evangelical churches, something similar to the Councils of the history of the Church, but to preserve a Biblical theology, according to the Word of God, before tradition. They are volunteers who serve at Lausanne and not seeking notoriety, but to serve the Church, now in 200 countries. More info at the mentioned website and at Christianitytoday.com

July 2024 – ARAB ISRAELI CHRISTIANS STAY IN GAZA TO SERVE. Some Christians from an Arab-Israeli background have decided to stay and serve helping, praying, in the Gaza-Israeli conflict now expanding to the north border with Lebanon. Both Hamas and Hezbollah attack Israel from north and south. Israel present government continues to attack those terrorist groups. The conflict of the kidnapped Jews is not resolved. Christ the King Evangelical Episcopal Church in Ma’alot-Tarshiha, a mixed Arab-Jewish town, a church built on a land donated by the Israeli government are gathering and uniting Israelis, messianic Jews, Arabs and Palestinians who want peace, and pray together, while others of each group do not accept to pray for those of either side who are killing its neighbour, instead of loving its neighbour. Source: Christianity Today. The problem is that prayers of the mixed group are conducted to God, in the different names they use: God, Allah, Hashem, etc. But not in Christ alone, who is the Saviour and only one who must be recognized by all from all groups. Jesus says: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life: no one comes to the Father, except through Me.” John 14:6.

July 2024 – JERUSALEM – A SPECIAL STATUTE PROPOSED BY THE CATHOLIC POPE. These days there was news that the Pope of Rome was proposing a special statute for Jerusalem, something similar to what the Vatican has, in Rome? Will it be another attempt of having dominion over Jerusalem, even help raise the Temple to end up requesting its custody? Would this be the anteroom of a 7 year covenant to be broken 3.5 after week 70 of Daniel 9? 2 Thessalonians 2:4.

June 2024 – SPAIN WE PRAY FOR YOU – RETURN TO YOU. With this motto, and Jeremiah 24:7 one more year the Christian people in Spain are called. The Church of the end time remains as a lamp to bring light to the world, a light that does not turn off in a world that does. The website of the organizers of this event in all Spain: http://espanaoramosportir.es

June 2024 – WARS AND RUMOURS OF WAR – NATO CHANGES. Israel in Gaza, Russia in Ukraine and Europe, China in Taiwan. A pre-war program in the entire world is part of the Words that the Lord Jesus – Yahshua said in Matthew 24. Present shows a change in the strategy of the members of NATO who authorize Ukraine to use weapons donated in Russian territory. Threats of a nuclear reaction are on the military table of decisions. Spain We Pray for You falls short. It is needed, and there is, a constant prayer to prepare believers to face this time, with faith and hope in the coming of Christ, while we continue to preach the Gospel and helping those in need. Lord, increase our faith!

May 2024 – GOOD WORKS OF THE CHURCH. Jesus requested us to not only preach the Gospel of salvation, but to not forget the poor. The Report from Ferede about Evangelical Social Work is relevant about the great work carried out between all. You may read it in the FEREDE website (in Spanish). The Judgment to the Nations must always resonate in everyone’s hearts: “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.” Matthew 25:31-46.

May 2024 – ISRAEL ECLIPSES GEOPOLITICS – IRAN ATTACKS ISRAEL. All the frontpages of international media centred their attention in the attack of Iran over Israel. Other wars and other international problems were immediately put in second place because they are not as relevant to the world as it is the problem of the Holy Land. The question is, more than due to Israel, due to Jerusalem, because there will be the return of the Messiah Yahshua – Jesus Christ, and we were asked to pray for the peace of the holy city, geopolitical centre of the world: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; May they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122. Because in it we await the return of the Messiah Jesus Christ in glory: “And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of hit toward the south…” Zechariah 14.

April 2024 – WAR IN ISRAEL ON SOUTH AND NORTH. While the Israeli government continues its offensive in Gaza against Hamas, in the south of the country, and after attacks in Lebanon and Syria against militia of Hezbollah who met with Iran, the Israeli civil population demonstrated against its government and claim for an agreement to free over one hundred and thirty captives by Hamas since the terrorist attack in past October. The Bible prophecy is clear with regards to the situation in which Israel and Jerusalem would be surrounded by all nations in Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). If the construction of the third Temple begins, the circumstanced will be met for the beginning of the end.

April 2024 – MOVIE THE CASE FOR CHRIST. Based in a true story, an atheist journalist investigates the death and resurrection of Jesus, or the truth of the Bible to refute his wife just converted to Christ. His work of investigation includes consultation to pathologist forensic doctors, Bible textual criticism, history of the Church, archaeology, and other fundamental and scientific fields. His conclusions converted in evidence that Jesus really existed, really died, and rose from the dead, and that His Word is true, making him rethink his believes and accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour. He ended being a pastor and preacher of a church and community. His books are “best sellers” in the New York Times. His life, since he received Christ is another gift of one more Christian to the Great Commission that our Lord Jesus Christ commanded the Church: “…All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on the earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit;…” (Matthew 28:18-19). More info in his website: https://leestrobelministries.org/

March 2024 – THE CHOSEN. Theatres in Spain have played the presentation of the fourth season of the series about the life of Jesus, which continues to attract non-Christians, and Christians of all denominations, whether Catholic or Evangelicals. Jesus connects here in a closer way with the society of the XXI century in a focus of the narrative loyal to the Bible, which some criticize for including, like in all films, some fiction adaptations. For the Church, the important matter is the glory of God and that the souls are saved, for which we must complete the instruction of the Lord of, go and make disciples of all nations in Matthew 28:16-20. The series is being dubbed and subtitled to the languages of all the world.

March 2024 – THE OLDEST BIBLE TEXT – THE BLESSING OF YHWH – ARCHAEOLOGY OF JERUSALEM. The oldest known Bible Text of the Old Testament, south of Jerusalem, due to excavation works in the tombs of the valley of Ketef Hennom, in 1979 by professor Barkay, dated between VII and VI centuries B.C. as they were next to other thousand objects, and by palaeography by Dr. Mc Carter, specialist in ancient Semitic scripture of the Johns Hopkins University, containing the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:22-26 and Deuteronomy 7. Coincides with the times of prophet Jeremiah, predate the invasion of Nebuchadnezzar and the destruction of Jerusalem and of the first Temple, and provide another proof of the authenticity and antiquity of the intact Bible Texts that we have in our days, in the best translations of the Bible, like the King James Version, or the Spanish Reina-Valera. These Texts found precede 500 years the Dead Sea scrolls. https://armstronginstitute.org/45-ketef-hinnom-scrolls 

February 2024 – NASA – ASTEROID 2007 FT3 POSSIBLE IMPACT OCTOBER 2024. “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. 26 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 And then He will send His angels, and gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven.” Mark 13:24-27.

February 2024 – CHIP IN THE BRAIN. The first chip to control devices through thought has been implanted in a person. It is not the first chip implanted. The previous were for medical use. This new era, which promises comfort, also permits remote control of the chip, even through AI artificial intelligence, and consequently could induce alterations in behaviour and in the will. They talk of the mark of the beast 666 of Revelation 13:16-17 an the end times of the Antichrist and his false miracles. 

January 2024 – AI – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, REGULATED OR TO SUBMIT HUMANITY? No doubt the news of the just approved project of the EU to regulate the use of AI seams for many a relief doe to the fear if it could get to dominate all the systems that we use in daily life, to the point of submitting population and dominating it knowing and using all personal information, every one’s life, resulting in the loss of privacy, intimacy and freedom. But no doubt this is a race that the old Europe has already lost. Technology cannot be limited, and the fact that the first power is no longer the US but China, makes is geopolitically impossible. Many see in AI the perfect tool that was missing for a world government of the end times under the man of sin or antichrist (Daniel 9:27 – 2 Thessalonians 2). The learning speed of the auto generative AI, with the support of the new computers with quantum processors leave no space for doubt that this tool that we are already using has changed the world.

January 2024 – TOWARDS A NEW MIDDLE EAST? After the terrorist attacks of Hamas in Israel and the war on Gaza, another front opens in the Red Sea that threatens world commerce as merchant ships are attacked at the entrance, on their way towards Suez Chanal by Yemeni terrorist who want to hurt Israel and the west as much as possible. The geopolitical negotiation of a new middle east, according to the majority of specialised sources, heads to an integration of Gaza in Israel connected with Egypt, to an assimilation of the Palestinian population by Jordan and other countries. A new area of prosperity is being debated with the support of the US and Arab countries of the area who want to stop having Islamic terrorism as a neighbour. But the situation is deeper than this, it is the anteroom of the situation that Israel will live before the battle of Armageddon, Revelation 16.

December 2023 – CHRISTMAS CHILD – THE CHARITY BOXES THAT TAKE JESUS TO POOR CHILDREN. While we celebrate Christmas, the birth of our King, the worldwide society continues to permit that many children dye of hunger every day in the world. Christmas Child, one more year takes shoe boxes with presents and the Gospel to thousands of children in need. Each one of us can help according to their possibilities, but if we don’t give them life, how can we present them the Child King Who gives us eternal life? “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Matthew 22:36-40).

December 2023 – 10.000 CHILDREN DYE OF HUNGER DAILY IN THE WORLD. According to the report of WHO and UN, in 2030 there will be 600 million people suffering from hunger. Christian NGO World Vision provides humanitarian aid, continues to work for the children in the third world, and in more than 100 countries, especially providing food, drinking water, education, and support to their families. All is organized and provided thanks to the donations its team coordinates. One more Christmas, while the west and many emerging countries waste resources, a great part of humanity needs. As the Lord Yahshua – Jesus warned: “For you have the poor with you always…” (Mark 14:7). Words that should rumble in the consciences of all of us.

November 2023 – ISRAEL TERRORIST ATTACK ON 50TH ANNIVERSARY YOM KIPPUR WAR BY HAMAS – ISRAEL REACTS INVADING GAZA. Last month we warned that the negotiations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, along with other Arab countries for a commercial normalization of relations, would cause radical reactions, especially because the Palestinian problem is not being dealt with. The unmerciful terrorist attack of Hamas killing children, families, and Israeli citizens as well as foreigners in an evil way, and kidnapping hundreds, has been of such magnitude that Israel has reacted invading Gaza with the target of making Hamas disappear. Some radicals justify the attack as a future protection of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Mosque´s Compound or Temple Mount, and others as legitimate on the side of Palestinians. The international community has not solved the conflict since Israel received his state from the hands of the United Nations in 1948. Civilians from both sides are the victims, while their governors, the UN and world powers have spent many decades without solving it, while thousands of people die, and other thousands suffer. A society of world power that is similar to the Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18, which does business with everything, including the souls, but will receive its punishment from God, and will fall.

November 2023 – SOUND OF FREEDOM. Film about children’s sexual trafficking becomes a success in theatres in the US, and already in Spain, which was rejected by Amazon, Disney and Netflix, starring Jim Caviezel (Jesus, The Passion of the Christ, of Mel Gibson). Source Evangelical Focus. “Love your neighbour as yourself” Matthew 22:39.

Ocotober/November 2023 – 31 OCTOBER DAY OF THE SPANISH PROTESTANT REFORMATION – THE UNIVERSITY OF ALCALA AND THE REFORMED CATHOLICS. The University of Alcalá and its founder, Cardinal Cisneros, and thanks to the Isabelline reformation, propitiated that in Spain there would be an autochthonous reformation, from teachers of that university like Juan de Valdés and other very famous that would influence Reina and Valera in the Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo, at Santiponce, in Seville, and by Juan Pérez de Pineda, who published works of all in the printer. According to the author of the article (see link below to Protestante Digital “in Spanish”), the Spanish reformers initiated an autochthonous reformation, and not as influenced by the movement in Europe as once thought, and some of them calling themselves reformed Catholics and produced autochthonous works: Confession of Faith of Casiodoro de Reina. The Catechism of Reina, and Pérez de Pineda. Systematic Theology of Antonio del Corro. And of course, The Bible: Enzinas, Pérez de Pineda, Reina, Valera. Today, initiatives like: https://credoreina.com/ and the Master on Spanish Protestant Reformation, of the Theological Seminary of Seville, divulgate and train Spanish believers, so they look in the mirror of those beginnings in the University of Alcalá, from Cisneros to Juan de Valdés. Whichever way one must be called, let us all be of Christ those who love God, (1 Corinthians 1:12).


October 2023 – ISRAEL UNDER CONFLICT FOR PACT WITH ARABS. Saudi Arabia negotiates with Israel on business agreements, reestablishment of relations, and a two-state solution, Israel and Palestine, with capital in Jerusalem, which has provoked a great protest in Israel. It brings to memory when Rabin agreed with Arafat under Clinton and the Israeli leader was assassinated. All nations against Jerusalem will be defeated by Yahweh and their residents will receive spirit of prayer and will look into Jesus Christ – Yahshua, whom they trespassed, as prophesised in Zechariah 12.  

October 2023 – CHRISTIAN NGOS – MOROCCO EARTHQUAKE – LIBYA FLOODS – THOUSANDS DEAD. Two almost simultaneous tragedies, firs storm Daniel broke two dams in Libya causing more than 2.000 dead, and the earthquake of Morocco, casing 3.000 dead. The amount of seriously injured and devastation in both places that have moved the Church. Let’s pray, go or send help, because the Lord Jesus warned in Matthew 24 about earthquakes in different places in the end times.

September 2023 – MISSIONARIES THAT TAKE THE GOSPEL WHERE THEY NEVER HEARD IT. The international director of SIM (International Missionary Society), comments from the focus of Lausanne, and the target to reach all the world with all the Gospel, the reality that many missions are focusing their work on places where the Gospel already is, therefore, the need to reach those nations and places where there is no access to it. The great repression in many countries against Christianity avoids that millions of souls can have access. It is a total dedication and a giving of one’s life for love to the Lord and to the neighbour. Internet has become an access channel for evangelizing in all languages, and a support of evangelistic material for missions. (Matthew 28:16-20) Source Evangelical Focus. 

September 2023 – ISRAEL UNDER THREAT FROM IRAN. The West Banks suffers another year with many casualties on both sides, more than 200 Palestinians dead and more than 30 Israelis in new confrontations that Israel blames are motivated by Iran to distract while they continue with their nuclear plan. Iran from their part have announced they have drones that can reach Israel and threatens it continuously. But the Lord says He will protect Israel. Biblical Text (Ezekiel 39:4-5). Source, Jerusalem Post. 

August 2023 – CHRISTIAN NGO DIACONIA AWARDED 2 TIMES BY SPANISH GOVERNMENT. For its work against human trafficking, and for its work in housing people from the war in Ukraine. The constant work of this Christian organization has won the hearts of those affected, but also those of society. Pray and support so they can continue to help those in need. Bible Text: The Judgment to the Nations (Matthew 25:31-46). To help: https://diaconia.es/

August 2023 – CHRISTIAN NGO REMAR AWARDED BY US CONGRESS. They started in 1992 in Chicago and in 1995 in Florida. From Miami, their work has impacted deeper, to the point that US Congress has awarded them with a recognition for their work helping marginalized, homeless, drug addicted, and families without resources, with love and compassion for those less favoured. Source: Evangelical Focus. 

July 2023 – MORE MESSIANIC JEWS THAT BELIEVE IN YAHSHUA. For many, this is a prophecy being fulfilled. According to “Jews for Jesus”, almost 20% of young Jews in America believe in Jesus, whom they know as the Jewish rabbi of some 2000 years ago who was the promised Messiah, the Son of God who came to the world to give His life to save those who believe in Him, and He will return to establish the Kingdom of God. Romans Chaps. 9 & 11. Source: Jews for Jesus.

July 2023 – PRAYER BREAKFAST AND SPAIN: WE PRAY FOR YOU. In Spain two events have taken place which help our country under God’s mercy. The first one was a prayer breakfast, in line with the one that is celebrated in the US between the president of the nation and members of the Christian community to pray for the government of the nation. Also the prayer event for the country was celebrated organized by the evangelical churches. The country has just had a political turn in the recent municipal and regional elections. Pending of the general election at the end of July. Proverbs 31:8. Source FEREDE.

June 2023 – TO EVANGELIZE ON THE STREETS WAS THE MOTTO OF THE EUROPEAN LEADERSHIP FORUM. The conference of the E.L.F. encouraged to public evangelism to 750 participants. A return to carry the Gospel like at the beginning the apostles did, especially as we get closer to the return of Jesus Christ – Yahshua for His kingdom. Something so basic and obvious in base of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to the Church in Matthew 28 and that however it always needs to be encouraged by the leaders to all Christendom. Source Evangelical Focus. Bible Text (Matthew 28): “Jesus came and spoke to them saying: All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

June 2023 – AI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATED BY THE EU AND THE US. The challenge, the threat, and the opportunity of using artificial intelligence is taking governments and new partners form all areas to create a code of conduct to regulate this technology which is making the international stock markets raise exponentially on the tech companies. Although the advantages of this technology can be important, the risks are greater. This is the first step. Surely more will come as vulnerabilities are being discovered, like nuclear war, new pandemics and other ways of destroying humanity. The film Matrix already showed how AI made humans become a mere source of energy so that the machines could impose their supposed supremacy. Source: The Economist. Bible Text (Revelation 12:9 and 20:10).

May 2023 – ISRAEL 75th ANNIVERSARY. The 14th of May 1048 ended the British mandate and began the independence of the State of Israel, re-establishing it after some 2000 years. The population of Israel today is twelve times larger than that day and it is reaching the 10 million. Source Gov.il  The celebration this year coincides with the 25th of April 2023. Meanwhile Israel suffers a large protest for the separation of powers system between the parliament and the judicial system. For many this is a fulfilled Biblical prophecy about the return of the Jews to Israel at the end of time previous to the return of the Messiah Yahshua – Jesus Christ in His Kingdom. (Romans 11:25 – Revelation 14).

May 2023 – CHRISTIANS UNDER EXTREME PERSECUTION AND WARS AND RUMOURS OF WARS. Sudan and Nigeria are suffering attacks from extremists that continue to assassinate Christians with impunity. We know the persecution to Christianity will grow in the end of times, within the final and eschatological prophecies, as they are also the “wars and rumours of wars” today in the entire world. It is not only Ukraine and the shame of the West incapable of reaching peace, but forgotten conflicts like those in Sudan, Nigeria, Syria, Afghanistan, DR Congo, rumours of war of China and Taiwan, North Korea threatening Japan, Venezuela and Central America, and of course Israel and Palestine and the Iranian threat. The famines and the conquest of the rich countries for the natural resources show the impiety or the man sinner and separated from God. (Matthew 24.6-7).

April 2023 – Easter – Passover – THE SUFFERING OF THE CRADLE OF CHRISTIANITY.  Israel suffers an unprecedented political crisis. Syria and Turkey suffer after the earthquake. Greece suffers large civilian protests. Rome suffers their sick and under treat Pope at just before Easter. Believers in these areas are suffering and living a society prophesized for the end times. All the areas are the map of the origins of Christianity, the cradle of the Gospel. From Jerusalem to Rome, passing by Antioch and Athens, and many other cities which have an Epistle in the Bible suffer this Easter a Passover of unprecedented prophetical times. (Matthew 24 – 2 Thessalonians 2).

April 2023 – CHAT GPT. WILL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BE THE TOOL OF THE WORLD GOVERNMENT OF THE ANTICHRIST? The battle of opinions has only started. Many companies are already using these tools which offer to ease our work and an unthinkable resource capacity. Experts in bioethics and some directors of multinationals warn that the world is not ready for the AI, at least now. The great danger is its use for evil, as always. This is without a doubt the next great change for the world, after Internet. If governments and companies will be able to be transparent and rule in favour of humanity and its rights, it is yet to be seen. Legislations and the consequences will soon come. Although he, who deceives the whole world, was thrown into the earth with his angels… …but at the end he will be through into the lake of fire. (Revelation 12:9 and 20:10). Source Evangelical Focus.  

March 2023 – SPIRITUAL AWAKENING IN ASBURY AFTER 50 YEARS – WILL IT BE THE LAST ONE BEFORE THE RETURN OF CHRIST?  A service that started on the 8th of February and continues for two weeks of prayer, praise, presence of the Holy Spirit, impact in repenting people, youth without mobile phones come to fill themselves up with Jesus, and all without previous planning, nor agenda, nor plan of the pastor, or from the leaders. Tens of thousands have arrived from all the country, and other universities like this one of Asbury, at Wilmore, Kentucky, have received the Spirit of revival. Ann Graham, daughter of the legendary evangelist Billy Graham thinks the same, that this could be the last one before the coming of Christ. Will it be the beginning of the last call, the last “rain” of the presence of God before the end? The last of this magnitude was in 1970 known as the “Jesus Movement” and there is a film about the “Jesus Revolution”. The secular media of all the country and of the world have covered the event. However the prophecies of the end times do not speak of a revival before the coming of Christ, but of a world of apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2). But welcome the revival in the Church and the work of the Holy Spirit to prepare us for this end time. Source: Christian post.

March 2023 – EARTHQUAKE IN TURKEY AND SYRIA: ANTIOCH CITY OF CHRISTIANITY. The foundations of the cities that received the first Christianity have shaken and our brethren from those places suffer together with a population that has suffered for decades standing an unsustainable social situation, and now thousands of dead and devastation. The Lord Jesus warned in Matthew 24 about earthquakes in different places in the end times. The tectonic fault that has shaken this time is a crossing of three faults, the Anatolia, the Arabia and the Nubia. The line of crash between the Arabia and the Nubia goes from the area of Antioch, all the way down the valley of the Lebanon, passing near Damascus, and through the valley of the Jordan to the point of the peninsula of Sinai, and Jerusalem is at a stone throw, where there will be the last great earthquake in the coming of Christ. Damascus is another city with prophecy of Isaiah 17 that is affected by that fault. Those signs are linked with the prophetical end times.

February 2023 – 30 YEARS REPORT ON CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION – OPEN DOORS. Ted Blake presented the report in Spain in January of this New Year 2023 where he points out the increase of persecution to Christians in the world. In the web Opendoorsusa.org we can see a report with a graphic and the list of countries where the persecution is greater, based in acts that take place each year. This work has managed to make aware and help where 360 million Christians suffer persecution or discrimination daily due to their faith in Jesus Christ – Yahshua. We can help with prayer and help that we find in their web. (Matthew 10:22) tells of the words of the Lord Jesus about how we would be persecuted for His name’s sake. Also in (Matthew 5), in The Beatitudes, He urges us to feel blessed for it.

February 2023 – CHRISTIANS AND CLIMATE CHANGE. Two decades ago, scientists would alert about global cooling. Until not long ago the talk was about global warming. Now we talk about climate change. The prophecies of the Lord Jesus – Yahshua, for the end times include natural phenomena, like earthquakes, but also of cosmic origin, from outside the planet. Much is debated from political interests and economical of climate change, of the effect of the gasses, by the action of man, pollution, etc. But we could ask how if man does not take care of his own body, can take care of the planet that God gave us, for future generations. The news is that Christianity is becoming defender of the planet in the last year, now becoming a matter of debate in the Church, as it should be, for the earth is the work of God who placed it in our hands. How much the action of man pollutes the planet and influenced climate change will be an interesting debate, though evident to certain degree, but the final changes that the planet will receive are part of God’s plan and man will not be able to avoid them, but be hopeful on the new heavens and new earth that are to come (Matthew 24; 2 Pedro 3:7-12).

January 2023 – PROPHETICAL ARCHEOLOGY. 700 BC inscriptions findings from the times of Ezekiel, King of Judah that tell the story of his deeds, including the channelling of the Siloam pool. The inscriptions had not been perceived before, but from the University o Haifa they studied the findings that come from the Assyrian history of Sennacherib from the deposit of Nineveh, that relate to the Bible Text of 2 Kings 18 and 20. Source Jerusalem Post.

January 2023 – THE CHOSEN. The TV series about the life of Jesus and his apostles that impacts the present world from a perspective of a narrative faithful to the Bible, but closer to the society of the XXI century. A Jesus more accessible and with a touch of healthy hummer that is winning the approval of all Christianity in its different denominations, which is a miracle itself. The prophecy tells that Jerusalem would be trampled by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled, Luke 21:24 and that will take place after the instruction of the Lord to the Church, to go an make disciples to all nations in Matthew 28:16-20.

December 2022 – CHRISTMAS 2022 CHRISTIAN WORK AND UNITY. From Advent, (from Latin adventus, coming) we prepare for Christmas with carols of praise and worship for the birth of Child Jesus (Matthew 1, Luke 2). Churches and brethren cooperate for food for the needed. Lausana unites branches of Christianity towards preaching the Gospel to a secularized world. Many say the world is going crazy, but the apostasy only follows the fulfilment of the prophetical end time (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10). Advent, however, historically would be celebrated as preparations of the birth of the Messiah, but for the coming of the Messiah in His Kingdom, a time to fast and meditate. But this Christmas we praise and worship God again who sent His Son, the Saviour of the world, and Whom we await in His eternal Kingdom. Worship, works and Christian unity honour our Lord Jesus Christ.

December 2022 – EVANGELISM 270.000 PEOPLE GATHER AT “SÍ, HAY ESPERANZA – YES THERE IS HOPE.”270.000 people in two days went to the evangelistic event “Sí Hay Esperanza – Yes There is Hope” form brother Palau at Buenos Aires. Brother Luis Palau who departed with the Lord, has left an evangelistic legacy that his soon Andres continues. They have met previously with society in different statements, business people, government leaders, workers, and have impacted them with the Gospel and the good Christian work. The Great Commission continues until the Lord establishes His Kingdom (Matthew 28:16-20). Source: Actualidad Evangelica. 

November 2022 – ELDERLY HOME LA GRANJA IN JAEN NEEDS HELP AFTER 40 YEARS. Without public help or subventions for being evangelical, depends only of private donations. Today, with the increase of prices of supplies and of energy it becomes impossible to cover costs, even with the pensions of each elder. They have provided during 40 years to elders of Evangelical faith a place where to live their last days with brethren of the same faith. “You shall rise before the grey headed and honor the presence of the old man, and fear your God: I am the Lord,” (Leviticus 19:32). If God calls in your heart to help them: https://hlagranja.weebly.com/

November 2022 – JERUSALEM CROWDED IN THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES BY JEWS AND CHRISTIANS. After the pandemic and the end of restrictions, Jerusalem was crowded by pilgrims both Jews and Christians for the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. The square of the Wailing Wall was full of believers. Members of the Israeli Parliament thanked the foreigners for coming to worship. Many see and others await the millennial prophecy about the nations at the end of time, when they will come to worship in Jerusalem, but before, the time of the Gentiles must finish, (Zechariah 14:16).

October 2022 – SEVILLE PROTESTANT ROUTE. One Protestant Route already exists in Valladolid know as the “Ruta del Hereje” (Route of the Heretic), from the book of Miguel Delibes. The initiative from the Evangelical Andalucian Autonomous Council, in agreement with the Town Hall of Seville, will prepare a Route so that what was lived by the Protestants in Seville can be know in a historical way. How the Inquisition persecuted those who embraced the Reformed faith, and how amongst them came the great translator of The Bible best known in the Spanish speaking world, from the original tongs, Casiodoro de Reina, who came out of the Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo, in Santiponce, Seville. More information in Spanish in this link: Protestante Digital

October 2022 – MISSION DART FROM NASA DEVIATES ASTEROID. NASA has taken the initiative to impact a spaceship against asteroid “Dimorphos” a kind of moon of a larger asteroid “Didymos” to study the changes of direction in their program of prevention of future impacts against the earth. The Bible tells of the last days the stars will fall from the heavens. Matthew 24.

September 2022 – EMBRYOS WITHOUT UTERUS, OR EGG, OR SPERM. Scientists of the Institute of Weizmann in Israel have managed to create a mouse from mother cells and gestate it in a laboratory. The project opens the door to the investigation to create humans, and human organs for transplant that could be from and for the patient. On the one hand the investigation can be a great advance for humanity; on the other it could be a great deceit and an ethical problem that could also be medical due to the DNA alterations on the receiver. On the prophetical side we know that the Devil is always imitating God to deceive and deviate man, the deceit of that Wicked with great power and signs and lying  wonders, whose coming is by working of Satan and who will come just before the return of Christ; 2 Thessalonians 2.

September 2022 – MONTH OF THE BIBLE – BIBLE SOCIETY During the month of September, the Spanish Bible Society offers a program to make the Word of God known. On the 26th of September 1569 was concluded the printing of the first edition of the translation of the Bible to Spanish from the original tongs, by Casiodoro de Reina, in Basel, Switzerland, revised by Cyprian of Valera, in 1602. Its director Luis Fajardo explains the program that will take place by the Spanish Evangelical Churches, being the 24th of September the day when they will read the Bible in the House of the Bible, in Madrid, and different events around Spain. “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12. Sources: Actualidad Evangélica, and Spanish Bible Society.

August 2022 – SCIENCE AND FAITH GO HAND TO HAND Despite the fact that in many scopes of society they try to make a division between science and faith, or most times between science and religion, intending they are incompatible, nothing is furthest from reality. Instead of faith disappearing as many secularists intend, the more scientific discoveries, the more faith grows in the world. The problem is the lack of knowledge and of divulgation. To demonstrate it, in Madrid, at the Campus Vicálvaro, of the University King Juan Carlos a free course will be imparted by the professor Daniel Bores, doctor or education and teacher of that university. An interview may be watched of an interview from Jorge Fernández, at the website of Actualidad Evangélica.

August 2022 – THE WAR FOR THE ENERGY OF THE PLANET With the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the terrible balance in human lives and broken and displaced families, leaves another balance, the one of the war for the energy of the planet. All the countries, according to their military potential and power are fighting a war to subtract gas, oil, or any of the energy resources for the next energy transition, which at the same time is being threatened by subsistence. The egoist world without ruling again shows its cruel side which’s origin is sin, once again. Civilization, like Babylon, is falling before the coming of Jesus Christ – Yahshua, who will judge the all the nations. Matthew 25:31.

July 2022 – 75 ANIVERSARY OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS. In 1947 Bedouin shepherds of the desert in the area of Qumran, nest to the Dead Sea, found some leather and papyrus scrolls in caves inside stone water pots. They sold them to an antiquarian in Bethlehem, and they were purchased by the Archbishop of the Syrian Orthodox Monastery of St. Mark in Jerusalem, but he advertised them in the Wall Street Journal, and were acquired by Israel. The Manuscripts included the complete Old Testament, except Esther, and other scrolls of Isaiah. This archaeological discovery was providential for the dating and as a proof of the veracity of Sacred Scripture. You can read a complete article at: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/dead-sea-scrolls-75-years/

July 2022 – LOGOS HOPE THE EVANGELICAL LIBRARY SHIP. Seville has hosted the largest library in the world in a ship during June, carrying the Gospel to the world by the sea and organizes events of spiritual and emotional support where it goes. A program from the Sevillian Evangelical Church in Canal Sur TV presents the evangelical work of this ministry of volunteer missionaries of the world, to continue fulfilling the “Great Commission” of our Lord Jesus “Go and make disciples to all nations…” Matthew 28:19. You can watch the program at: https://protestantedigital.com/multimedia/video/64879/el-logos-hope-en-sevilla 

June 2022 – SPAIN WE PRAY FOR YOU 2022. The 11th of June is the day of prayer for Spain, on the streets and squares of all the country, organized by Evangelical Christians in all Spain. The inspiration of the Biblical Text of Jeremiah 29:7 is the motto for each to pray for its city, and conclusively for all the country. The organization is coordinated from: www.espanaoramosporti.es

June 2022 – CHRISTIANITY WITHOUT COMPROMISE. A report from The Christian Post about the church in the US alerts of a growing apathy behaviour of some Christians that do not compromise with the ministry. According to the study such attitude is more dangerous than atheism. Only the committed Christianity that proves its faith by preaching the Gospel and doing good works can unite the Church and impact the world with the character of Jesus Christ – Yahshua that defeats atheism. The Words of Jesus to the last church of Revelation 3:15-22, to Laodicea are clear: “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth”. But it also concludes that: “To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne”. This last church is usually seen as the character of the church of the end time.

May 2022 – ISRAEL CELEBRATES INDEPENDENCE UNDER THE IRANIAN THREAT. After more than 70 years, what the Bible calls a generation for our time and which to Israel does it after the fulfilment of the prophecy of the Jewish people to the Promised Land,  having fulfilled already the time of a generation since 1948, its existence is still being threatened. But despite the Iranian leaders and their nuclear project are a real threat, still the prophecy of the attack of Gog and Magog is not fulfilled, Revelation 20:7 onwards when the Messiah Yahshua – Jesus Christ will send fire from heaven and defeat them all, setting free the “camp of the saints” and the “beloved city”. But the debate is in whether this is only for the Church in the world, or also or only for literal Israel.

May 2022 – EUTHANASIA AND SUICIDE GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS OF A SOCIETY SEPARATED FROM GOD. Bible prophecies for the end times regarding man, talk of the great apostasy and the manifestation of the man of sin, a character related with the antichrist that influences society against God. When life has no purpose, or mental illness has not been treated and families have not realized, the failure of man that ends in death is a victory for that power who lives to do evil. The new laws of assisted suicide or euthanasia are being proposed as the solution for those depressed. The Bible talks of spirit of illness and of damned, and Jesus Christ would cast them out and set free those tormented, Luke 9:7-43. Is it possible today to receive that spiritual freedom and healing that delivers to a full life of purpose?

April – Easter – Passover 2022 – ISRAEL UNDER TERRORIST ATTACKS BEFORE PASSOVER – EASTER. Islamic extremists claimed to be behind several attacks in Israel, one of which killed an Arab Christian policeman. Prime minister in his condolences to the families pointed that with their sacrifice they saved many civil lives. Jerusalem still has no peace despite the fulfilment of the prophecy of the refoundation of the nation in 1948 and after a Biblical generation of 70 years, is waiting for the Messiah, it will be in the return of Jesus Christ to see peace al last in the New Jerusalem that descends from heaven, Revelation 21.

April – Easter – Passover 2022 – CHRISTIAN MERCY SHIPS Mercyships.org will do 5.000 surgeries and 24.000 dental treatments to the poor in Africa and other places of the world, to those who cannot pay. Teamed by volunteer doctors and crew. A grad work to the neighbour that also works to form doctors and personnel for them to form more volunteers with the goal of impacting more lives with mercy and the work of Christ and His Church in the Great Commission, Matthew 25 & 28.

March 2022 – UKRAINE INVADED BY RUSSIA. NEW COLD WAR? – PRAYER; OUR BEST WEAPON. NGO REMAR is already in the borders of Ukraine with Rumania to help thousands of families that leave due to war; help and prayer for www.remar.org In the prophetic field, many Bible scholars identify Russia with Magog who absorbs Ukraine again into its frontiers, and who will ally with other countries of the north guided by Gog, being whom at the end and from the north will invade Israel. Ezekiel 38-39 and Revelation 20:8, but these two Texts tell of two different battles. In any case will see prophecy being fulfilled about Gog and Magog in the end.

March 2022 – WARS AND CONFLICTS FORGOTTEN. While the world, especially the west, look at Ukraine do to the repercussion at levels like nuclear, humanitarian, economical and of resources, that can change the future of Euros and the world, in other countries like Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Sudan or Venezuela, to name a few, it has been years of Christians NGOs helping, but those conflicts they support are more forgotten each time. But we, as Christians must help and pray according to the judgement of Jesus Christ to the nations in Matthew 25: 31-46. You may connect with them in the link from our web: https://www.yahshua.net/donation.htm

February 2022 – BIBLE ARCHAEOLOGY THE FOUNDATION OF HISTORIC TRUTH – The project that brought Jerusalem back to maps with proofs and findings, which were followed by the State of Israel in 1948. Congregationalist minister Edward Robinson, in 1830 was surprised by the way German Universities were using higher textual criticism with the Bible, which made him realize of the urgency to create a project to find all Biblical places to give proof of the Historical Truth of the Bible, places, names and events would remain under the light of truth. At the beginning it was difficult to find the places, but the avalanche of findings would be growing to our days, in an exponential way. Today there is no place for doubt and in a probable and scientific way for those who could still do not see the Bible as divinely inspired and true. Source Christianity Today.

February 2022 – VOLCANO IN PALMA. NOW IS THE TIME TO HELP – To help after the disaster, when it is no longer in front page of the news. In Actualidad Evangélica with an interview to the pastor of the Baptist Church, a call is made to help now and not to forget those families who have suffered the disaster. It is usual to forget about people once it is not in the news. The Beatitudes of Matthew 5 are our guide of Christian conduct. More information in the web Actualidad Evangélica.

January 2022 – NASA CONSULTS 24 THEOLOGIANS ABOUT EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE. The debate has been open for years, since man considered going to space. But NASA has taken care to be prepared before the social reaction in the world in the event that they found intelligent live outside earth and has created a study with the collaboration of 24 theologians and philosophers that cover the different ways of faith and of thinking in society in the world. Source NASA website. But let us not forget the words of the Apostle Paul to the Athenians in his speech in the Areopagus of Athens before the Greek theologians, in Acts 17:26-31:

“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: 28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device. 30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: 31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.”

January 2022 – COVID – OMICRON – “…AND THERE SHALL BE PESTILENCES… IN DIVERSER PLACES” The Greek word from which omicron comes is “omikron” from “o” and “micron” the letter o and the adjective micro, small. It seems that when they named it they could guess that the effect in mortality would be small, and even though very contagious, it could mark the end of this pandemic, or pestilence, to use Biblical words, which has been decimating humanity since 2019. Scientists experts in pandemics, warn that nor can vaccines, nor the protection methods, stop this “variant”. Others think it is a new virus from the creators and business beneficiaries and social controllers. Conspiracy theories and misinformation rule, but the Words of the Lord Jesus for the end times seem to sound in the current world. Matthew 24:7.

December 2021 – LENT – THE GREATEST NEWS EVER TOLD TO THE WORLD – LUKE 2: THE BIRTH OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH IN THE PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE. If we realize, the greatest prophetical news of history is the birth of the Son of God, the Saviour for all people, but we must receive Him as such. This news captures our attention during the four Sundays before Christmas. But, why did God become man? You may read a Bible Study of Christmas in Biblical Studies of Solid Food in this link…

December 2021 – DEAD SEA SCROLLS MORE DISCOVERED. As well as enlarging the amount of fragments from about 2.000 years, of manuscripts that confirm the Bible, in the same enclave they found rests of a child of some 6.000 years and others findings which carbon dated 10.500 years. Source CBS News.

December 2021 – NASA DART MISSION AGAINST ASTEROIDS THAT CAN IMPACT THE EARTH. At NASA they say that the asteroid is not dangerous and it is not in the direction to impact on the earth. But, what if after the impact the direction of the asteroid becomes in direction to the earth, or because it stops orbiting around the larger asteroid, they change their directions becoming dangerous for the earth? In the film Armageddon a suicide mission was anticipated to avoid the impact of an asteroid against the earth, but it was manned and the astronauts had to drill the rock to so the bomb could break it. Not the case of Dart, which will impact directly at 24.000 km/h against the asteroid of about 120m length called Dimorphos, the smallest of the two, and orbits around the large one, called Didymos. In any case it will not be until next winter 2022 when we will know the result. Revelation 6:13 talks about stars falling on earth as does Matthew 24:29, and the work in Greek used is “aster” used for celestial objects in general, therefore it includes aster-oids.

November 2021 – SPANISH WOMEN OF THE REFORMATION. The program of Buenas Noticias TV about relevant Spanish women of the XVI century, like the queen of Navarra, or many of them who could read the Bible in Spanish and reformed books, because they were able to read, or were from the nobility. Beatriz de Cazalla, María Bohorquez, or Leonor de Cisneros, amongst many others, who influenced their society, and also suffered torture and death by the Inquisition.

November 2021 – TOWARDS A WORLD WITHOUT RESOURCES. Lack of energy, gas crisis, of petrol, of raw materials, fear of a great shut down in many countries, shortage of food, increase of prices. It looks like the daily bread in the third world, but now we are talking of the first world. The bad management of resources is taking the world to the chaos. Will the world leaders react on time to stop climate change and the bad management of resources, before the feared great shut down? 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

October 2021 – PRISON MINISTRY FULFILS THE WORLDS OF JESUS – “…for I was in prison and you came to me…” (Matthew 25:36). CEM the Evangelical Council of Madrid has presented a course to form chaplains of prisons and youth centres. It deals with preparing those who have the call so they can see how God transforms those He touches in prison and how they change their lives, to not forget them because amongst them there are people of God who repent truly and is of blessing to other prisoners, for their families and society. Source Actualidad Evangélica.

October 2021 – 20 MILLION JEWISH DONATION TO CHRISTIAN MEDICAL MISSION  – The AMH African Mission Healthcare, focused in hospitals in Africa has received the largest donation to date to a medical mission, with the target of providing improvements in African hospitals and oxygen to treat Covid 19. Business man Mark Gerson and his wife did the donation. Source Jerusalem Post.

September 2021 – DEPRESSION AND DARKNESS IN A WORLD OF PANDEMIC AND SHADOW. Several studies done due to the pandemic and the lockdown have proven that the majority of the youth, and those not so young, find themselves affected due to the lack of direction, see an uncertain future of darkness and shadow, in a manipulated world that manipulates us, much like in the end times, just as it is prophesized in Bible. In Psalm 23 we are told not to fear any evil because God is by our side, even if we walk in the valley of the shadow of death. Read the Bible Study of September in the front page: Yahshua – The Light In A World Of Darkness.

September 2021 – 5.000 CHRISTIANS EVACUATED FROM AFGHANISTAN BY CHRISTIAN NGO. The Nazarene Fund has managed to receive 30 million dollars to organize flights to save thousands of Christians and other minorities in danger from the radicals, for the glory of God and the compassion with them. You may visit their website at: https://thenazarenefund.org/

August 2021 – CHRISTIAN ARABIC TV IN THE MIDDLE EAST SAT7.ORG REACHES 25 YEARS. A television that has been impacting with the Gospel for decades in countries where Christianity is persecuted. Another miracle of God who maintains to reach the hearts of those who love Him, in Arab countries and north of Africa. www.sat7.org

August 2021 – EVANGELISM IN THE 52 PROVINCES OF SPAIN ON A RED BOX. The evangelistic project for Spain has began in Vizcaya surpassing the expectations, comments from Protestante Digital. This project is a mission from On The Red Box with a dedicated website in our country https://www.aporlas52.com where churches can participate as well as individuals. A total challenge very needed to fulfil the Great Commission.

July 2021 – GREATEST JOURNEY APP BIBLE GAME. The Billy Graham international evangelistic and humanitarian organization Samaritan Purse, has created an app for children to play the adventures in the Bible. Franklin Graham, Billy’s son and today president, comments: From a spaceship they travel through time to the lives of the characters of the Bible, including Jesus. They have a great time and they learn the history of salvation and the message of God. Also Edward Graham, Billy’s grandson praises the volunteers of Operation Christmas Child reaching 9 million children with the Gospel through the gift boxes, despite Covid and a closed world. https://www.samaritanspurse.org/es/operation-christmas-child/tgj-game-app/

July 2021 – ISRAEL AND 100 COUNTRIES TO USE NUCLEAR ENERGY. The World Association of Nuclear Energy informs of the emerging nuclear countries are over 100. Israel is one of them, but his enemies, and friends are working on their nuclear plants. It is publicly known that Iran and other enemies do not hide their wish to attack them. The situation of energy demand in the world needs an urgent answer that nor fossil, nor renewable energies combined can provide. Although not in the news, majority of leading countries are already building latest generation nuclear plants. Apart from covering the need, will it be the preparation of the arsenal of the battle of Armageddon, in Revelation 16:16? Source: https://world-nuclear.org/

June 2021 – ISRAEL ATTACKED BY GAZA. A new rise of the conflict after the attack of Gaza on Israel. After leaving casualties, wounded and destruction, a cease fire has been agreed and the intervention of the international community and Egypt. Once again we see how Israel suffers and continues without peace, and how its capital Jerusalem and continues deserted religiously without the temple. It is to do with the prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ – Yahshua about Jerusalem and its Jewish residents in Matthew 23:37-39 who did not receive the Messiah, but will do at the end. In the meantime their enemies continue to fight against them. Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

June 2021 – CHURCHES CLOSING IN THE US LIKE IN EUROPE. While Christianity in general continues to be divided between Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox and many denominations, that lack of unity results in losing the focus, the glory of Jesus Christ is left aside and each interpretation of Christianism is placed first, especially in those churches that place their tradition before the Bible. But just like in the Babylon of Revelation 18, the Church cannot loot to the profit of souls to make business of them, not to fall like that one, but it owns itself to Jesus Christ – Yahshua and to the Christians, to reach out to the lost world with the Gospel, before the return of Jesus Christ to catch away the living Church, all those that were born again. Is the end of the churches as institutions near?

May 2021 – HELP COVID 19 AID FROM TEARFUND. Children with no home receive education, aid and a big family that love them. An aid work for more than 50 years, now in the midst of the pandemic shines even more in a world needed of Christian love. https://www.tearfund.org/campaigns

May 2021 – HUMAN PSEUDO-EMBRYO CREATED FROM SKIN CELLS. Published in Nature magazine, the scientists of the university of Monash, have created a pseudo embryo from pluripotent mother cells, which means they can be programmed to become part of the different organs of the body, but they cannot yet produce a complete human being, as Dr. Antonio Cruz explains. Source: https://answersingenesis.org/sanctity-of-life/stem-cells/

April 2021 – RESURRECTION – NEW FILM ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE RESURRECTION OF YAHSHUA – JESUS CHRIST. Already on at Discovery + for those who have access to that platform or use Youtube for trailers or personal use. The production is linked to the series of films The Bible, with great fidelity to the Biblical Texts, and historic investigation.

April 2021 – TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM – REAL LOCATION ON TEMPLE MOUNT DISCOVERED. According to two investigators, the engineer, Christian Widener, who has published a book about it, and the architect Tuvia Sagiv, non related and each with a different project, each think their location is the one where the Temple I & II once stood. The first locates the main door of the Temple in direct line with the door of Solomon, more northeast, but Tuvia locates it in line with the Wailing Wall, between the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. But until now all archaeological publications locate it where one of the Mosques are. The interesting matter here is that these two locations do not depend on the demolition of any existing construction and would be a question of agreement between Arabs and Jews.

March 2021 – AND BECAUSE INIQUITY SHALL ABOUND THE LOVE OF MANY SHALL WAX COLD. With these words, the prophecy or the Lord Jesus Christ about the end times in Matthew 24:12 begins its fulfilment before our eyes. I think this news and its fulfilment do not need further comments, or arguments, or references, because all of us in the world can see how the society is heading chaos submerged in a general evil which grows each day in all levels of society. But the Lord also, before He returns at the end, has given us hope: “When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” Luke 21:28.

March 2021 – NASA ASTEROID APOPHYS 99942 COULD IMPACT EARTH IN 2029. According to the observatories of astronomy, and the program of NASA and other world space agencies for the prevention of asteroids impact which are potentially mortal to massive level that could wipe out life on earth, this asteroid of similar dimensions to the one that annihilated dinosaurs from the planet, has about 300 mts of diameter and could impact in 2029. But its orbit also nears close enough in 2036, although now they say that the more probable of impact is in 2068. The question is, will they take this program seriously and will provide it with funds on time, or human foolishness of ambition of other things will be what shall make Biblical prophecy fulfil “Revelation 6:13”? which will do.

February 2021 – 340 MILLION CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED. Each year the persecution against Christians grows in the world. The report from Open Doors shows Asia, Africa and Central America as the areas of greater or extreme persecution against Christians. www.opendoors.com However it is in the western world where the persecution against Christians is growing under laws and ways of life or ideologies against Christian moral, something of which little is spoken about in the media. These persecuted for the sake of the Lord will go in front in the Kingdom of God, for they were valiant, some even to suffer death for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ Yahshua, for the glory of God.

February 2021 – MORAL RELATIVISM OF GENERATION Z. About 65% of the youth believes that different religions will take to eternal life, against the words of Jesus: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6. Also 30% accept that morality changes with society and what is good and evil with it. The Commandments of an eternal God don’t change. The survey shown by www.christianpost.com made in the US shows that the knowledge of the last generation about values and theology is very scarce do to the lack of preaching in their environment. The Bible prophesises a last generation of apostasy in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 before the coming of the Lord, but the question is if this is an excuse for not making more efforts to take the Gospel to this so called Generation Z.

January 2021 – 10 CHRISTIAN FILMS RELEASED IN 2020 – The industry of Hollywood film makers through the digital media and platforms of streaming have released 10 faith based films during the awful 2020 during the confinement and the closing of the movies which have prevailed. Some have become first in the lists of these famous platforms. I Still Believe at Amazon Prime; Selfie Dad, a father before the digital life of his teenagers; Switched, a friend prays that a famous influencer could know her insignificant life; Home Sweet Home; Against the Tide; Small Group, home church group stories; Infidel, Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ) is imprisoned under false accusation of spy in Iran; I am Patrick, about the life of Ireland’s patron; When We Last Spoke, about a family separated by the Vietnam War; Farmer And The Belle. You can watch the trailers of the films at www.christianpost.com

January 2021 – DIGITAL IDENTITY AND THE GREAT RESET – The World Economic Forum has amplified its pretensions to control the population of the planet in every aspect, by offering what has become known as Digital Identity. The Great Reset is a proposal from the great and powerful entities that govern the world through this Forum, companies, conglomerates, governments, to carry out the digitalization of life totally. Digital money, digital passport, taxes, health, ideology, vaccination Covid 19, all the life of the citizen under digital control. Many are talking of the mark of the beast, the famous 666 of Revelation 13:18 under one world government, a new world order. Source: web of the World Economic Forum.

December 2020 – OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD. A special year to give boxes with presents and the message of Jesus to needed children of the world. The last week of November has been the collection week in Spain. This year due to the pandemic the boxes have been done as always or one could donate and the volunteers of Christmas Child would do them following the security protocols. No doubt another year, a special one, in which thousands of children will receive their Christmas Child box with joy. www.samaritanpurse.org

December 2020 – ONE FOR ISRAEL.ORG TAKES THE GOSPEL TO ISRAEL. A mission created by native Israelis to proclaim Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus Christ in Israel. In a time that is being understood more as the end time, according to prophecy, Israel will be the last nation to receive the Gospel of the Messiah, and many Jews are getting to know Him thanks to this mission. They face persecution and heat from the radicals, nothing new, nothing that the even the Messiah did not suffer, also Christians since the first coming of the Messiah. Now that the second coming is near, Israel will be in a different situation. www.oneforisrael.org

November 2020 – A STATUE OF CASIODORO DE REINA IN THE MONASTERY OF SANTIPONCE, SEVILLE. He who was burned in effigy in the XVI century by the Inquisition, is born again in a statue. The first translator of the entire Bible to Spanish from original tongs. It was inagurated the 29th of October, 500th anniversary of his birth, in front of the door of the Monastery of Saint Isidoro del Campo, a statue of commemoration of his work and life for freedom of reading in peoples tongs as he embraced the ideas of the Reformation Movement, together with other Hieronymite monks from the same monastery, from which they had to flee to Europe. Cipriano de Valera, who would do the first revision of the work of his colleague, or Antonio del Corro. In the granite of the bronze statue, reads: “To liberty and freedom”. The where the maximas of the movement that the atrocity of the Inquisition wanted to extinct so that the ordinary citizen could not read the Bible in his own language. Today justice has been made, clamed both authorities as brothers representing the (Andalusian Evangelical Regional Council) CEAA. Source: https://www.actualidadevangelica.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13003:2020-10-30-15-40-30&catid=46:actualidad

November 2020 – EARTHQUAKE IN GREECE AND TURKEY. The Biblical city of Smyrna in Revelation 2:8-11 has suffered the greater damage. The Land of the beginning of the Gospel to the world suffers a great earthquake degree 7 in the Richter scale, which has caused more than 20 deaths and great lost, as well as a tsunami. “…and there shall be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in different places…” Matthew 24:7.

October 2020 – TWO BLACK HOLES CRASH AND SCIENTISTS DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE GRAVITATIONAL WAVES PRODUCED. Jesus talks in Matthew 24:29 of the powers of the heavens would be shaken. Today we continue to see how science does not know all the architecture, all the design, all the information of the universe. Creation is known by He who created it. And He who created it says that at the end it will be shaken and that He would come after opening the heavens, so that every eye shall see Him, Revelation 1:7.

October 2020 – BETHSAIDA FOUND BY ARCHAEOLOGISTS. The famous city where Jesus called Peter, Andrew, John 1:44, north of the Sea of Galilee has been found after excavations. That city of the apostles that was lost has been found thanks to the laborious and patient work of archaeologists. Those fishermen would leave there their nets to follow the Master Jesus Christ.


September 2020 – ANTI-COVID VACCINES MADE WITH HUMAN FETUS. Two groups of companies will divide society. The first uses embryo material from human fetus in the composition of their vaccines for Covid-19 and the other group does not. Christian groups, whether Catholic or Evangelical, to which other religions will unite, denounce this practice. The film “Unplanned” is about the case a of a director of the company of abortions Planned Parenthood (according to the film provided fetus for experiments), who after coordinating more than 20.000 abortions became an anti-abortion activist, who’s live has inspired the film. An article with the list of companies who provide vaccines with fetal material can be read at: https://www.newsweek.com/anti-abortion-groups-say-covid-19-vaccines-may-use-cells-human-fetuses-1509573

September 2020 – ISRAEL AND UAE NORMALIZE RELATIONS. Although the Arab countries that surround Israel, from all sides, have been historical enemies, this step is without a doubt a precedent which seems to be a first step to the normalization of relations with other countries surrounding. Many will read this news as the beginning of the prophecy where Israel will have a time of peace ( 1 Thessalonians 5:3) before the return of the Messiah, and the battle of Armageddon of Revelation 16. From the Israeli administration they say they are working in achieving peace agreements with all the other nations. You may read the complete news at: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/netanyahu-expresses-immense-pride-at-uae-israel-agreement-640595

August 2020 – 100 PASTORS DIE IN BOLIVIA BY COVID-19. Pastors who continued to take food, help and dedicated their lives to their congregations in which they got infected. The Lord will bless their deeds for the Church in their love for their neighbours, for they placed others first before waiting to receiving protection for the virus that would arrive late if it would. These are also current martyrs of Jesus.

August 2020 – CHINA AND INDIA CONTINUE TO PERSECUTE THE CHURCH. We live in the end times and the prophetical signs are fulfilling. The Church is persecuted in the entire world, not only in antichristian countries, but in the west and the traditionally Christian countries, where now the antichristian ideologies are imposed by the secularist society. In Hong Kong they ask for prayer for the great persecution they are suffering.

July 2020 – ISRAEL PROHIBITS GOD.TV – ANOTHER SIGHT OF THE END OF THE TIMES OF THE GENTILES. Under the accusation of proselytise of Jews for their conversion to Christ, the Messiah Yahshua, Israel who receives so much from the evangelical church from all parts of the world, to all levels, has decided to close the door to the evangelistic program and to the Gospel of the God of the Bible through cable TV in the country. Is Israel preparing for its end time?

July 2020 – THE CHURCH THAT TALKS THROUGH ITS WORKS. Today, in the midst of the scourge of migration, racism and pandemic, many churches are serving their neighbours as voluntaries, works and dedication. Modern Christian Mission (Misión Cristiana Moderna) and his pastor Angel Manuel Fernandez, at Fuerteventura are the base of the missionary society for the region and authorities. A great work that is a reference to all: https://www.misionmoderna.com/. Source www.actualidadevangelica.es

June 2020 – CHURCHES IN HOUSES AND HUMANITARIAN WORK, LIKE IN THE BEGINNING, DUE TO CORONAVIRUS! Before the great financial and health crisis that coronavirus has created, churches are making an effort to provide aid to the affected with social food, and helping those needed. It is always the churches that help society, not the governments. The Gospels talk of famines and pestilences but also of the joy of the brethren that gathered in the houses to break the bread, sing worship, pray for the sick and plan help for the needed.

June 2020 – ISRAEL – ANNEXATION OF SETTLEMENTS – ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY OF 2000 YEAR AND HIDDEN TEXTS IN THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS. The plan for annexation of settlements in the West Bank side continues advancing to win the land of Israel and is causing the reaction of the defenders of the anti Israel project coinciding with the elections. At the same time the discovery of a underground complex underneath the Wailing Wall dated in the times of Jesus is a new warrant of the Biblical history and of the world in the place of the Temple. Also they have discovered new Texts that were hidden in the Dead Sea Scrolls. According to Smithsonian magazine an investigator believed to see traces and using a new method found Bible Texts that we now wait for them to be published.

May 2020 – CHINA PERSECUTES CHRISTIANS FOR GATHERING THROUGH INTERNET. China persecutes Christians that gathered through Zoom during Easter Week to respect confinement for coronavirus imposed by the government. On the other hand Google Play suspended the Christian app with the excuse of events policy. Let pray for our persecuted brethren because the wrath of God will not be delayed.

May 2020 – CORONAVIRUS. 250.000 deaths according to some sources, according to others there will be many more, and only in two months. They announce vaccines in record time and effective treatments in two months. There are speculations about the origin, if natural or created. The truth is that the world has been touched by this pandemic that makes one suspect all kinds of things. However, the world is searching God and the Church is responding and is uniting. Another anteroom of the end times because Jesus Christ is returning.

April 2020 – EASTER IN CAPTIVITY. Christianity did not expect to spend this Easter looked at home. This will be an experience in which the true faith will be practiced. Christians may take Holy Supper at home with their families and thank the Lord for their salvation. And Palm Sunday may be celebrated at home, Easter Thursday and Friday, and Resurrection Sunday. But many will not be able to celebrate as usual, some in idolatry way as they carry statues against the Commandment (Exodus 20). This will be a Easter week of faith for the glory of God, to show our love for our Lord Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit that abides in us.

April 2020 – ECONOMY BEFORE HUMAN LIFE AND CORONAVIRUS. The European Central Bank has offered 750 billion Euros that come from no wear. Spain has offered 200 billion that does not have. The US on their side has offered 2 trillion Dollars. They all have millions to try and save the economy but have left aside the poor, the sick, the refugees, those who suffer in the first world as well as in the third world. No doubt that those in power will be judged in the Day of Judgment for this attitude.

March 2020 – BIBLE PLAGUES? CORONAVIRUS AND LOCUST. In the last weeks the world has been impacted by a virus which propagation cannot be stopped by the technology nor by the science of modern man. In the meantime Africa is impacted by plagues of locust that according to the UN will threaten with creating famine and remind us of the Biblical times of Exodus, when God punished Pharaoh, who believed he as god. Today the world endorsed in itself sees how simple and ancestral things dominate it and man is under the mercy of his Creator. Man must always seek for the grace and the glory of God.

March 2020 – IS LENT BIBLICAL? The Council of Nicea (325 A.D.) initiated a tradition that the Catholic Church has maintained to observe 40 days prior to Resurrection Sunday, of penitence, abstinence and observance to sanctify before celebrating Easter. Some reformed and evangelical Christians also prepare, even the cross of ashes in their foreheads, like the Catholic tradition. The 40 days are taken from the days of Jesus in the desert, or Moses in the mount, or the years that Israel stood in the desert. Fasting is well known in the Bible, as does ashes and clothes of cilicio when seeking God’s forgiveness. But Jesus Christ – Yahshua has taught that once a Christian is born again, lives in a progressive sanctification by the habitation of the Holy Spirit inside, reason why he lives close to God, but not only those 40 days prior to Easter, but all the year; it is his way of life. The Christian has communion with God through the Spirit, and cannot do any work to obtain salvation, nor the grace that emanates from the will of God. But the story of Israel in Deuteronomy 16 tells that the Bible does not show a time established by the first Christians, but it shows a time of sanctification prior to Passover in the Jewish community, a preparation for the unleavened bread and study of Exodus, even in times of Jesus. Anyway and even though there a pagan links to the pagan carnival with the ashes and lent, to date the Christian community in its denominations is divided amongst this. God will see the heart of the true worshiper who does not do it when the clergy imposes, but every day when he feels his love for God in his heart. May the glory be to Jesus!

February 2020 – HOLOCAUST WORLD FORUM – 75 ANIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF AUSCHWITZ AND VISIT OF THE KING OF JERUSALEM. World leaders, kings and presidents met in Jerusalem to commemorate the end of the Holocaust 75 years ago, they also visited Auschwitz, with the presence of survivors of that generation who suffered the hate barbarism of the Nazis. King Philip IV of Spain holds the title of “King of Jerusalem” and was received with special friendship by the Jewish leaders. The forum has helped to alert of the increase of anti-Semitism in the world. Will it be that the final prophecy for the people of Israel is coming to an end with the increase of anti-Semitism in the west and the gathering of the Jews in the Promised Land?

February 2020 – 260 MILLION CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED. The 2020 report of Open Doors updates the countries where Christians who live there do so under persecution, whether by the governments or by society, whether by terrorist groups or extremists. The map is revealing the reality that those who believe in Jesus suffer. But now the persecution to Christians in the Western World is growing, not only in the historically hostile countries, but in the cradle of the Christian society, with attacks to churches in Germany by abortionist feminist groups. Link to Open Doors: https://www.opendoorsusa.org/

January 2020 – EVANGELISM IN AFRICA – The largest evangelistical event of history will take place in Africa in March 2020 “(1GDA) One God, One Day, One Africa” organized by different churches in different African countries. Source Christian Post.

January 2020 – ARQUEOLOGY – Church of more than 1700 years found in Ethiopia enlarges the spread of the primitive church. The Gospel would arrive sooner than thought to Africa sub-Saharan according to the finding of this old basilica. Source Christian Post.

December 2019 – EVANGELICAL SOCIAL WORK – DIACONIA XI AWARDS. Another year volunteers and evangelical NGOs are awarded, some have managed to build schools and hospitals, but more than that they have attended 1.881.436 people through 2.256 homes by 56.768 volunteers and have achieved an investment of 72.040.189 Euros between donations of churches, NGOs and social funds, according to the president’s presentation David Casado from FEREDE. Diaconía integrates all the entities that are part of this project in Spain with an international reach where food, medical aid is needed for families with problems. This year the awarded were Chari Ramos and Reto de España.

December 2019 WORLD POLITICAL CHAOS AND CHRISTMAS ADVENT. The situation which the world is going through is of a total political destabilization which mostly calls our attention due to the fact that it affects the western world and the big powers. From Brexit and Catalonia, to the extreme populist movements from right and left are destabilizing the classical coalitions in central Europe, South America and Central America have most of their countries with revolts, the US is threatened with “impeachment” to the president, China and Hong Kong, Russia and the information strategies, Israel without government, and there have been some radical Islamist attacks. In the meantime the Vatican faces the problem of celibacy after the scandals of pederasty worldwide, and its possible bankruptcy. This decadence of civilization on a world level still cannot solve hunger or the help to developing countries. Will these signs be part of the anteroom of the end times? Meanwhile we celebrate Advent before we close the liturgical year with Christmas, that good news, the greatest of all, the best news to this world in chaos, God came as a Man to die for ours and raise to open to us the door to the new world that He will bring in the end of times, and that will be eternal, to which we are all invited if you have faith in Jesus Christ and His work.

November 2019 – THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH DID NOT END WITH THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION. On the 31st of October, close to the recent celebration of the V Centenary of the Reformation, Biblical Christians have celebrated what became a movement that was initiated by many Catholics to amend the derive of the Church, being called “protestants”. The news is not what was achieved and the great blessing provided to the next generations to have the Bible in our language –like the Bear Bible in Spanish, which celebrates its 450th anniversary this year– and all the study of the true Biblical doctrines, this is, the teaching of the Master Jesus Christ about Theology, but the news is that the Reformation is not finished. Today, the churches of the world, denominations and branches of Christianity have a pending task: to finish their reformation for love to Christ and for the glory of God, if we really love the Lord and His Church for which he gave His life on the Cross.

November 2019 – 12% LESS CHRISTIANS IN THE U.S. AND GROWTH OF ATHEISTS AND AGNOSTICS. News from “The Christian Post” talks that only 65% of North Americans consider themselves Christians. At the same time it informs of another grave worry for Christianity, adult youth are leaving. Really, the Church needs to look at herself and continue to reform herself in present times of consumerism and postmodernism. True Theology and science continuing its advance in Intelligent Design, like DNA will always be the best answer for the human mind, hungry for knowing God.

October 2019 – SEVILLE – CONCERT 450 ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEAR BIBLE IN THE MONASTERY OF SAN ISIDORO DEL CAMPO. On the 28th of September 2019 a concert took place by Ensemble Bohorquez. The 450 Anniversary of the Bear Bible, the first Bible translated to Castilian from the original Texts, Hebrew and Greek, by Casiodoro de Reina and revised by his colleague and reviewer of his translation Cipriano de Valera. The translation was initiated in the Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo, in Santiponce, Seville, Reina and Valera had to emigrate due to the persecution of the Inquisition. It was presented in 1569 in Basil (Switzerland). The event has been sponsored by ABRE Foundation which’s Theological Seminary of Seville continues to teach the history and the importance of such an emblematic monastery where the Word of God rooted in times of the Reformation.

October 2019 – RETIRED MISSIONARIES AND VOLUNTARIES. We have a vast missionary force in the retired people who offer their time, wisdom and social compassion of an entire live. Not only that some are missionaries in their daily life ambit, but some also use their travelling to visit needed countries as part of Christian missions or several evangelical associations.

September 2019 – POSTMODERNISM. Without Sunday school, without religion. Christianity is seeing how the new generations are being raised with their children not receiving Christian education. The key question is: Who’s responsibility is that they receive such education? If schools do not do offer it, nor do churches or less or it is not interesting for children, are Christian parents who must educate their children in the faith of Christ? Are Christian parents prepared to teach the Bible? Should the churches prepare parents for it?

September 2019 – CLIMATE CHANGE – TOWARDS THE END OF THE WORLD? Amazonia and Africa are burning, the poles melt, the sea dies polluted with plastics and chemicals, man throws his rubbish to the ecosystem, species are at an end and man dies in his own pollution in large cities. This is the result of the world without God. The Bible reminds us that creation desires at once the manifestation of the children of God (Romans 8:19-23). But not many remember that it will not be the man who will destroy the planet, but God is, Who will create a new heaven and a new earth where He will take those who love Him, believe in Jesus Christ and do His works. In the mean time some of us make the effort and take care of our planet, and of ourselves honouring our Creator.

August 2019 – TEMPLE MOUNT. The peace plan of Trump includes conversations with Saudi Arabia to cede the control of Temple Mount, Esplanade of the Mosques, instead of Jordan, accused of looking aside during the attacks to Israel. The relationships Israel-Saudis are strengthening with the aim of youth from both countries of a better future of economic and technologic prosperity. On the other hand Abbas threatens with braking relations with Israel doe to new settlements. Source: Jerusalmenonline and Haaretz.

August 2019 – PRAY FOR THE DEAD. The pope called on Catholics to pray for the dead castaways of the last intent to cross the Mediterranean from the coast of Libya, against the teaching of Christ in the Bible. He also called to governments to end this grave situation. The Bible teaches the doctrines of Jesus Christ that once a person dies we cannot do anything for the dead. If they have believed and accepted God’s salvation they will go to His presence, if not, to the place the Bible calls hell. Catholicism recognizes that the Bible does not teach prayer for the dead, but they find support in a tradition adopted by part of the people of Israel when they mixed with pagans in the Diaspora before Christ, exposed as a pagan practice in the apocrypha book of 2 Maccabees 12:45 that they added in the Council of Trent. Can you imagine Catholicism without the masses for the dead, and following the truth of the doctrine of Christ? This is the first part of the news, the intercession for the dead. The second, to intercede for the alive before authorities, yes it is a practice of a true Christian. Source Euronews.

July 2019 – NUCLEAR IRAN. Iran begins to enrich uranium above the international agreement. USA breaks the agreement with Iran due to the fact that the established controls are not in their view enough to warrantee that Iran will not reach the development of nuclear weapons. The threat to Israel from the Iranian regime is known.

July 2019 – NORTH KOREA. Religious freedom promoted by new international association ONE KOREA. Christians and activists some who were detained by the North Korean government work for the rights of the citizens of the country.

June 2019 – SPAIN WE PRAY FOR YOU. 8th OF JUNE DAY OF PRAYER OF THE EVANGELICAL CHURCHES. One more year evangelical churches unite to pray for our country in the 52 provinces, as altars where to bring to Christ the spiritual and material needs of Spain, its church, its society, and ist future. You can participate in any evangelical church, and if you cannot, pray wherever you are. “The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” James 5:16.

June 2019 – NASA- ANTI METEORITE SHIELD. NORTH POLE MOVES KMS. The Space Agency has now launched the shield program to protect the earth before the impact risks of meteorites. The Bible says that in the end of time the stars of the heavens will fall on earth, Revelation 6:13. The known program Apophys is dedicated to following a large asteroid that threatens the Earth in its orbit with possible impact in the next years. On another matter the movement of the poles, enough kms as to have to readjust navigation systems of planes, ships, satellite, gps, etc. something not new in the history of the planet, but it is provoking great concern and is being studied if it has relation with the movement of tectonic plates, which are directly related with earthquakes of great magnitude due to the crashing of the great plates, something also prophesized in the Bible.

May 2019 – TODAY’S GENOMICS PROVES THAT MONKEY DNA IS NOT SIMILAR TO MAN’S AND INVALIDS THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION. Evolution scientists that published a similarity in the sequence of DNA between chimpazee an man similar to 98,5% did it choosing those sequences that where the closest, but not all the sequence. Present capacity of sequencing studies provide precise information and move between 66% and 85% while for a possible link between the two species it is necessary to have a difference of only 1%.

May 2019 – PERSECUTED CHURCH – SRI LANKA ATTACKS. One again radical Islam assassinates more than 350 people in its crusade against the Church of the Savour of souls. Sons of rich, with education were part of the terrorist group. Christian brothers in Sri Lanka ask for prayer to be strong and receive direction, to come out of this tragedy.

April 2019 – CHINA CLOSES CHURCHES. The Chinese government persecutes the Christians of his country, closing churches and rewarding informers of gathering houses. There has always been persecution in this country, but in the last years with the great growth of Christianity it is seen as a threat by the authorities. Pray for the persecuted brethren www.opendoorsusa.org

April 2019 – DNA TAKES TO GOD. The last book of professor of biology Dr. Antonio Cruz, shows how intelligent design in DNA cannot be the result of evolution. Each day the number of serious scientists that decide to study the evidences of the creationist option in a scientifically way is growing, they dear to challenge the established “lecture” of evolutionism. You can read more about the doctor in: http://www.creacionismo.net/genesis/Autor/antonio-cruz-suarez Or another of his colleagues Dr. Behe, in English: 


March 2019 – 750.000 JEWS MIGRATE TO ISRAEL SINCE DIASPORA. Aliyah is a program of return or immigration of Jews from Diaspora that arrive to Israel. Since XIX century to date there are millions. In the last years 750.000 Jews have received help from an organization founded by a raby in Chicago but financially suported by western evangelicals. This is the plan of God for the end times, to take His people to Sion before the growth of anti-Semitism in the world, as we read in Jeremiah 16: 14 “Therefore behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “that it shall no more be said, ‘The Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,’ 15 but, ‘The Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north and from all the lands where He had driven them.’ For I will bring them back into their land which I gave to their fathers.”

March 2019 – VATICAN WORLD WAR II NAZI HOLOCAUST INACTION OF POPE PIUS XII. FRANCISCO WILL OPEN HISTORICAL ARCHIVES IN 2020. While the Catholic Church looks more and more like the Babylon of Revelation 17-18 -and it’s not the only one- currently drowning in cases of pederasty, Francisco, the Pope or bishop of Rome now wants to open the historical archives about the Holocaust about the inaction of the Pope who lived World War II to try to make clear that inaction long criticised by many Jews, du to the little that he did to avoid the extermination in the gas chambers. Benedict XVI nominated him to sainthood arguing that Pius XII worked in secret and silence. The minister of foreign affairs of Israel showed his hope in that they will obtain full access to the archives, while Francisco says he does not fear history. Some say this news is just is a smoke screen to deviate attention from the current grave situation.

February 2019 – NUCLEAR ARSENAL: US AND RUSSIA BREAK INF TREATY OF NON NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION AGREED END OF COLD WAR. Both countries accuse each other either of leaving or unfulfilling it. Both powers say they are working on new hypersonic nuclear defence systems, at the same time as they say they do not want to return to another  dangerous escalation for the entire world. Will these be previous steps to the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 16?

February 2019 – SPAIN: 450 YEARS COMMEMORATING STAMP OF THE BEAR BIBLE. Finally Spanish Post Office has created a long claimed stamp to commemorate the 450 Anniversary of the Bear Bible, the first Bible in Spanish translated from the original Texts Hebrew and Greek, by Casiodoro de Reina, initiated its translation in the Monastery of Saint Isidoro del Campo, at Santiponce, Seville. The commemorative stamp the that the Spanish Evangelical community of Spain asked for does so to the V Centenary of the Protestant Reformation. On the 28th of September 2019 it will be celebrated in the Monastery where he lived and started, but he had to leave to to the persecution of the inquisition. It was presented in 1569 at Basel (Switzerland). Source Actualidad Evangélica and Post Office of Spain.

January 2019 – 215 MILLION CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED. The report from Open Doors cannot be more revealing towards the present situation lived by Christianity, no doubt a sign of the prophecies of the late days. We request daily prayer for the persecuted Church, but also for those who persecute so they may be touched by the Holy Spirit and repent embracing Christ and their persecuted, something that occurs more often than we think. Read the report at https://www.opendoorsusa.org

January 2019 – ISRAEL AND THE U.S. LEAVE UNESCO FROM 1/01/ 2019. In the year 2017 the estates of Israel and the United States decided to leave the organism of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture amongst other things the recognition of the Palestinian estate in 2011, together with allegations that the organism serves the enemies of Israel who deny their connection with their capital Jerusalem and the Israeli land. Since 1947 Israel has been a member of the organism that now leaves after celebrating the 60th anniversary of the return of Israel to their land. Both estates stopped paying their millionaire fees years ago. This way both allies separate from the rest of the world within the organism.

News from previous years link…