© Carlos Padilla – July 2024


Rome, the Roman Empire is the fourth and last empire of the prophecy of Daniel, Chaps. 2, 7 and 8. But, what is relevant from this fourth part of the prophecy, especially week 70, is its direct connection with the Roman Empire, or with the spirit of the Biblical Rome, also symbolically called Babylon, and in which its fulfilment is culminated. But, or on the one side that week has not arrived yet, or it was fulfilled in the year 70 A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Temple, by the roman general Titus, whose triumphal arch is in Rome, in front of the Coliseum, next to the triumphal arch of Constantine. For the first case, circumstances have not fulfilled. But, what is evident is that week 69 was fulfilled in its totality with the death of the Messiah. If another fall of Jerusalem, of the Temple, and that the Roman Empire, though it was divided in two, like the legs of the statue from the prophecy of Daniel, and which is no longer in force, to be, it must resurge, and of this we will talk. However that week 70, like all prophecies from the Bible, unquestionably, either it was fulfilled, or it will be. But, we will not only focus on the expectant final prophecy, but on how Rome, and the Roman Empire have influenced culture, civilization and the history of humanity. And of course, we will go deep into the symbolical and spiritual vision of what is the spirit of the Biblical Rome, the Roman Empire, and the symbolical Babylon of Revelation. For this you must keep reading…



Israel, more exactly the Jews, were not very happy with the Roman occupation of their land, and the imposition of taxes “…Render therefore to Cesar the things that are Cesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” Mathew 22:21, although they were offered protection, Pax Romana, and justice, Rome would say, the same who would profane the Temple. This situation created continuous revolts. This was the society to which Yahshua, Jesus was coming to bring His ministry, and to introduce Himself as the awaited Messiah, whom, most of the Jews thought he would be as a liberating King from the roman oppression. Rome recognized the Jewish religion and permitted the Sanhedrin, and allowed the service in the Temple, in Jerusalem, therefore according to Josephus, it was a legal religion. This way, the legal Judaism was an open door for the Gospel, and for Christianity to be taken to the Jews in the entire Roman Empire, which at the beginning was seen as a variation of Judaism, Acts 18:15.

Rome was necessary to allow for the execution of the crucifixion of Yahshua, due to the fact that the principal priests and the elders delivered Jesus -Yahshua, the promised Messiah whom they did not receive, to the roman governor Pontius Pilate, betrayed Yahshua by Judas. Because the Jews rejected the Messiah, Yahshua told them a prophecy which fulfils until now with respect to the Temple: “See! Your house is left to you desolate; and assuredly I say to you, you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” Luke 13:35 – Matthew 23:38.

The burial of the Lord Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, two prominent Jews followers of Yahshua – Jesus, was guarded by the Romans. The tomb in the sepulchre was guarded by the Romans. Rome would see that Yahshua rose while the roman guard could not avoid that the sepulchre would open, and the Jews had to cover up the guard with bribery saying that they fell asleep. Finally under Rome, Jesus, the King of Kings, the King of the Jews, as Pilate commanded to have written in the tablet of the cross, in Greek, Latin and Hebrew, ascended to Heaven, to the glory next to the Father. All the story of Jesus Christ – Yahshua, since His birth in Bethlehem, city of His parents, for being descendants of king David, His registration due to Rome, by edict of Augustus Cesar, that all the people would be registered, census that took place as Quirinius was roman governor of Syria, Luke 2:2, His childhood in Nazareth, in Galilee, His ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension, are under Rome. The only exception with regard to territory was when His parents took him to Egypt, obeying the order of the angel of the Lord, when He was a baby, Matthew 2:13:23.

Rome, and its connection to Israel, are an amalgam which mixes the Jews and the Gentiles in a plot to kill the Son of God, but death and sin were defeated because precisely the Son of God was, came with power and glory to defeat them, defeat sin, and, defeat sin, and offer us both, Jews and Gentiles, Salvation for eternal life, through the faith in His work.



Around 753 B.C. was the foundation of Rome by Romulo, the first of seven kings according to tradition. In 510 B.C. the republic was proclaimed, governed by the patricians, on a population of Latins, Sabines and Etruscans (Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Vilá-Escuain, pg. 1014). The Twelve Tablets where the first promulgation of the Roman Laws. The linage was no longer a guarantee but the economic capacity, and all the population had right to vote. The Punic Wars with Cartago almost collapsed the empire, but this one would overcome victorious and would conquer Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Sicily, Corsica, Crete, Syria, part of Asia, even passing the Euphrates, until the Nile, the Rhine and the Danube, to the north, Great Britain, and the Holy Land, Judea, achieving to conquer practically the totality of the civilized world.

Augustus, the Cesar who took Rome to its maximum splendour of the roman power, proclaimed himself emperor, and under his kingdom is that our Lord Jesus Christ – Yahshua, being crucified under the kingdom of Tiber. Paul would dye under Nero, and the general Titus under the kingdom of Vespasian would destroy Jerusalem in 70 A.D. according to the prophecy of Jesus. The empire was divided in two, East (Byzantine) and West. After betrayal, corruption, the weakening and decay, the Barbarians conquered Rome in 476. Byzantium remained until the conquest of the Turks of Constantinople in 1453.

Rome got to distinguish between the religion of state and that of the rural class, once the republic arrived. A worship that, differently from the Greek, which was more poetic, seeking personal profit in exchange to that worship to the spirits of the ancestors or protectors of the country and of the family. The same target was that of the state, until it got to establish a hierarchical priesthood which was not hereditary like in Greece, that now would be in charge of the official worship of the state in the Capitoline Hill to a triad of divinities, Jupiter, Mars, and others, as well as goddesses, which represented the power of the state, or to others of less range, some called flamines and a college of pontiffs which was presided by the pontifex maximus, the same title which the Pope of Rome would inherit in the Vatican.

From the Parthenon to the Pantheon. Rome made theirs the base of the religion, of the philosophy, of the art and of the literature of Greece. The Olympus was imitated, and its divinities, but Rome and its absorption of the Greek cynicism, but more morally corrosive and hater of the divine, ended by converting religion to a worship of the state, what took the emperor to believe his was divine and impose worship. Aphrodite/Venus or Zeus/Jupiter were the names of the same divinities and their Greek and Roman names. The Romans gave name to the present days of the week: Monday, day of the moon, Tuesday day of Mars (god of war in Germanic which is the rut of English, Tiu-sday), Wednesday, day of Mercury (in Germanic, Woden-day), Thursday, day of Jupiter (in Germanic Thor-sday), Friday, day of Venus (in Germanic Frije-dagaz), Saturday, day of Saturn, Sunday, day of the Sun.

Christianity began in the Roman Empire under this panorama of idolatry and worship to the state and to the emperor, but through and as a launching bridge of Judaism that, as we saw, was a legal religion recognized by Rome. It would be Rome who would have to judge, approve and execute the death sentence by crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ – Yahshua by request of the Jewish religious leaders and authorities of the Temple.

The fact that the Roman Empire got to exist, with its roads and a peace and stability during the first two centuries, allowed for the Gospel to be spread. In the same way as Greece provided the language of the New Testament, Rome was the logistics structure through which it would reach the civilized world, under a global imperial unity which gave social stability and unified race and religions under one single system of power and laws. At the same time, that situation corrupted the old traditions, which left the people hungry of the truth and of the Way of God, an ideal situation to take the Gospel to the hearts and the minds of those we see receiving salvation as we read Acts of the Apostles. A point was reached where the emperor saw himself ignored by Christianity that only recognizes Jesus Christ – Yahshua as King of kings, and Lord of lords, and would not recognize him as divinity, and therefore, Nero blamed Christians of the fire of Rome to try and get rid of them, and started the brutal persecution that history tells, the circus, the executions, the lions, crucifixions, origin of the practices of the “Holy” Inquisition against Christians who converted from the papacy to Christ by reading the Bible, the Word of God, the true Gospel of Jesus. The Protestant Reformation wan no more than the effort to return to primitive Christianity, that which suffered death under Nero for not worshiping him, is the same spirit that made the papacy dictated the death of those Christians that would not worship its power, that would not submit to the human authority, even though it had departed from the truth of the Word of God, changing it for the tradition of corrupted men who are hungry of political power, as emperors of the souls of those in countries under his power, whose kings submitted to the mandate of the Pope. Since then, the Rome of Nero would no longer consider Christians a branch of Judaism and would be separated to be persecuted, as the Lord says, that for His sake we will be persecuted and killed, Matthew 10:16-25.

Paul in Rome, Acts 22, after being sent to the Gentiles, begins his defence before the Roman authorities as he had Roman citizenship, though he was Jewish, a right that allowed him to be judged by a Roman court, to vote laws, and other privileges that the majority of people living in the empire did not have, until Caracalla granted it to all free citizens of the empire in 211. Peter, wrote in his first letter, to the brothers in Babylon, a nick name he used to refer to the decaying Rome of his time. John, author of Revelation was sent to Patmos by Rome, the Greek island that was a prison, which is not by chance, where they mixed Rome with an island of the language of Revelation in which was written, Greek, where he would not be disturbed to write it.

Roman Law, or Lex Romana, changed the world in the legislative level, and it is, together with the infrastructures, the great legacy of Rome to the world. There was Private and Public Law, and from this one came the branches of International Law (it was applied to the foreigners), and Civil Law. The Laws prepared and proposed by the magistrates had to be voted by the citizens. But, the decay of the Empire took for the emperor to dictate laws which did not require to be endorsed, a dictatorship which took to betrayal, corruption and the dismantling of the Empire; not very different to present politics in most of the world, as Bible prophecies indicate for the man of sin of the end time.

Finally we must remember that martyr Christians raised the faith of many, and the empire would be conquered spiritually unto emperor Constantine arrived, who would grant the same rights to Christians as to the pagans in the year 313 under the Milan Edict. In 346 Theodosius named Christianity as the official religion of the empire. With the influence of Rome in history, in this case, on the faith, great believes have surged from it, a faith like the one professed by the Roman centurion in the Son of God, to such a point that Jesus was surprised. His degree of comprehension of the authority of Jesus over the supernatural, over the sickness of his servant who was at his house, was an example that the Lord used to say about the faith of that Roman centurion: “Not even in Israel I have found so much faith” Matthew 8:5-13.



Prophet Daniel saw that the fourth empire would last until the end of time, with 10 leaders (2:34-44; 7:7-24). The time of execution is of 70 weeks, the famous prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel 9:20-27. Those weeks represent years, seventies of years, which gives us 490 years, years of Biblical prophecy which have 360 days, which is the average of the solar year of 365,24 days, and the lunar of 354,27. The 70 Weeks Prophecy starts with Cyrus’s Edict, king of Persia to rebuild the Temple, with a first week. After the following 62 weeks the life of the Messiah would be taken away, which takes us to the week of the triumphal entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to pass through the Holy Supper of that Passover, and His death on the cross. Week 70 is pending which was for the future, and was pending fulfilment according to how Jesus and the apostles saw it, and could be in the time of the end. Some have argued that it has already been fulfilled in times of Antiochus Epiphanes, but that is not possible because the Messiah had not been dead. While the two other options in the future after the death of the Messiah, are the year 70 A.D. or the last week of history.

Now, if Rome is seen, or the system that represents it, of similar prophetical characteristics, as the Roman Empire re-established at the end of time, the majority of erudite in Biblical Prophecy understand it as the regime of world final government, from where the Antichrist will raise from, who will persecute the people of God, whether the Church of the Jews, but this enemy will be destroyed by the coming in glory of Jesus Christ – Yahshua, (7:8, 11, 13, 14, 21-27) whose specific title to see Him in these prophecies was taken by the Lord Jesus Christ himself from the prophet Daniel, as the “Son of Man” (Daniel 7:13-14). Revelation 13:1-8 connects with this prophecy in a beast of 10 horns, which were or will be 10 dictators, with universal dominion, the beast that was, and it is not, and will be (17:8). Although it could mean that there will not be a visible head, but the 10 world leaders, and the Antichrist will impose that they all adore him (13:3, 7:8). The main characteristic of that system of government is his fight against God, against holy life, against anything that can be the Commandment of Christ, imposing a mark of the beat, the 666. The last week, the 70, of fulfilment at the end of history, and not successively after week 69 (see Text of Daniel), is divided en two periods of 3.5 years, which, remember they are of 360 days = 42 months = 1260 days. The first part of the covenant of peace for Jerusalem that the Antichrist will break, 3.5 years of peace, followed by 3.5 years that correspond to the Great Tribulation. The rapture of the Church corresponds with this week, if at the beginning is pre-tribulational, if in the middle is mid-tribulational, and if at the end is post-tribulational. It is unquestionable then, that if the prophecy of the first coming of Christ was fulfilled with exactitude, the second will also do.

The eschatological Preterist interpretation of history sees the 3.5 years as fulfilled, specifically 1335 days lasted the siege of Vespasian and Titus to Jerusalem, until its fall in Passover of the year 70. From the 6th of the month of Av of the year 66 when the end was put to the daily sacrifice to Cesar by Eleazar, which caused the definitive Jewish was against Rome, according to Josephus in his work “Wars of the Jews”. Here we see the 1260 days, 1290 and 1335 days of Daniel, the two periods of 3.5 years that lasted, both the siege as the final captivity of Jerusalem, being the first a part of the tribulation, in years, and the other, the other, the 1290 to the 1335 days that lasted since the Romans entered with the abomination of desolation worshiping their idols, Zeus, since 66, until the first day of peace the 16th of Nisan of the year 74 after the death of the 960 Jews who remained within the fort of Masada, by massive suicide. The 10 kings would be the Caesars who were emperors and their dynasties, since the first one, Augustus, to the last, Constantine, 10 kings, 7 heads and 10 horns, with 7 diadems of Revelation, chaps. 12, 13 and 17. Total Preterism interprets that all prophecies of the end times are already fulfilled in the first century of Christian era, but partial Preterism interprets that, though all prophecies of the end times had a fulfilment in the first century, they did so partially, as history demonstrates, but a final fulfilment is remaining before the coming of Christ, which will occur as events of final succession of the same prophecy, partial fulfilments of the same which fulfil the totality of events revealed to the prophets, exactly.

See a Prophetic Bible Study of the 70 Weeks at:

The prophecy of Daniel is one of the prophetic pillars, but also and in a more relevant way is Revelation, or Apocalypse of Jesus Christ to John, which situates us after the years 70 and 74, as John wrote after and from Patmos. If all the prophecy with reference to Rome which we are treating today, is fulfilled in its totality, then why the Lord reveals to John events of the future which seem to indicate that Rome, under the prophetic name of Babylon will be at the end? Will it mean that it refers to the religious Rome, the one which endured since then until today as Roman-Catholic entity?

Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots is the other facet of the prophecy of how the Biblical Rome is at the end of times, the reinvented Roman Empire, or an entity of similar characteristics that will govern the world and that will have authority over Jerusalem, over the Jews, over Israel, and from this entity we are warned: “Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” Revelation 18:4.

Will there be a third Jewish Temple under Roman mandate? Will the pending prophecy that refers to the temple which is still pending about the Temple fulfil? “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Luke 13:35 – Matthew 23:38.

The successive fulfilment of Biblical prophecies would carry us to three events, three that end up with the profanation of the Temple: Antiochus Epiphanes, Titus, and the end of time, just before the coming of Christ, and for that there must be Temple in Jerusalem. Will this soon occur? And, what if the successive appearance of the 10 kings, with 7 heads and 7 diadems, in Revelation 12, 13, and 17 is the appearance of a system of government against God has appeared and will appear in its three ways, one as Antiochus Epiphanes, another as Vespasian and Titus, and the third will be missing, which would be a last empire of the end time, represented by the Biblical Rome? Every Christian must study and pray for the understanding of these prophecies, but in the meantime he must fulfil the Christian Great Commission of making disciples of all nations, and good works.

These days there was news that the Pope of Rome was proposing a special statute for Jerusalem, something similar to what the Vatican has, in Rome? Will it be another attempt of having dominion over Jerusalem, even help raise the Temple to end up requesting its custody? Would this be the anteroom of a 7 year covenant to be broken 3.5 after week 70 of Daniel?



The Epistle to the Romans shows us the sinful ways of the pagan society, before the 70, a few years before of destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, and when the first Christians of the capital of the empire were about to be persecuted. Verse 17 of chapter 1 of Roman “But the just will live by faith”, is the famous passage that changed the hearts of Saint Augustine, Martin Luther (fundamental verse of the Protestant Reformation), or of John Wesley. A faith which is needed even more when experiences of persecution are lived for the sake of that faith in Christ.

See a Bible Study summary of Romans:

The spirit of Rome, or to be in Rome, under the Biblical perspective, persecutes the Christian who in deed is. We have seen it in the Rome of the first century, from Nero, and we see it with the “Holy” Inquisition, but we still see it today in all the world, how many traditional churches, especially the Catholic Church continues without reforming itself and imposes its authority in its scope of influence. That spirit has a characteristic which prevails today, and it is synergism mixed with the Antichrist, a mixture of the dominant religion with those religions and cultures which conquers or with which it mixes, and this applies both to cultures as to individuals, on the one side, and mixing the truth with the lie, which is very dangerous because it deceives many. History shows us how Rome, when it became a republic started mixing the religions of the people with an adapted form from the Olympus, but it degenerated en a religion of state which converted the emperor in a divinity to be worshiped. Roman Catholicism, heir of that system which its society was accustomed to, changed the worship to the Roman divinities to the divinities of the people that it evangelized, and the pontifex maximum in the person of the Pope which unifies the concepts of the representative of God on earth with the emperor, this one, now, of a religious empire. It is not strange, then, the synergy of Roman Catholicism with shamanisms and various religions, and its fusions, the different forms of divinities converted into saints or virgins of the Church of Rome, from where the Vatican has been promoting the system through the cardinals and bishops.

The spirit of the Biblical Rome, to be correctly understood that we are talking about a way of religious manifestation of dominion and heresy that uses all the religious estates, pagan divinities, diverse cults and every cultural form of conquest, to accept any mediator that supposedly leads to God, being that, although it teaches that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of our soul through His expiatory work on the cross, it also accepts saints, virgins, angels, ancestors and other spiritual entities be accepted as mediators that take to God, as well as Jesus Christ – Yahshua, which is a deviation of the truth of the Gospel, which is heresy that goes against the Words of Jesus: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Live; no one comes to the Father except through Me” John 14:6. And as the apostle Paul teaches: “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all…” 1 Timothy 2:56.

¿Why then Roman Catholicism is Marian and teaches to go to other mediators that are not Jesus Christ – Yahshua Himself, who is alive and reigns, and whom we wait for in His coming to establish the Kingdom of God? Why are believers taken to deceit? The deceiver, which is what Satan means, is behind all deviation from the sane doctrine, and in the same way as Rome wanted that the society would worship one man and not God, in the religion mixed with Christianity which Roman Catholicism has manufactured as well as other churches, the target is the same, to deviate the worship to others, and not exclusively to Jesus Christ as He himself demands because only Him is God made Man and has died and resurrected for us, being today sat at the right side of the Father, something that nor saints, nor the virgin Mary, nor any other mediator has done, nor can, nor should do, according to the doctrine of all the apostles in their letters in the Bible.

On the other hand, many argue that this saint, or this Christ, or that virgin make more miracles, or that saint grants requests, and therefore they pray and ask them, as if the Lord Jesus Christ wouldn’t grant them. What happens is that people see the miracle, what they want, and not the will of God. Or do they think that Jesus is too busy with other things that he cannot care for them because He does not love them, or think that God is not omnipotent nor omniscient, and therefore believe that He does not have capacity to take care of each person at the same time, when He maintains the universe and the Heavens, the dimension where He dwells with His angels, in its totality? No, we must not fall under the spirit of the Biblical Rome; we must not go to others, but only to Christ. We must not let the devil deceives accepting being deviated to others, which is his target, that we do not go to Jesus – Yahshua. The danger of not going to Jesus and going to others is that we could find ourselves looking for and asking things that God does not want to give us, for a reason He will know, but we continue to seek for who can grant that request, as if it was the magician of the lamp, and the danger is that the enemy has the power to do some of those miracles as long as he can have believers submitted and deceived, and we find people making promises, praying repeated non sense prayers, and other sacrifices instead of trusting God: “Honour the Son… …Blessed those that trust in Him.” Psalm 2:12.

Spiritually speaking, the spirit of the Biblical Rome, of the Biblical Roman Empire, of Babylon, is the submission to a system that on the one part looks holy which provides part of the truth, but it mixes it with lie, abomination and heresy, Revelation, chaps. 17 and 18, a system that deviates from the warship only to God and the only intermediation of Christ, to others who are not the Way to God. The apostle Paul himself uses the term Babylon to refer to the Church of Rome, 1 Peter 5:13. The description of Babylon in Revelation 17 and 18 is to what Peter is referring to when calling Rome, Babylon, a spirit of seduction and heresy as a whore, Revelation 18:23 which seduces the believers, a Roman society, that of the time of the apostles which has the characteristics of Babylon, of Babel, of an own way of building a religious tower or ziggurat that reaches heaven, or simply a mixture of sinful life dressed with rituals, penitence, votes, bullas, etc. as long as the religious clients are not lost. That is the Babylon-Rome that is going to be desolate and that will finally fall in history, but that also falls in the heart of every true believer in Christ, and which all who truly love God will not stand and to whom are warned to leave from her, now. The judgment of God against Babylon comes from the old times, that spirit that have describe, which also the Lord announces to the prophet Isaiah chap. 47, but there is something relevant, it says that it is God himself who delivers His rebel and stubborn People to that power as punishment for hating Him and request from her account, vs. 6. Also about Jerusalem it is debated that her skirts will be lifted and her filth, her fornications and adulteries, those that took the religious leaders of the Temple, to reject and condemn the Son of God, Jeremiah 13:26-27.



The spirit of the Biblical Rome, of Babylon the Great, is of submission and seduction of the harlot and mother of harlots, all false religious practice, of man tradition that opposes to Jesus Christ, that costumes heresy of holiness and of truth, being that it sins and lies to its members, but it covers them with rituals, and pomp, it even sells herself for money in exchange of a false cleansing of consciences of the hypocrites, and we have seen that it is not only Rome, but Jerusalem, and any false doctrine of any religion, church of sect. The Lord warns us of being part of here in the following manner: “And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her…” Revelation 18:4.

The Roman Empire has contributed in the history of humanity bequeathing the Law or Roman Law, the roads, aqueducts, and infrastructure, as well as a legacy of imperial unity that many are missing, and that others heat. Rome, the city of Italy, today, is a museum in open space of what in times of the Empire were its power and dominion. Also in Rome, in that kind of island independent state, on the hill of the Vatican, on the other side of the river Tiber, the headquarters of the institution are found, which mixes the Gospel with heresy, truth with lie, an institution that has dominated all the kings of all the countries not only those which in history were the Sacred Roman Germanic Empire, but it dominated the crowns of Spain, France, and all the known empire that was Catholic, until the crusades, and that continues to influence today in the majority of countries of the West, though it has not managed to reform itself to adequate to the Biblical truth, and maintains many traditions of men against the truth, and corruption of power, it excuses in the Counterreformation, which only made some changes, very far from returning to the Biblical doctrine, and maintaining or reinforcing even more its stubbornness in doctrines of men. Still today it continues to promote the intermediation of saints, virgins, ancestors and other entities, instead of recognizing that our Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and us, as the Bible teaches.

Israel and Rome are linked in the Bible. Their transcendental relationship it is for being the participants of the central event of the history of humanity, the crucifixion of Christ who came to die for our sins, to fulfil God’s justice, in our place, of each and every one of the persons of the history that believe in God and in His salvation plan, recognizing to be sinners and knowing that the mercy and the love of God for eternal life await. The Jewish religious leaders felt threatened in their position and rejected the Son of God, theirs and our Messiah, and took in to Pontius Pilate, governor for Judea of the Roman Empire for him to be the executing arm of the condemnation to death, which fulfils the history of the Parable of the evil vinedressers, Matthew 21:33-46. Both, Rome and the Jews would be destroyed, the first with the fall of the empire, and the second in the 70, because: “Your house is left to you desolate; for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ” Psalm 118:26 – Matthew 23:38-39. At the end, when the Times of the Gentiles are fulfilled, Luke 21:25-28, they will do because they will feel threatened and will receive the Son of God who will save them.

Finally, we have travelled through the prophecies linked with Rome, the fourth and last of the empires that prophet Daniel saw, prophecies that have fulfilled with accuracy, as well as those with reference to John in Revelation. If any final consecution of the prophecy linked with Rome for the end time, it will be related to Israel, with Jerusalem and over all with our Lord Jesus Christ – Yahshua, the Messiah of Israel to Whom they will receive at the end. There must be a second part of this Study, that, if God allows for me to write, it will be dedicated to the situation of the last week of Daniel, week number 70, and if it will be related to a future and final world order in the style of the Biblical Rome, one that profanes the Temple which does not exist now, and if its leader will do a covenant with Israel with respect to Jerusalem coming from Rome. I close with words of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5: “Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil. 23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” Amen.