Christmas of Jesus Christ Manger of Yahshua



© Carlos Padilla, Christmas 2022



The night when Child Jesus our Saviour was born, a multitude of the heavenly hosts praised God when the angel told the shepherds, and the shepherds came to praise the Child (Luke 2:8-20). The wise men from the East came to worship the Child, bringing Him presents: gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11). Simeon, the just and devout man, who came by the Holy Spirit to the temple to praise and prophesize about the Child (Luke 2:25-32). Anna, the elder prophetess daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, came to the temple and spoke to all about the Child (Luke 2:36-38). We could very well say that the angels of God, that host of the heavenly angels were the first to sing the first Christmas carol, the first to praise the Child God. And we could also say that those shepherds, and Simeon, and Anna would be the first believers to sing Christmas carols. In our days, another humble Christmas carol, Silent Night! as well as others, touch the hearts of those who await the Kingdom of God when Jesus – Yahshua comes the second time to establish it, while once again they celebrate His birth to save us. When we praise the Lord Jesus Christ with songs and praise, the hearts of the believers and of the people enlighten. Silent Night, holy night…! Keep singing the Christmas carol… 

HISTORY The Christmas carol that stopped WWI. The documented story tells that the enemy armies of the First World War, in 1914, they did a truce at that night of Christmas of that year, in a place called Warneton, Belgium. As both sides they were in their trenches, that night of Christmas, the German side started to sing “Stille Nacht”, and the British side with their allies replied with “Holy Night”. The situation took the soldiers of both sides to start coming out of the trenches and ended singing together that Christmas carol, sharing spirits, and playing a football match. Later, the commands of both armies would accuse them of treason. The fact is that, that Christmas carol stopped the war for a night and enemies of both sides shared brotherhood as they messed their families, and by the emotion of Christmas. The UEFA commemorated the centenary of the event with a monument of a football in the place. There is a film that many must have watched, called “The Truce” that is worth watching. Silent Night; holy night…! Keep singing the Christmas carol.

ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS In Advent, (from Latin adventus, coming) we also get ready for Christmas with carols of praise and worship for the birth of Child Jesus – Yahshua (Matthew 1, Luke 2). Although in Advent many Christians prepare their hearts waiting the coming of the Kingdom of God, because Advent historically was not celebrated in preparation of the birth of the Messiah, but for the coming of the Messiah in His Kingdom, a time of fast and meditation. Others do it to remember once again the birth of the Messiah in this world to redeem us and take us to his eternal Kingdom. That Kingdom that He announced together with His apostles, where there is justice, peace, and love for ever, and where there is no evil nor those who do it. Both hopes of our heart are part of the Good News of the Gospel, and of Christmas in an ideal time to share it and that those who are called may be saved in Christ, the fruit of Child God who came to save us from this world to take us to another new eternal world: His Kingdom. Silent Night; holy night…! Keep singing the Christmas carol.

CHRISTMAS CAROL The Christmas carol, as we know it today has its origin in the songs of the people of the villages singing around circles for any celebration. The idea is to use simple songs of simple people who want to praise God. The curious thing about the Christmas carol “Silent Night” is that it comes from the German “Stille Night” according to its Austrian composer, a priest called Joseph Mohr, who composed it in 1816, and in Spanish it was translated “Night of Peace” instead. He then asked his friend Franz Gruber to compose a simple melody in 1818 for the midnight mass of that year, a disastrous year full of disgrace, in the midst of the war, according to history. Many other known Christmas carols like Adeste Fideles, or The Little Drummer Boy, are Christmas carols that reflect the Christians hope and faith. But there are other false carols that with “music of Christmas spirit” but secular lyrics, intend to create the atmosphere or the ambient, but in reality are in fact commercials to make people feel well, spend and enjoy. The good Christian knows how to discern the difference and allows his heart to praise God. Silent Night; holy night…! Keep singing the Christmas carol.

MERRY CHRISTMAS It’s Christmas; let’s preach the Gospel singing Christmas carols, let’s worship and give glory to the Child God singing praise, peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14). The praise to God changes the heart and makes it steadfast to good works for the most needed, like helping in the food bank, to give a Bible or a portion, or like Christmas Child, that one more year collects decorated shoe boxes filled with presents for the children that have less and for them to know there was Child who came to save us, and who will come in His Kingdom, where we will all have justice and the love of God for ever. Because: “Be holy for I am holy, says the Lord” (1 Peter 1:16). Let our praise be with authentic songs that glorify God, from a heart that loves and recognizes Christ, like those celestial angels, to remember the Silent Night, that changed the world and brought the faith and hope in the Kingdom of God, until He comes, and forever. Silent Night, holy night…! Keep singing the Christmas carol… Amen!