© Carlos Padilla, Christmas 2021
Other Christmas studies:
Christmas is precisely the time we celebrate that God became man in Yahshua – Jesus Christ, which is something accepted by the Christian, but unknown or not accepted by who is not. Although there is a key question: do you really know why God became man? If we study this important event more deeply, the most important for the history of humanity and which changes its destiny forever, not only it will enrich the Christian, but it will also to whoever is seeking God, to know the Person and the purpose of Jesus Christ when becoming man and coming to this world. But, also this first event causes the second, of equal importance in the history of humanity; we must understand why will Jesus Christ return to this world at the end of the time of our history, and if He will also do it as a man, or in the form of God. The conversations amongst many Christians about this subject are centred more in when will Jesus Christ come, than in why and how. But the friends who are non believers make the three questions: why, how and when. Christmas is therefore a much greater mystery than we think, and as we will see, its effect for the history of humanity also is.
Many celebrate Christmas as a tradition; others because it is a time for the family, others, including Christian groups, oppose to its celebration in relation to the birth of Yahshua – Jesus Christ. The key in this point is to outstand that the centre of Christmas, what we are really or should be celebrating as the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, is the fact that, that holy Child, is the Son of God, and God Himself made man: Isaiah 9:6 and Chap. 53, John 1.
On the other hand, those of us who celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus must understand and feel that we really believe that the Son of God came to this world with a specific prophetical purpose: to save those who believe in His work, save us of condemnation in the day of judgment, from hell, from an eternity separated from God an in a lake of fire surrounded by evil and suffering. Don’t you think that our good God loves us so much as to offer us the salvation?
The matters of the condemnation, as well as of hell, are own Words of Jesus Himself in the Gospel “Matthew 23:33” to the scribes and Pharisees. The question is why God would created a hell and would send there those who are children of evil and the angels who rebelled against Him, becoming demons? We find the answer also in the love for those who are children of God, because God is just, the most just Being that can exist, with eternal justice, which to be so must bless and punish, which is reflected in the “Parable of the Rich and Lazarus” Luke 16:19-31. It is not that good wins and evil loses, it is that the plan of God is the one that triumphs because He is the perfect and holy Creator of all. But for that God had to become man for a purpose that we will see in the next chapter.
Once we establish that God became man and that, that is the essence of Christmas, we must understand why. Now, what is relevant about this, such important matter for us, is how far has God had to go so that those who love Him may be saved, because God teaches us in His Word that we cannot save ourselves by our own righteousness, there is none righteous, no, not one “Romans 3:10-18”. God gave His perfect Law of 613 Commandments and Ordinances (Exodus and Leviticus), which we cannot fulfil due to the weakness of our fallen flesh and mind due to sin, since Adam and Eve. But even more, our fallen nature is the one that rebels against God, is the one that wants to be god, dominate all and be egocentric, sins continuously. But, once we recognise it and come to God, our Father, as did the “Prodigal Son” Luke 15:11-32, our Father forgives us, sending us the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin, and Who makes us born again, gives us faith in the work of Christ Who takes us to the bosom of the Father. But for the forgiveness to become effective, eternal and definitive expiation was needed which was consummated, not like the blood of the lambs sacrificed daily and each year, under God`s Law, but one Blood that did it once and forever, and by the shed of the blood remission of the sin was made “Hebrews 9:22”. But an eternal and holy Blood was needed, so that once and forever it opened the door to the Holy of Holiest which symbolizes the Heart of God, remains open to any who loves Him and comes repented seeking His forgiveness, love, mercy, the Blood of the Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world “John 1:29-51”.
The blood of Christ shed on the cross of Calvary is the only one that fulfils that requirement of the divine righteousness, perfect and eternal; the live of the one Who created it was given for ours, in our place. We were, each of us the ones that must have been crucified for the initial sin that causes the rest: to live our own life, separated from God, who gave it to us, acting as if we did not need Him and as if we did not depend on Him. God gave us a body through our biological parents, gave us life and the opportunity to live it. What we do with it and if we receive Him in our heart, and His Word, will determine if He will give us the gift of faith for salvation through His work.
Therefore, God had not option than to accept that His only begotten eternal Son, who offered to the Father, before the world was “1 Peter 1:20” who became man to die for us, and to save those who believe in His work on the Cross of Calvary, those who receive His love and total giving for us, to the point of death, even the death of the cross “Philippians 2:8”.
That was the purpose of Christmas and therefore was persecuted by the devil and his armies, because He was going to overcome them on the cross through resurrection, ascension to Heaven and return in His Kingdom. By Herod, with the martyrs of Jesus, in the killing of children under two years of age. By the Sanhedrin until they took him to the cross because they would lose their authority of their religious tradition; the same as the Vatican did against the Protestant Reformation creating the Inquisition to kill the saints. And by any ideology of the last 2.000 years that have opposed to Jesus Christ, like Communism, santeria, and the antichrist religions, not forgetting the phase Christianities, many of them in traditional churches.
The event that we now await is the Parousia –from the Greek “parousia” – the return of Jesus Christ at the end of time. We read in Revelation 1:7: “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, amen”.
The Christian chant that originates from another Greek word “maranatha” Chris comes, because we already know that Christ came about 2000 years ago and gave His life for us to save us. But He also promised, and so it reflects in the prophecies, that He would return at the end of the time given by God to humanity, to carry away His Church, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, and for the final judgment. The Great Tribulation will come and those who reject God and the work of Jesus Christ, those who do not receive the Holy Spirit will have hell as eternal destiny. But to all those who love Him, to those who believe in His name He has given them the power to become children of God, John 1:12, and we will go to the Kingdom of God, to His Paradise for Eternity. This is the final purpose of Christmas.
But, how will Jesus come again, will it be again with His body of man or with His celestial body?
If we remember the story of the two apostles in the way to Emaus “Luke 24:13-35”, they did not recognize Jesus after His resurrection. Neither did Mary at the beginning “John 20:11-18” until Jesus called her ¡Mary! And she replied looking at Him ¡Rabboni!
1 Corinthians 15:40-44 Paul describes in his letter that there are earthly bodies and celestial bodies and that each has its glory. To close we can read in Revelation the several descriptions of Christ in His return and from Heaven:
“Behold, He is coming with clouds and every eye will see Him” 1:7.
“Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death”. 1:17-19.
“The Son of God, who has eyes like flame of fire, and feet like fine brass… …I am He who searches the mind and the hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works” 2:18 and 23.
“…And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald”. 4:3-4 (4:6 and forward the description of the 4 living beings creatures similar to the vision of the glory of God of Ezekiel 10) and Revelation 5:5.
“Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and with righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name was called The Word of God”. 19:11-13.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city… …I Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star”. Revelation 22:13…
Other studies about Yahshua – Jesus Christ in His coming:
I believe that we will agree that, after studying why God became man, the question has been answered, because God loves us until death, and even death on the cross. If He had not done so, there would have been no perfect, holy an eternal justice for our sins, we could not receive salvation, and after resurrection condemnation and hell would await us, that which Abraham described in the bosom to the unmerciful rich while suffering, having Lazarus the beggar next to him in comfort; that hell is of the one that Jesus Christ has wanted to save us from, to the point of giving His life for us, becoming the only mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ, something the apostle Paul teaches in his first letter to 1 Timothy 2:5: “For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all…”. That is the reason of the celebration of Christmas: that Jesus came to the world to save us and will return to take us to His Kingdom to fulfil the work of eternal love “For God so loved the world that gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life”. John 3:16. Amen!