© Carlos Padilla, Easter 2014 - Passover 14th Nissan 5774


That Jesus died for our sins on the Cross in Calvary and raised, is the heart of the Gospel. That His death was announced centuries before in The Bible, is not as known, including part of Christianity. There are many Bible Texts that tell us prophetically about the Passion of Jesus Christ, like Psalm 69:21, Isaiah 53 or Zechariah 12:10. But it is Psalm 22 that seems to have been inspired to a prophet 3.000 years ago, a prophet who wrote it about 1.000 years before Jesus Christ; king David.

It is known to all that Psalms were written in a period between 1.400 before Jesus Christ and 450 before Jesus Christ. But the majority of them were written by king David. One of the Psalms revealed to his heart was Psalm 22 which is a prophecy about the death and passion of the Messiah, as we know that David lived 3.000 years ago, 1.000 years before Yahshua. The word "Tehillim" in Hebrew means: Praise. But we know the word Psalms, which originates from the Greek "Psalmós" which also means Praise. Psalm 22 is part of the first of the five books that make the 150 Psalms of the Bible.

Before we continue with Psalm 22 we shall see a list of 10 prophecies found in Psalms about the life of Jesus Christ:

1. Birth - Psalm 104:4 - Hebrews 1:7.

2. Humiliation - Psalm 8:4 - Hebrews 2:6.

3. Divinity - Psalm 45:6 - Hebrews 1:6.

4. Ministry - Psalm 69:9 - John 2:17.

5. Rejection - Psalm 118:22 - Matthew 21:42.

6. Betrayal - Psalm 41:19 - John 13:18.

7. Crucifixion - Psalm 22, Psalm 69:21, Psalm 109:25 - Matthew 27:46.

8. Resurrection - Psalm 24:16 - Acts 2:27.

9. Ascension - Psalm 68:18 - Ephesians 4:8.

10. Kingdom - Psalm 102:26, Psalm 34:20 - Hebrews 1:11.




Psalm 22 declares a full compendium of doctrines, being in this way one of the most complete Psalms. We do not only speak of doctrines in Psalm 22, but we speak of prophecies, both messianic as well as eschatological.

The messianic prophecy fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ during His passion in his crucifixion on the Cross of Golgotha, also provides the doctrine of expiation of sin, of redemption, and God's justice executed, and therefore the doctrine of salvation through His shed blood. And it is so, that king David, as well as a warrior and loyal servant of God, is known to receive prophecy from God, which we see in some of the Psalms, as the case of Psalm 22 about the expected Messiah. But, not only the passion of Christ is declared, but His glory through His victory of His work on the Cross, which takes us to the end of days and the awaited Kingdom of God and of Christ.

Psalm 22 begins with the famous words of Jesus crucified and calling on the Father, mentioning salvation, and God's holiness in the third verse -out of the Temple while the veil was torn in the Temple- a fundamental doctrine, as God is holy and man must worship Him exclusively, leaving all idolatry, living a life of obedience to His holy Word, which includes the Law and the Grace. But the group of doctrines that we find in Psalm 22, and which begins with the expiatory death of the promised Messiah, for the sins of humanity, continues with the doctrines of: God, The Bible, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, God's Love, Salvation, Sin, Gospel, Church, Holiness, Israel, Return of Christ, Final Judgment, Heaven and Hell, Eternal Life, Kingdom of God.

A summary of the verses in Psalm 22 which determines the doctrines which we have listed above could be: Verses 1&2: Justice of God who punishes sin. In His Son He charges the sin of all, freeing us of slavery to sin, as in the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. This is a fundamental doctrine, because a just God must make the payment of sin be paid, and this, in the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ, Yahshua, that we look into, as the Lord Himself, while on the Cross, mentions these words.

1My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? 2O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. 3But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.

Verses 6-10: Prophecy fulfilled in Christ, about His rejection and hate suffered, being that neither the people of Israel nor the gentiles received Him initially. But there is more in the prophetical doctrine, and it is so that a Word that is true prophecy on behalf of God, creator of heaven and earth, is the best evidence to prove that it is so. Verse 10 is about the virginal birth of Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit, as a project of God to send His Son to the world to save us, as the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Verses 14&15; Prophecy about the passion, crucifixion and death of the Messiah announced almost a millennium before it happened. Connects with the first verse. Verse 21: The victory of Christ over sin after His resurrection assures His second coming to reign. The doctrine of the second coming. Verse 22 is about the doctrine of the Great Commission to proclaim the Gospel to the nations and the worship of the Church as a community.

...10I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother’s belly... ...14I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels (an effect of Crucifixion). 15My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. 16For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. 17I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. 18They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture... ...22I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.

Verse 25: The Holy Spirit talks -doctrine of Trinity- about the glories of the Kingdom. As we find God's project is made through the three persons of the Trinity. Verse 26 deals with Christian charity and of the hope of those who trust in God. Also it is about living for ever, the doctrine of eternal life. 27 is about the doctrine of universality of the Gospel, as they shall come amongst the nations and will worship Him. Because, as verse 28 tells the Kingdom is of God and of His Son Jesus Christ - Yahshua, not only as the lamb of God, but also as the lion of Judah. The Kingdom, both the eternal Kingdom and of the Kingdom of the millennium of Christ, fit as a doctrine and with no contradiction.

Verse 31: Psalm 22 closes with the seventh word of Christ on the Cross: "it is done" or what means the same, "He did it all" all told in Psalm 22 and more, which declares the divinity of the Son, as Creator.

...26The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever. 27All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. 28For the kingdom is the LORD’S: and He is the governor among the nations.



Truly Psalm 22 is very complete doctrinally, prophetically and spiritually. It provides us with evidence that offers those who are being evangelized, a warranty that this is the Word of God, in its prophetical fulfilment and counsel as well as hope in the victory of God over the evil one. God exposes His justice and His victory in this Psalm revealed to the heart of a man who loved God as it was king David. It is no surprise that our Lord Jesus Christ used it in His same death in His love to us.

A Christian must never forget that Jesus gave His life for him to take him to the eternal Paradise. But he must neither forget to share it with his neighbour, because there are four reasons, four pillars that justify it: In the first place because God is worthy of worship, the work of Christ on the Cross must be proclaimed to give glory to God for the greater and more sublime work ever made: the salvation of the souls of those who believe and love God. Secondly for mercy on our neighbour, in the same way as God had it with us, for salvation of those that receive faith through the preaching of the Gospel, because with these two actions we fulfil the first and greater commandment, and the second: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. Matthew 22:39.

Third, because it is a fundamental part of the Christian life, to offer sacrifice or praise (Psalms) to God, that is, that fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:15. And finally because it's about the Word of God, about the fulfilled prophecy in the Sacred Scripture, which means that another related prophecy is about to fulfil with no doubt: the return of Jesus Christ for His Church to establish the Kingdom of God: Revelation 1:7: Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him (Psalm 22:16). Because resurrection is coming, for Jesus rose, lives and is seated at the right hand of the Father. God bless you while you remember the Passion of Christ this Easter during Passover. Amen.




  • For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Prophecy of Isaiah 9:6.

  • I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6. Words of Yahshua - Jesus Christ.
  • You want to know God, but you know the way is not through organized religion, nor by sects, nor by society. The world has failed. ...I pray for them;  I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours... John 17:9. Prayer of Yahshua - Jesus Christ.

  • If you really seek God, begin today the new life though the true hand of God. The Gospel is the message for all nations, no matter their race, their origins or culture. God is the saviour of those from humanity who open their hearts to Him.

  • ...Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.  1Corinthians 15:58.

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